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None of my boyfriends has ever said “I love you” like that—i.e., properly, in the middle of the day, like a grownup, and not just pissed or while having sex. I have to reciprocate. What shall I say?

I love you too.
I probably love you too.

“Jimin, I’m sure I love you too, deep down somewhere,” I say at last, clasping his hand. “And I’ll remember. Maybe not today. And maybe not tomorrow. But…we’ll always have Paris.” I pause,thinking this through. “At least, you’ll have it. And you can tell me about it.”

 He gives me a faint smile and then gets up
"You should eat your lunch and take some rest." He pats my shoulder."I'll leave you in peace."

“Maybe I’ll wake up tomorrow and remember everything,” I say hopefully
“Let’s hope.” He scans my face for a moment or two. “But even if you don’t,we’ll sort this out. Deal?”

“Deal.” I nod.

“See you later.” he offers me his angelic smile and leaves.
His smile
But it was no dream. I wake up the next morning and it’s still 2021.When the door opens and Nicole appears, with some orange juice and fruits.

"So your husband’s quite a stunner!”
“Do you think so?” I try to appear nonchalant. “Yeah, he is quite nice-looking, I suppose….”

“He’s amazing! And you know, despite being such a famous and big personality he came around the ward yesterday, thanking us all again for looking after you. Not many people do that.”

“I’ve never been out with a guy like Jimin in my life!” I abandon all pretense at being nonchalant. “To be honest, I still can’t believe he’s my husband. I mean, me. And him.”

There’s a knock on the door and Nicole calls, “Come in!”
It opens and in comes Mom and Soo Hyun, both looking hot and sweaty, lugging between them about six shopping bags stuffed with photograph albums and envelopes.

“Good morning!” Nicole smiles as she holds the door open. "Y/n's feeling a lot better today, you’ll be glad to hear.”

“Oh, don’t tell me she’s remembered everything!” Soo hyun's face drops. “After we’ve carried all these pictures all this way. Do you know how heavy photograph albums are? And we couldn’t find a space in the car park—”

Nicole cuts her off. “She’s still experiencing severe memory loss.”
“Thank goodness for that!” Soo hyun sighs.
Mom hits her arm "Shut up,Hyun-ah!"
“What she meant is…Y/n, darling, we’ve brought some pictures to show you. Maybe they’ll trigger your memory.”

I’m learning a lot from this hospital stay. And one thing I’ve learned is, if you have a relative with amnesia and want to trigger her memory, just show her any old picture—it doesn’t matter which one. It’s ten minutes later, but I haven’t seen a single photo yet, because Mom and Soo Hyun keep arguing about where to start.

“We don’t want to overwhelm her,” Mom keeps saying as they both root through a bag of pictures. “Now, here we are.” She picks up a photo in a cardboard frame.

“No way.” Soo hyun grabs it from her. “I’ve got a zit on my chin. I look gross.”
“Soo hyun, it’s a tiny pimple. You can hardly see it.”

“Yes, you can. And this one is even grosser!” She starts ripping both photographs into shreds.
Here I am, waiting to learn all about my long-lost life, and Soo hyun’s destroying the evidence?

“I won’t look at your zits!” I call over. “Just show me a picture! Anything!”

“All right.” Mom advances toward the bed, holding an unframed print. “I’ll hold it up, Y/n. Just look at the image carefully and see if it jogs anything. Ready?” Mom turns the print around."Here's Mickey, our dog with Soo hyun last week, both looking lovely…”

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