Part 9: The Launch

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Okay, I need my memory back. I’ve had it with amnesia. I’ve had it with people telling me they know more about my life than I do. 

It’s my memory. It belongs to me. 
I stare into my eyes, reflected an inch away in the mirrored wardrobe door. This is a new habit of mine, to stand right up close to the mirror so the only bit I can see is my eyes. It’s comforting. It makes me feel as if I’m looking at the old me.

 “Remember, you moron,” I instruct myself in a low, fierce voice. “Re-mem-ber.” 
My eyes stare back at me as though they know everything but won’t tell. I sigh, and lean my head against the glass in frustration. 

In the days since we got back from the show apartment, I’ve done nothing but immerse myself in the last three years. I’ve looked through photo albums, watched movies I know I’ve “seen,” listened to songs that I know the old me heard a hundred times…. But nothing’s worked. Whichever mental filing cabinet my missing memories are locked into, it’s pretty sturdy.

Stupid secretive brain. I mean, who’s in charge here? Me or it? 

Yesterday I went to see that neurologist, Dr Choi.He nodded sympathetically as I poured everything out, and scribbled loads of notes. Then he said it was all fascinating and he might write a research paper on me. When I pressed him, he added that maybe it would help to write out a timeline, and I could go and see a therapist if I liked.

 But I don’t need therapy. I need my memory.

Today,I am finally going to my work place.I actually am really excited to meet my team.The way Jimin describes them,they seemed like great people.I walk into the kitchen to see Jimin wearing an apron and cooking breakfast.Totally husband material.

"Hey,good morning" he pecks my lips."You ready for today?"

"Yep,I am really excited." I reply "That smells amazing! What are you cooking?: I take a peek in the pan.

"I have to go to the office late today.So I thought of making a special Jimin's style lasagna.I call it 'the cutie sexy lovely lasagna'." He winks at me
I can't help but laugh at the name.

"Well….I am looking forward to eating the cutie sexy lovely lasagna,Mr. Park." I chuckle and stand in the corner of the kitchen watching him cook.He's too good looking.Everytime I look at him,I wonder how did I land a guy like him?

There's no way I was dating Taehyung.How can I leave such a guy?

"Didn't your mother tell you it's rude to stare?" Jimin teases me.

"No," I immediately reply back.
 He let out a soft laugh.
"I like watching you cook." I say

"Is that your way of saying 'I want you to cook for me everyday' ?"  

"Now,That sounds like a good idea.You, cooking for me everyday,while I stand here watching you." 

We both chuckle together.

"If me cooking everyday means I get to see you laugh like this then I am in for it."
He smiles.I blush too hard and look away.I can feel his eyes on me.

"Didn't your mother tell you it's rude to stare?" I tease him in his tone.

"No" he replies,giving me a witty smile and then continues cooking.

These were the moments where I believed that I love Jimin,that we both love each other.May be I haven't realised my feelings for him yet but It's there,somewhere deep down.

After eating "the cutie sexy lovely lasagne" which was finger licking delicious,Jimin went to get ready for the office.While here I am searching for the file which had my team's profile.Jimin gave me the file so that I could get the idea of my team but now I am not able to find.

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