Part 8: Is he lying?

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Soo hyun and I have been sitting in front of the tv for the past two hours.She has put on stranger things season 3.I was really excited to watch it but now sitting here my mind keeps going back to what Mihi said to me.
Ever since it happened I can't stop thinking about it.I have asked Jimin about Mihi,but he didn't know anything.I guess I didn't share much about my social life with my husband.
I tried asking Soo hyun about it too.But she seemed as clueless as Jimin.

"Hey, Soo hyun-ah" I say in a low, cautious voice. "Did we talk much before the accident? The two of us, I mean. About...stuff." I glance toward the kitchen to make sure Mom can't hear.

"A bit." She shrugs. "What stuff?"

"I was just wondering." I keep my voice natural. "Out of interest, did I ever mention anyone called...Taehyung?"

"Taehyung?" Soo hyung pauses, lipstick in hand. "You mean the one you had sex with?"

"What?" My voice shoots out like a rocket."Are you sure?"
Oh my God. It's true.

"Yeah." Soo hyun seems surprised by my reaction. "You told me on New Year's Eve. You were quite pissed."

"What else did I tell you?" My heart is thumping wildly. "Tell me everything you can remember."

"You told me everything!" Her eyes light up."All the gory details. It was your first-ever time, and he lost the condom, and you were freezing to death on the college field..."

"College field?" I stare at Soo hyun, my mind trying to make sense of this. "Do you mean...are you talking about Jaehyun?"

"Oh yeah!" She clicks her tongue in realization. "That's who I meant. Jaehyun. The guy in the band when you were at school. Why, who are you talking about?" She regards me with fresh interest. "Who's Taehyung?"

"He's no one," I say hastily. "Just...some guy. He's nothing."


You see-there's no evidence. If I was really having an affair I would have left a trail. A note, or a photo, or a diary entry. Or Soo hyun would know, or something...

And the point is, I'm happily married to Jimin.That's the point. It's much later that evening. Mom and Soo hyun left a while ago.Now I'm in the car with Jimin, zipping along the Embankment. He's having a meeting with Ava, his interior designer, and suggested I come along and see the new showroom of Chantelle that's opening next month.It's one of the largest in the area.

"Here we are." I can hear the pride crackling in his voice. He gestures out the window."This is our latest baby." I stare up, totally overcome.

In front of us is a brand-new white building. It has an awning, and black granite steps up to a pair of grand silver-framed doors. "You built this?" I say at last.

"Not personally." Jimin laughs. "Come on." He opens his door, and I follow, still in awe. A uniformed porter opens the door for us. The foyer is all palest marble and white pillars. This place is a palace. "It's amazing. It's so glamorous!" I keep noticing tiny details everywhere, like the inlaid borders and the sky painted ceiling.

"It has its own lift." With a nod to the porter, Jimin interwines his hands with mine-I like when he does this.He ushers me to the rear of the lobby and into a beautiful marquetry-lined lift.

"And here we are..." The lift opens with the tiniest of pings and we walk into a circular, mirrored foyer. Jimin presses gently on one of the mirrors, which turns out to be a door. It swings open and I just gape.

If every showroom becomes like this then i don't think there is a need for people to go to different countries for vacations.I can spend all my holidays here.

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