13 - funny how the universe works

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A week later
[third-person pov]

Yelena breathes, speechless after hearing the story of the last five years in full.

The Avengers, along with other friends, are sat around a campfire in Tony's backyard. Yardstick was here, too, and had claimed Yelena's lap, purring softly as she lightly scratches the cat's chin. The fiancées are sitting on a big lawnchair, cuddled up to each other with Stefaniya's back against Natasha's front.

"I told you she'd be speechless,"
Stefaniya talks to Natasha over her shoulder.

"I can't believe you two actually fought over who was going to propose first,"
Yelena takes a swig of her beer.

"You better believe it, Baby Romanoff,"
Tony points a finger to her.
"They were actually serious about it, too."

"My last name isn't Romanoff."

"You're Romanoff's sister, so you're automatically Baby Romanoff."

"Baby Belova,"
Carol offers.

"Technically, I should be 34 now."

"But you're not, Lady Yelena,"
Thor says, tossing and spinning his hammer from his hand into the air.
"You lost five years, therefore you are still 29."

"Hah, I'm older than you now!"
Stefaniya realizes. Yelena rolls her eyes at her in annoyance, but her slight smile betrays her.

"She's a little baby,"
Sam coos, reaching out to poke her cheek. Yelena catches his wrist and twists it.

"Ow, okay, okay! I'm sorry!"
Sam retracts his arm, wincing.
"She's strong."

"Or you're just weak,"
Yelena retorts, pulling a laugh out of everyone.

"Aw, Sammy. You just got shown up by a little girl,"
Rhodey slaps Sam's shoulder.

"At least my back doesn't hurt, unlike you fossils."

Everyone starts to talk over each other, defending themselves from Yelena's snarky comment. Yelena only smiles, having the time of her life.

Stefaniya glances over to Wanda, who sits to her left. She is staring down at her hands, as if waiting for the gathering to be over. Stefaniya places her hand on top of Wanda's, making the Sokovian witch look up to meet her eyes.

"You don't have to stay, Wands,"
Stefaniya whispers.

Just a couple of days ago, the two friends went to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s headquarters where they were keeping Vision's body. Another organization, S.W.O.R.D., wanted to take him, but Tony and Fury were hell-bent on making sure that Vision was safe where Wanda could come and visit him. It was hard for Wanda to see the empty shell of what used to be the love of her life, but it was good for her to get closure. Whatever she needed, Stefaniya had her back.

"I don't want to be rude,"
Wanda shakes her head.
"I'll just stay until you and Natasha leave."

Stefaniya gives her a small smile.
"Okay. Just let me know if you change your mind, okay?"

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