14 - eat shit

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[stefaniya's pov]

Yelena and I charge towards the jet at the end of the runway, where Dreykov is waiting for his pilot to lift off. I whip out my electric batons from the case on the back of my suit, locking the ends of it together to create one long baton. Yelena uses hers, too, but in its separate two pieces.

"Eat shit, bastards!"
I shout as I fight against Dreykov's guards that stepped out of the jet to fight us off. They get in a few hits, but I'm powered by the rage of a thousand suns and half a can of root beer I drank back at Melina's house. I'm ready to fight god.

With Yelena's help, all of the guards are now either laying still or freefalling through the air. I turn around and start running to the jet, where Yelena is standing on the engine-- wait, Yelena is standing on the engine?

"Yelena, what the fuck are you doing?"
"Yelena, don't!"
Natasha yells at the same time as I speak. Natasha's a good distance away, as she had stayed behind earlier to tie up loose ends.

"This was fun!"
Yelena smiles at us. She locks her batons together and sticks it into the engine, causing it to stop and explode.

I yell as she's thrown off the side of the jet. The jet spins out of control and freefalls, definitely killing Dreykov and his goons inside with the explosion.

Natasha manages to find a parachute and grabs it.

"Jump with me!"


She doesn't reply as she tackles me in a hug and throws us both into the air. I'm screaming-- or, I think I was, I can't seem to remember-- as we dive through the air to get to Yelena. Natasha's arms have free range as my own arms and legs are wrapped around her torso like a koala. Under different circumstances, this would have been nice but I'm currently praying to god that she's still holding onto that parachute pack.

We reach Yelena and Natasha pulls her in, slipping the parachute pack through her arms like a backpack. She holds onto the strap of the backpack and deploys the parachute, the air resistance jerking us as we begin our slow descend.

"Stef, grab onto Yelena,"
Natasha orders. My eyes are still squeezed shut but I pry them open, trying not to look at the ground. I slowly move my legs, then my arms over to Yelena. She's slightly disoriented from the explosion, but wraps her arms around me. As soon as I'm fully holding onto Yelena, though, Natasha lets go.

Yelena and I shout.

Natashs dives further down, her body growing smaller and smaller with the distance between her and us.

Yelena starts panicking, causing me to slip a few inches. I need to calm her down if we're both going to make it out alive.

"Yelena, breathe. Please breathe, Yelena. Lena,"
I try to grab her attention, but fail. I have a backup plan, but I'm not sure how well she would react.

Ah, screw it. What's she gonna do, let go of me?

I retract my hand, then strike it against her face. Yelena stops hyperventilating and furrows her brows.

"What was that for?"

"I read that a tight slap can stop panic attacks,"
I say nonchalantly.

Yelena's about to reply before a chunk of the Red Room zips through the air right past us. Yelena yelps, trying to swing our bodies away.

Everywhere, debris is falling and we're still a long way from reaching the ground. A few guards are flying through the air, still alive and still armed with a rifle. How do I know this? Ask my new bullet wound.

I yell, a searing pain travelling through my upper arm. Yelena manages to grab a piece of metal flying past and use it to shield our bodies. She has her legs wrapped around the back of my knees as she uses her arms to hold up the scrap metal.

A painful thunk could be heard when a piece of debris hits Yelena in the back. She goes limp, dangling from the parachute. I move one of my hands to the back of Yelena's head where she's probably going to get a fat bruise later on, and pull her in, her face now in the crook of my neck. I hold on for dear life until we are finally, finally only a few feet off the ground.

We land in the middle of a skeletal frame of what probably used to be some sort of platform on the Red Room's landing pad. I nervously check over Yelena's body for any obvious injuries, breathing a sigh of relief when she appears intact. I collapse to the ground in exhaustion.

"I'm retiring after this."

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