Chapter 28 - Cuties

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The heaviness and aching of Saint's heart washed away after talking to Zee more. He listened to every word that came out of his mouth and only talked when he knew the younger one was done. It had to be the most he ever spoke but Zee was willing to listen. A vulnerable Saint was rare, his friends, Mew and...In were the limited people to experience it. Now Zee was added to that group. When things became harder to describe or talk about, they called it a day and promised to revisit the subjects tomorrow or another time. Now the question was - did Saint want to go back to his apartment after everything? They were already in the car on the way to the building, but Zee still saw the difference in body language radiating off Saint.



"We're umm half way there...are you sure about this? I mean you can call your friends and ask to stay at one of their houses....I just don't think you should go back to your apartment yet.."

"You're probably right but it's the hope that they aren't busy. I'll try right now"

Zee's driving did slow down a bit for Saint to try and call all his friends and not feel pressured about making it fast. Billy answered the phone with very loud music playing in the background. His family was out for the night celebrating his overall school placement and P'Kanya's job approval at Bumrungrad Hospital. It took three different calls for Opp to answer and when he did it was yelling that could be heard - specifically Rain and their father yelling at each other. He felt bad about saying no he wasn't available but he was going to take his little brother out of the house to escape the drama and Saint understood. It was weird that both Orn and Mew weren't answering his calls and text messages. He thought about calling her mom but knowing her schedule, work was her focus. Mew could either still be with his grandfather or at the art gallery. Saint let out a sigh before slouching into the passenger seat. He told Zee to just take him back to the apartment and closed his eyes.

The feeling of being in the car too long started to stir in Saint and when he opened his eyes he saw they were pulling into Zee's apartment complex.

"Phi, I thought you were taking me back to my place?"

"It crossed my mind but then I picked option E - mine" he parked in his designated spot and turned off the car before looking out the window and then turning his head towards Saint.

"Are P'Tommy and P'Max okay with it? What about N'Benz?"

"They're out right now. After dropping nong off earlier with them, they texted me and said they decided to go see some movie and then hit up the arcade. Max also mentioned he is trying to win some stuffed animals for a girl in his advanced chemistry lab and knows N'Benz is good at claw machines. Tommy is there to steal them from him. When they come home they will likely play video games in their rooms and that will leave the living/dining room open" Saint's facial expression started to make Zee doubt his decision and almost hit the "EVACUATE" button in his brain but finally a nod of agreement came from the other one. With that they exited the car and went to where the apartment was located.

"Sorry about all the bags with stuff. I didn't want them to sit in my car as we went to the park and plus the boys were supposed to pick the items they wanted to send with N'Benz" He guided Saint to the dining table where both took a seat opposite from one another.

"Oh yeah, he's supposed to go back home at the beginning of next week?" Saint questioned. He didn't remember if Benz had already told him or not during their time together.

"Yes and we originally went shopping for my mom and some items or things she could use around the house but then thought of Max's parents and Tommy's uncle and aunt"

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