*3 - time travel!

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[Small mentions of drinking and depression]

[stefaniya's pov]

Natasha, Bruce-Hulk, Scott, Steve, and I are back in the garage of the Avengers facility.

"Okay, here we go. Time travel test number one,"
Bruce says from behind the set of controls.
"Scott, fire up the, uh, the van thing."

Scott, now wearing his Ant-Man suit, opens the back doors of his brown van and the portal inside activates, orange and blue lights spinning.

I stare in awe.

"Emergency generators are on standby,"
Steve walks up.

"Good, because if we blow the grid, I don't wanna lose, uh, Tiny here in the 1950s."

Scott's head shoots up at Bruce's comment.
"Excuse me?"

"He's kidding,"
Natasha chuckles.
"You can't say things like that, Bruce."

Bruce stammers.
"It was a bad joke."

Scott nods unconvinced and moves in front of the van.

"You were kidding, right?"
I lower my voice, talking to Bruce.

"I have no idea. We're talking about time travel here. Either it's all a joke, or none of it is. We're good!"
he says the last part loudly to Scott, shooting him a thumbs up.

I let out a shaky breath as Scott puts on his helmet and gets ready to go. Natasha transfers her tablet to one hand and uses her other to lift my chin.

"We got this, darling."

I give her a small smile and a kiss and we get back to work.

"Scott, I'm gonna send you back a week, let you walk around for an hour, and bring you back in ten seconds. Make sense?"

"Perfectly not confusing,"
Scott flicks his hand.

"Good luck, Scott. You got this,"
Steve encourages him.

Scott grins.
"You're right. I do, Captain America."

And with that, he gets sucked into the portal. We all watch in anticipation, Natasha curling her fists and I swallow thickly.

"On a count of three. Three, two, one,"
Bruce counts down and presses a button, bringing Scott back.

Except... he's a teenager. There is a teenager version of Scott.

"Uh, guys? This doesn't feel right,"
teen Scott says in his high-pitched voice.

"What's going on?"
Steve asks.

"Who is that?"

"Teenage Scott,"
I say.

"That's Scott?"
Natasha asks me in disbelief.

"Yes, it's Scott."
Teen Scott gets sucked back in again and a much, much older man appears.

"Oh, my back!"
he says.

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