Chapter 0 - Prologue

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2:43am is what he reads on his watch. The night time hours are always him tossing and turning in his bed. He never dared to turn on the television or his computer since the glow of the screen or the sound of it booting up would give away him being awake. Sleep was not a friend of his and would never be.

He knew his grandparents were in their deep sleep and his father at the hospital doing god knows what. If he remembered correctly there were only two maids still here in the house. He feels bad that they have to stay up and wait for his father to return but if they didn't, they would hear it from the owner of the house in the morning. It was a risk not worth taking.

"They are probably in the kitchen" he told himself. With that he got up from his bed and made the sleep dummy. He is lucky that his small frame could be replicated easily with extra blankets and stuffed animals. Missing pillows are a dead give away from what he learned last time.

Once he is happy with the sleep dummy, he makes his way to the bedroom door. He tries his best to open it without making any noise and he is successful at it.

Now he stands in the hallway. It is narrow and dark since no lights are kept on. They are usually turned on by the maids in the morning. He hears a faint laugh and can figure out that they are indeed in the kitchen since it's the farthest room away.

He tiptoes to the door with an older door knob on it and enters the room. It is his fathers study that is more for decoration than anything.

"Why have a study room if you never use it" is the thought running through his mind currently. Two walls are taken up by bookshelves while the one with the door hangs their family portrait. No one smiles in it nor in any other portraits found around the house. The big window has its curtains drawn which doesn't come as a shock to him. It's a room that never sees light nor a person within the house (not counting the maids who regularly keep the dust from forming). Nothing sits on his fathers desk or the coffee table. The chairs in the room still look brand new. This room holds no meaning to him but he questions why he is always told to never go in it. Tonight his curiosity got the better of him. He begins to look through the books. Some are thicker than others and some have been clearly used by his father before they were left on the shelves. All the notes in the books date back to a time before he was even born. As he goes from book to book nothing stands out...until he opens one that causes a letter to fall out. It may have been inside a book but it's clear that this letter had gotten wet somehow. The writing on the front is smudged and water stains are on it as well. One thing that he can read on it is his name and something starting with a C.

But before he could go any further, he hears someone walking up the stairs. He quickly puts the letter back into the book and runs to stand by the door. Next thing he notices is the door being opened right in front of him.

"Oh god scared me." He looks up to see it is his favorite maid.

"Saint...we both know you aren't allowed in here" she tries to put on a stern voice but fails. A smile takes over her face at the pouting 10 year old in front of her. "Come on, let's put you back to bed. Your father is on his way home right now and this room is the last place you want to be caught in." She holds out her hand for him to take it. Before he does, he looks back at the bookshelf to where the letter is. He takes her hand and they both go back to his room.

It would be weeks before he tried to go into the study again, and when he did the letter was no longer there...


A/N: As I wake up today, I see many CactuZS celebrating WhyRU's 2nd anniversary, and what better day to release my first chapter then today and totally not last week like it was supposed to ._.

Do bare with me with this story as it is something I always wanted to do but never found the confidence to fully write.

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