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I take a deep breath and go back to the hospital bed.Mom is busy scrolling through her phone.
"So…"I swallow hard."What's he like..m-my husband?"

My husband
Why is it so hard to say it?

"He's  very nice,such a sweet guy." She says,as if she is talking about a chocolate cake.

Is he…” I stop.

I can’t ask if he’s good-looking. That would be really shallow. And what if she avoids the question and says he has a wonderful sense of humor?

What if he’s obese?

Oh God. What if I got to know his beautiful inner soul as we exchanged messages over the Internet, only now I’ve forgotten all about that and I’ll have to pretend his looks don’t matter to me?

“He had a very important meeting this morning. But otherwise he’s been here with you night and day.”

“Right.” I digest this

"I am sorry,Mom.That day when you fell from the stairs,I couldn't have been there." I look down,fidgeting with my fingers

"Hey" she lifts my chin."That was 3 years ago.You got into a car accident,luckily there weren't any major injuries.On the other hand soo hyun called the ambulance right on time.Now,look at me.I am perfectly fine." She offers me a smile.

I smile back.

She excuses herself due to a phone call while I look around,Like a baby who has just been brought into this world.
There’s a faint knocking at the door and I look up. “Hello? Come in!”

“Hi, Y/n?”

An unfamiliar girl of about fifteen has edged into the room. She’s tall and skinny, with jeans falling off her midriff, a pierced navel, spiky blue-streaked hair, and about six coats of mascara. I have no idea who she is. As she sees me, she grimaces.

“Your face still looks fucked up.”

“Oh,” I say, taken aback. The girl’s eyes narrow as she surveys me.

“Y/n…it’s me. You do know it’s me, don’t you?”

“Right!” I make an apologetic face. “Look, I’m really sorry, but I’ve had this accident and I’m having some problems with my memory. I mean, I’m sure we have met—”

“Y/n?” She sounds incredulous; almost hurt.“It’s me! It’s Soo hyun.”

I’m speechless. I’m beyond speechless. This cannot be my baby sister.

But it is. Soohyun's turned into a tall, sassy teenager. Practically an adult. As she saunters around the room, picking things up and putting them down, I’m mesmerized by the height of her. The confidence of her

She sits down in a chair and swings her long legs over the arm, displaying gray suede ankle boots with spiked heels.

“So, you don’t remember anything?That’s so cool.”

“It’s not cool,” I retort."I remember till you called me that mom fell down from the stairs."

“Way out.” Her eyes are wide. “So, you don’t remember me visiting you before?”

“No. All I remember is you being twelve. With your ponytail and braces. And those cute hair clips you used to wear.”

“Don’t remind me.” Soo hyun mimes puking, then frowns in thought. “So…let me get this straight. The whole of the last three years is a total blank.”

“Like a big black hole. And even before that it’s a bit foggy. Apparently I’m married?” I laugh nervously.

"Hey, Y/n, I don’t want to bring this up when you’re feeling so ill and everything, but…” She twists a strand of hair, looking awkward.

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