Chapter 13 - Morning

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Zee had tried two more times to free himself from Saint's deadly grip but to no avail. He looked up at the ceiling and thought about how he got himself into this predicament but also how there was still so much more to learn about the sleeping person with his arms wrapped around him.

He wanted to change their position so he could get more comfortable but when he tried, an annoyed Saint took it upon himself to lay more on Zee and stop him from moving. His face was fully resting on his chest and this caused Zee's heart to beat more.

"Mmmhm...warm..." was said slowly and with a groggy voice.

Seeing that this might be how his night goes, Zee allowed himself to feel sleepy and pulled the blankets over both of them before passing out.

The downpouring rain did not stop the three teenagers from frantically searching for their best friend. They had planned to just watch movies and play games all day, possibly maybe do homework with each other, but all that was interrupted when Mew's caller ID showed up on Orn's phone. Worry set in as they had not heard from Saint all day and any type of call from Mew's direct phone was never good. She had put him on speaker before he informed them about a fight breaking out between Saint and his grandfather. He arrived when Saint had stormed out and saw certain family portraits and precious sculptures within the house damaged and some completely broken. He told them that he wanted to go after him but was stopped. The whole time Mew spoke, they could hear the sound of broken glass being swept up and the maids talking in the background.

This caused the three to worry and run all around Bangkok. Staying together to search meant more time would be needed, so they decided to split up. Billy had one of his sisters drop him and Opp off at a mall surrounded by restaurants that Saint would frequently visit. Orn had gone to his family's office building since she knew it would be easy for her to get in. All the people or workers they ran into said there had been no sign of Saint anywhere.

It was when Orn was waiting for Mild to pick her up, that it finally hit her - the penthouse. It was a place all of them knew about but had been months since they visited. Not wanting to wait in case something bad was to happen, she took off running to the building where the penthouse sat upon.

Those sitting in the lobby of the ground floor looked at Orn like she was a crazy person who just randomly barged in but saved herself when she pulled out one of the key cards from her wallet to gain access to the elevators. The ride up allowed Orn to shoot the boys a message of where she was at and to grab one of their guest key cards from home before coming.

Her heart and mind felt uncertain of what she was going to find once the doors opened to the floor. One large white double door sat in front of her...already open.

The sounds of items being thrown could be heard so she waited for them to be done before walking in. When Orn was fully was in the entrance, she saw the mess created by Saint. Broken plates and bowls littered the kitchen floor and the living room had the coffee table flipped upside down. The couches were moved out of the way and any pictures sitting around now had broken frames.

When on the second floor of the penthouse, Orn looked to the right where the master bedroom was located. She knew there was no chance he stepped foot into it, so she turned to head towards where Saint's room was.

Like the entrance, his bedroom door was open as well. Orn was able to see him sitting on the floor at the edge of his bed. Saint was clinging onto something but hiding it.

Not wanting to scare him - she made her presence know by knocking on the door. She had hoped he would look at her but he only kept his head down.

"Can I come in, Saint?"

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