Part 7: Confusions

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“What?” I look at him in confusion. 

“And I love you,” he continues, without giving me time to say anything more. “We both love each other” 

“Sweetie!” The door bursts open and Jennie’s face appears. “Two more orders for mint tea and a decaf for Clive.” 

“Coming up!” I say, my voice sounding strangled. Jennie disappears and the kitchen door swings shut. There’s silence between us, the most prickling silence I’ve ever known. I can’t move or speak.

My eyes keep flicking ludicrously to some of Jimin's and mine pictures on the counter, as though the answer might be in there.

Taehyung follows my gaze. 
“I’m guessing,” he says in a dry, confidential tone, “that I’m not in the pictures.”

 Okay. I have to get a grip. 

“I…don’t understand,” I say, trying to summon some composure. “What do you mean, we love each other? You’re trying to tell me we’ve been having an affair?”

 “We’ve been seeing each other for eight months.” His dark gaze is fixed on me. “You were going to soon divorce him ”

 I can’t stop a gurgle of laughter. At once I clap my hand over my mouth. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be rude, but…divorce Jimin? For you?”

“You were about to leave him. We’d made plans….” He breaks off and exhales. “Then you had the accident.” His face is deadly serious. It looks like he really means all this.

 “But…that’s ridiculous!”
 For an instant Taehyung looks like I’ve hit him.


 “Yes, ridiculous! I’m not the unfaithful type. Plus, I have a great marriage, a fantastic husband, I’m happy—”

"Great marriage?" He snorts "You didn't have a great marriage.Believe me."

“Of course I've a great marriage with Jimin!” I say in astonishment. “He’s the best husband I can ask for! He’s perfect!”

“Perfect?” Taehyung looks as if he’s trying to stop himself from going further. “Y/n, he’s not perfect.You guys didn't even live together.”

"Huh? You mean that I don't live in his house?"

"You live in this house but you weren't together"

I start laughing.

"What?" He gives me a deadpan look.

"Wait-wait,so let me get this straight." I clear my throat."You're telling me that I loved you-"

"You still love me" he interrupts

"Yeah,whatever.So I love you but I'm married to Jimin and Me and Jimin aren't together but we live together. Taehyung, Can you even hear yourself right now?" I burst into more laughter.

"Yeah,and whatever I'm saying is the truth." He says in all seriousness.
Who does this  guy think he is? Interrupting my dinner party to tell me that he's my lover?

"Listen,Taehyung….whoever you are.I would never cheat on anyone,okay? I have a dream marriage!"

"The dream marriage?" Taehyung rubs his forehead as though trying to gather his thoughts. “That’s what you think?” 
Something about this guy is getting under my skin.

 “Of course!” I swing my arms around the kitchen. “Look at Jimin! He has been nothing but sweet to me.He has not even given me a single chance to rethink our marriage.I don't really think I'd ever throw all this for some random guy-"

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