Chapter 11 - Discovering Them

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The minute Zee's facetime call went through, he got an earful from his mom. She went on with how she tried to call him Saturday but he wasn't picking up the phone. When she got tired of trying, his brother continued to try and get a hold of him for her but then realized if Zee wasn't picking up, call either Tommy or Max. What Tommy told him, he kept to himself and only told their mom that Zee was out with a "friend" and probably came home exhausted. He was grateful that he had his earbuds in as he walked. With how loud his mom was yelling at him, it might have scared the other students around him.

"Ma, I was sleeping when you called. You always said I need to sleep to grow tall mmhm."

"You're already tall enough. Both you and your brother tower over me."

"Nong might be getting shorter mae. He's up late playing games with Tommy and Max sometimes." He heard a loud 'Phi' off screen and then saw his brother sit down next to their mom.

"This conversation isn't about me P'Zee. How is your life going. How is school? Friends? Work?"

"My life is fine nong and before you ask mae, yes I am eating okay. School can be stressful but it's nothing I can't handle. I turned in my draft for the building project last week and got it approved for me doing draft number two. Tommy has to fix one part in his and resubmit it. Max is busy with study groups and helping out his juniors nowadays. Work has been decent. Stopped burning my hand with coffee a couple months back."

Happy with hearing how her son is doing, their mom left to tend to her plants and animals, which left the boys to talk to each other. Zee's brother waited for her to be fully out of the room before talking.

"Okay Phi, spill it. P'Tommy sounded very suspicious when he said you were out with a friend and you've been walking the whole time we've been talking but it looks like you are still on campus."

"Ummm...I'm going to go study with someone and I'm in front of the building so bye Nong" he said with a smile.

"HEY! You can't esca-" It could have been a new record of how fast Zee pressed the end facetime button.

Zee knew exactly where to go when he entered the library - the fourth floor. They had texted each other in the morning and that's how he found out Saint was going to be studying there after class. He told Zee that he wouldn't be there long since he had somewhere to be and with the facetime stalling him more, he could only hope Saint was still there.

When Zee spotted him, well more of his back and red bookbag, at a table facing the window, he felt his heart become full. There was only one other person around but they were reading a book so he didn't feel self conscious for just standing there.

After a couple of seconds, he quietly walked over to the table but stopped at a fair distance to overlook Saint's shoulder. He'll admit that he thought Saint was doing homework but instead he's looking at portfolios of people.

The hand that rested itself on his shoulder almost caused Saint to get whiplash and a mini heart attack. He closed the portfolio as he looked to his right and was met with Zee's face inches away from his.

These eyes are different from the last time he saw them - they showed happiness during the art gallery but today they try to hide the sadness

He noticed a piece of Saint's hair in the wrong place and fixed it before sitting across from him.

"I was scared that you wouldn't be here" Zee pouted as he put his face in his hands. He made sure to cover his cheeks in case they were pink.

"Well I figured I could maybe spare five minutes for you"

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