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November 4, 2027
[third-person pov]

"Nat, LK! Almost time to go!"

Stefaniya rounds the corner into the child's bedroom in hers and Natasha's house. She runs her fingers through her short, dark brown hair, the purple highlights long gone. She stops by the door and admires the sight of her wife helping their daughter into a cute purple dress for the party.

"Don't you two look beautiful?"
she gushes. Natasha's head pops up at her voice.

"You look so pretty, mommy,"
her daughter takes notice of the deep green dress that brings out Stefaniya's eyes.

"Thank you, Lena. You are gorgeous,"
Stefaniya taps the little nose, eliciting a giggle out of the girl.

"And you, my dear,"
--Stefaniya wraps an arm around her wife's waist, admiring her black silk slip dress,
"--look incredible."

Natasha blushes, the butterflies she gets from Stefaniya haven't been diminished over the years.
"Thank you. You are stunning, Mrs. Romanoff."

"Thank you, Mrs. Kotova."
Stefaniya tucks a strand of Natasha's long red hair behind her ear and moves in to kiss her wife. How she got to lucky, she doesn't know.


The two women pull apart, laughing at their daughter's dramatics that she'd definitely picked up from her aunt Yelena. Stefaniya crouches down and gently pulls Lena's hands away from her eyes.

"Ready for your birthday party, sweet girl?"

Lena jumps happily, her hair bouncing.
"Yes, yes!"

The last four years had been quite eventful. A couple of days after they defeated Thanos, Steve went back in time to return the stones to its rightful places. When he came back, they had a small celebration in the middle of the destruction that used to be the Avengers facility.

The facility was a lost cause, so Tony started from scratch to build a new one in its place. New layout, new look, a new start. It's smaller than the previous, but with the Avengers going their separate ways, a large space wasn't needed. Tony only wanted to build it just in case, god forbid, they might need it again in the future. But they all have their fingers crossed that they wouldn't. It was just nice to have a backup plan.

After staying in Tony and Pepper's guest room for a month, Stefaniya and Natasha found a perfect little house in Hudson, just two hours away from Manhattan. They agreed to stay in New York, but away from the city. After their adventurous lives, they needed peace and quiet. They enjoyed the slow atmosphere of the small town and having uninterrupted time together. You know, besides Yelena picking the lock and barging through the front door with no warning every once in a while. They're just lucky that she hasn't done that in the middle of their... private time.

The wives still visited the Widows in Russia, but less frequently. It had been one year since they'd freed the very last of the Widows, so their work there was done. Most Widows had left anyway to start their new lives, but some still lived in the facility with Melina and Alexei. Yelena goes back and forth between the United States and Belarus from time to time, but she'd been enjoying spending more time with her sister in New York.

Stefaniya and Natasha got married in late November, just barely two months after the battle against Thanos. They had the ceremony in Tony's backyard (he wouldn't take no for an answer) and Rhodey officiated the wedding (who would have thought he was ordained?). Alexei walked Natasha down the aisle and Tony walked Stefaniya. Yelena was the maid of honor for Stefaniya, which took a lot of convincing from Natasha as Yelena was having trouble deciding between her best friend and sister. Clint was Natasha's best man and Steve and Maria Hill were her groomsman and bridesmaid. Stefaniya had Wanda and Carol as her bridesmaids. Morgan and Lila were the flower girls; Cooper and Nathaniel were the ring bearers. The four kids were all were ecstatic to play a part in their honorary aunts' wedding.

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