*11 - fuck that, i want a refund

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[Massive TW for r*pe in the last half of the chapter in a flashback. Not important for the next chapter, so feel free to skip ahead!]

[yelena's pov]

I grip Stefaniya's hand tightly.

"Get down,"
Alexei orders as he puts on his red helmet.

A red dart flies through the glass, shattering it and I push Stefaniya to the ground, covering her.

Alexei scoffs and pulls out the dart.
"They think..."

He's cut off by multiple rounds of darts sticking itself through the suit into his skin. He goes limp and falls backwards with a thump. I reach out and hold his hand. We need to get out of here.

"Come on,"
I tell Stefaniya. We both pull out our guns and I opened one of the glass doors, giving us access to the Red Room agents coming in from the other sides of the house. I nod to Stefaniya, giving her the all-clear, and we step out, our guns raised.

"Please stay safe,"
Stefaniya tells me.

"You too."

She moves to sweep the living room while I went left into the small hallway leading into the kitchen. I find Natasha laying still on the kitchen floor and I check her pulse, breathing a sigh of relief when I felt her carotid pulsing. I stand up to see Melina in her black combat suit, standing in the doorway that I just walked through. I lower my gun and catch a glimpse of Stefaniya laying on the floor behind Melina.

"I'm sorry,"
is all Melina says before she raises her arm and red electricity wraps itself around my body. My vision goes dark and the last thing I see is Melina standing over my body.

-- [TW: Implied r*pe] --

A door opens with a loud metal thunk and two guards walk in.

"General Dreykov requested for you to come to his office,"
one of them says. They unlock the handcuff that trapped my right wrist to my bed and picks me up.

"No, wait, don't take her--"
Stefaniya starts to trash around in her bed before one of the guards sticks an electric baton to her neck. She shrieks loudly and kicks the guard, getting electrocuted once more before she stills against the Red Room's excuse of a mattress.

I croak quietly. The guards drag me away like I was a sack of potatoes. I keep my eyes on Stefaniya for as long as I can before she's out of my view.

A few minutes later, I'm in General Drekov's office. It's big and luxurious, filled with technology and books. He sits on the brown leather couch on the far wall of the room, tapping his finger on the glass side table.

"Hello, Miss Belova."

"General Dreykov,"
I address quietly.

He dismisses the guards and that leaves just the two of us. He stares at me intensely, walking closer and closer to me.

General Dreykov gives me the creeps.

"Come here,"
he holds out his arms. I hesitantly step closer. He takes his hands in mine.

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