*4 - we lost

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[Mentions of PTSD later in chapter]

[natasha's pov]

I stare at my former student in amazement, so fucking proud of how powerful she was.

"Somebody get to Vision!"

"I got him!"

"On my way,"
Wanda replies to Steve and Bruce when Proxima punches her, knocking her into a ditch.

"He'll die alone. As will you."

"She's not alone,"
I say to Proxima. Okoye stands across from me, Stefaniya on the side. The three of us surround the alien.

Proxima yells as she kicks off the ground, bringing her staff against my batons. I easily block her attacks and Okoye and Stefaniya joins in. We all get hits in, overpowering Proxima. Another wheel flies over the ditch, missing us but Proxima lands a kick to my chest when we duck and throws off Okoye. Stefaniya goes in for another attack when Proxima swats her away with her staff, swinging it like a baseball bat.

That's it. I can handle getting my ass handed to me by an other-worldly creature, but as soon as they lay hands on Stefaniya, it's over for them.

I split up my batons, using them in two separate pieces and block Proxima's hits. I manage to hit her staff out of her hands, but she trips my foot and I fall onto my back. She unlatches the blade on her suit, about to slice my neck open when she's wrapped in strings of red and gets lifted into the air. Another wheel runs by, slicing her body in half and spraying blue blood onto my face. Wanda falls down in exhaustion and I sit up.

"That was really gross,"
I speak lowly, wiping the blood off my face. I crawl over to Stefaniya, who has a nasty stab wound in her leg.

"Hey, hey. Wake up for me, Stefaniya. Please wake up."

Her eyes flutter open.

"Did we win yet?"
she croaks. I smile, shaking my head.

"We're almost there, котёнок. We got this."

"We got this,"
she repeats after me.

I help her up and we all run to the forest where Vision was laying injured on the ground. Wanda goes to him, being the only person able to destroy Vision's mind stone, so our jobs were to hold off Thanos for as long as we could.

"Everyone on my position, we have incoming,"
Steve says.

"What the hell?"
I mutter, watching the streak of light in the sky. It lands to my right, closest to Bruce. It appeared to be some sort of portal. My suspicions are confirmed when Thanos walks through, wearing a gold glove on his left hand with five of the six infinity stones in the grooves on each knuckle.

This was it, the final battle. And not everyone was going to make it.

I ready my weapon and nod to Stefaniya, who does the same.

"Eyes up, stay sharp,"
Steve says.

Hulk charges towards Thanos first, who uses the space stone to make Bruce somehow be able to walk right through him. Thanos deactivates the stone when Bruce falls into the side of the mountain, lodging him in the rock.

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