10 - stefaniya's letter to yelena

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may 9, 2022

dear Yelena,

    hi. In two months, it'll be four years since we last saw each other. I really miss you. I have so much I want to tell you, things that I can't really put to paper. but when you come back, you can read this letter and then I'll tell you everything.

    sorry that it's taken me four years to write you a letter. the idea didn't even occur to me until Natasha brought up the fact that she had written letters for you to read when you come back. I thought I'd give this a try.

    Natasha, the Widows, and I are doing okay. we've been doing a lot of great work over the past four years. we freed all of the mind-controlled Widows-- at least, the ones that survived the Snap-- so we probably have a lot more work to do once we find a way to get everyone back. but as long as you do come back, I won't mind dealing with a bit more paperwork.

    Natasha and I made it official-- we're girlfriends! we still have a lot to work through in our relationship but it feels good to be official. anyway, Natasha and I adopted a cat two years ago. Yardstick is five years old and she is an absolute angel. I know you'll say that the name is stupid, but I think it fits perfectly. I can't wait for you to meet her.

    speaking of, Natasha and I went on a road trip to Pennsylvania where I lived with my family before I was taken. It took a while to track down the exact house I lived in, but we found out that it isn't there anymore. It was demolished quite a while ago, which was disappointing, but I guess a lot can change in 27 years. but anyway, Natasha and I spent about two days there just going around to different places I used to like as a kid. It made me nostalgic, like a sad but happy nostalgia. does that even make sense? I don't know. I'm running on three hours of sleep and half a bagel right now.

    I really have no idea how this dusting thing works. does your soul or whatever go somewhere when you get dusted? can you see me as I'm writing this right now? can you hear me if I say something? Let me try. Okay, I just said, "turn off my lamp if you can hear me." my lamp is still on, so I guess that didn't work. I hope that you're together with Melina and Alexei. I have so many questions. If you can remember anything, please tell me about it later.

    can I be honest with you for a moment? I think Natasha's starting to lose hope. every lead we get, there's a dead end. I wish I could help, but this space stuff is way beyond my knowledge. but we'll get you back. that's a promise, and I've never broken a promise to you. except when I told you that we'd always be together. but that's grape man's fault for snapping his stupid fingers. how'd he even snap in a metal glove? It doesn't add up.
    (grape man is Thanos, by the way. we usually try to avoid saying his name. anyway, it would make more sense if you knew what he looked like.)

I've been doing a lot of work with the animal shelter we adopted Yardstick from. It was starting to overcrowd because of the pets that lost its owners in the Snap, so we had an entire press day and cleared out the entire shelter in just eight hours. they were assigned into foster homes so that when their owners un-dust, they know where to go to get their pets back. I guess it helped to have two Avengers there (Steve offered to help out).

speaking of Avengers, it angers me to see what people are saying about them on the news, saying that it's their fault. they don't know that the Avengers tried their hardest and lost people, too. Natasha tells me that it doesn't bother her, but I can tell that it does, and it breaks my heart. I wish she could see how much of a hero she is to me.

anyway, that's all I have for now. Natasha and I are heading out for a dinner date in a little bit. we both love you so much. take care of yourself, wherever you are.

till we meet again.

your best friend always,

    your best friend always,        SK

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End of Infinity War

Stefaniya Kotova will return in Endgame

A/N: done with infinity war! this part has less chapters mostly because I didn't really want to write too much about the five years they spent. Endgame will have more chapters :)

also, that picture at the bottom. i imagined that is what stefaniya drew on her letter. I also imagine her handwriting is somewhat-messy cursive, which is why i intentionally didn't capitalize everything :)

what do you think about the story so far? i'd love your input. as always, thank you for reading!

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