Chapter 23 - Plans

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Zee was walking around his apartment complex remembering everything that took place the day before. All of his and Saint's friends hung out on the university's soccer field after class. Billy, Max, Opp and Tommy played against each other and had Orn as the referee. It didn't come as a shock that she used the position to her advantage and favored Max and Tommy over her own friends. Zee and Saint sat on the side lines in the grass and just watched. He told Saint all about the last minute touches he put on his building project before submitting it. The extra floor for this or that reason and then why the interior for the lobby changed to more of a modern look since people favor that nowadays. He also told him how Tommy almost missed the deadline because he forgot it at the apartment and had to run back for it before class started. When he figured he was rambling too much, he slowly stopped talking but was quickly met with a "wait, are you done explaining?" from Saint. He wanted to play off as him just being tired of talking but Saint told him to keep going. "Remember, I'll always listen to you talk Phi" made Zee's heart do a little jump and so he continued with talking about the project. After two hours, everyone parted ways. Zee and Tommy had work to get to, Max wanted to go home and sleep, Saint needed to go meet Mew regarding the expansion project and then have dinner with Billy, Opp and Orn after.

It was about ten at night when both Zee and Tommy got home from work. Both showered and ate food before completely passing out for the night. Zee did remember waking up around four in the morning to use the restroom and send Saint a quick text message asking how dinner was and was shocked to find him still awake. He did not question it since his mind was already going back to sleep before his body did. When morning came, he found himself lying on top of his bed with no blankets covering him and also his bedroom door wide open.

His day was on the verge of being as peaceful as it could get, until his phone started to ring. He actually wondered who would be calling him since he knew Tommy was out shopping, Max was with his parents who came to visit and Saint was at the office with P'Mew again. A smile came across his face as he saw that it was his mom.

"Hi mae! How are you? Is everything okay there? Is nong being bad?"

"Everything is fine Zee. Your brother is the same as usual - half a pain and half an angel."

"I told you I could deal with him for you! Set him straight when he gets here"

"No no, he is young and trying to figure himself out. He doesn't need his Phi watching his every move"

"He gets away with so much because I'm not there"

"I do NOT!" was heard very prominent on the other end of the call

"Mae wait, let me switch over to my laptop so I can see both of you better. Go steal N'Benz's to use"

Zee grabbed his laptop case and opened it to boot up the device. Once everything was ready to be used he hung up on them and recalled them on his laptop. He was greeted with his mom's smile and his little brother's smug look.

"Look! He's giving me that constipated face"

"It's not - nevermind" Benz rolled his eyes at his brother.

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you call Mae?"

"Your brother will be coming in a week and I just wanted to make sure everything is ready for him"

"I already talked everything over with Tommy and Max just a couple of days ago. Since it will be finals week, we took off work to focus on those and we'll be home in the afternoon but during the morning nong will have to stay in the apartment while we attend class"

"I can't explore?"

"Last time you 'explored', you were gone for six hours and then I had to fetch you from the police station"

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