Chapter 27 - I'm Here for You

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Saint was frozen. The things around him still continued on like nothing was wrong but to him...everything stopped. This was the one thing he never thought would happen. For seven whole months he found comfort within his apartment. It became a sense of home to him, also freeing him from the daily reminders he had growing up and allowing him to do whatever he wanted. He was free from the drama of his grandfather but now the one thing he tried to run away from...was right outside his door.

It took him three deep breaths before opening the door just to show him and nothing else. He greeted his grandfather but showed Mew eyes full of worry.

"It's nine going on ten in the morning and it looks like you just got up," his grandfather commented. Out of reflex, Saint quickly comb downed his hair with his fingers and fixed his shirt to look more presentable.

"I did....I umm started those pills that were recommended by the doctor. I wasn't sure how long they were going to have me knocked out so that's why I didn't answer the pings..."

"I should have asked the doctor more about the time frame N'Saint. That's my bad'' Mew said while taking a step forward ready to take the blame.

"It'll be a work in process N'Mew, don't feel sorry. Now Saint, are you going to let us in any day now?"

Saint was biting the inside of his lip because he wanted so badly to say no and come another day but knew that would cause more problems. He looked back for a split second to see Zee and Benz nowhere in sight but the guest bedroom door was closed. With that, he moved to fully open the door and let them in. Mew was the one to notice the extra pairs of shoes that clearly weren't Saint sitting by the closet door and complained to him about keeping them out when there was a perfectly good storage space for them.

It terrified Saint to see his grandfather looking around the place. For the past months, he never once visited him. He of course knew the address and apartment number but would rather send Mew or one of his friends to fetch or drop something off for him. If none of those people or options were available, he would just have Saint come to the house himself. Saint could feel and see the judgmental look on his grandfather's face. He watched him stop in front of the bookshelf that had pictures of him with Orn's family rather than the photos he had with his actual family.

"Does your apartment always stay this clean?"

"There's a maid service but I prefer not to use it. I can keep this place clean myself or recently Orn ha tried to take over every month with cleaning"

"So I've heard. And the new security system?"

"Installed within the last few weeks. At first only one half of the building had it because they ran into some technical problem but once it was all figured out the second half got it. The wall panel shows whoever is outside the front door and I can get pinged or ringed from the lobby or garage"

"N'Mew" Both grandfather and grandson looked into the kitchen were Mew and the other person were.

"Yes sir?" Mew responded

"If I remember correctly, you already have a key, right?"


His grandfather went from looking at Mew, back to Saint. "I guess it's finally nice to see where my money is being spent" I think you mean my father's money or mine that I make working Saint thought to himself. He started to lean against the wall but it didn't last very long because the side remarks of "don't slouch" "stand up straight" were thrown his way. His grandfather sat himself on the couch and pointed towards the other half for him to take but Saint opted to sit in a chair.

"Besides wanting to know where you stand grade and position wise for school, I'm also here to talk about you"


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