Chapter 2: Introducing Mateo

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    No matter what comes your way, no matter how difficult or unfair, you will do more than simply survive. You will thrive.

On February 9th, 1987, I came into this world to Leonardo and Emily De Luca. In Florence, Italy, I was born and raised for half of my life. For the other half of my life, I lived in Los Angeles, California. My mother is American and my father is Italian. I'm the eldest of my siblings, Antonio being the middle child; while Sofia and Andrea are twins, and they are the youngest. I have a close relationship with all my siblings, but there are limits because we differ from what this 'life' is used to. I have to be authoritative and I am the leader, the one who completes decisions, the one who is supposed to protect everyone around me, the one who is the strongest.

Once my father died, when I had just turned sixteen my everything changed. I have always known that one day I would take over as Alpha of the De Luca pack, but I didn't expect it to be so sudden and to be this way. It was always supposed my father retiring his role as alpha and then making me alpha around the age of at least twenty, but that wasn't the case. My father was brutally murdered by a rival pack, that no longer exists. It happened three days after my sixteenth birthday, so ever since then I don't celebrate my birthday or at least I try not to do anything. My family always seems to celebrate me in one way or another. After my father died, my mother found it harder to continue to live because he was her everything. With my mother becoming weaker, her spot as the pack's Luna weakened as well.

She's been telling me ever since my father's funeral that I need to find my mate and mark her in order to keep the power of the pack and to keep my power. Lunas are very powerful and resourceful to the pack she has a point, but I was always way too busy to bother looking for my mate. Although I know that I could sense my mate as soon as we were in somewhat close range. Her sent would lead me to her and the moment I would lay my eyes on her I would know that she's my mate.

The question was who she was? Was she a werewolf-like us or was she a human? I had no problem with her being human if she was a human because I never had something against the humans. When it comes to the majority of the pack, they find humans weak. That's why the pack is filled with full-blooded werewolves. We accept other werewolves, who have lost their pack or were abandoned, but they are all full-blooded. I was never in a situation where there was a human as a mate to any of the pack members.

All of my siblings have found their mates and are married. My cousin, Andrew Jordan, is my third in command; he has also found his mate. Andrew had always struggled with who he was and who he would be in relationships with. He was never true with himself for a big part of his life. When he met his husband, he tried for a long time to suppress the feelings and ignore the senses that he has found his mate, but after we all gave him the support he needed and was looking for he was true to himself, and now is very happy.

My siblings, cousin, and I all work in a company called M.I.C. Corp. I'm the CEO of the company, it's something that makes us blend in with the humans no questions asked. We interact with humans at work, but after work, the majority of us tend to avoid them. 

January through March is when the Haze comes alive. Doesn't matter where you are or what you are doing it, you need to relieve the Haze. After all, we are werewolves, we are animals and that means sex is embedded in our systems. During that time our sex drive gets more intense, the Haze. Some people who haven't found their mates, 'mate for the season', just to get the release that they need in order to function properly. That includes me, since I still didn't find my mate, I have had to have women through the season to give me my release. Each woman that I am with is never completely satisfying and is not right for me because she's not my mate, but unfortunately, that's all I can settle for until I find my mate. When I have time to find her. Running a company and running a pack isn't easy, but in some books, humans have written they make it sound easy.

As I was sitting behind my desk in my office, my phone vibrated. I looked down at it to see that it was a text message from Andrew. Knowing Andrew and knowing the fact that he doesn't like to text about the pack, I knew it was either something related to work or something non-pack related.

Andrew: Ramon wants to go out clubbing tonight, he told me to extend the invitation to you and your siblings.

Me: I'll talk to them, as for me, I'll be there.

Andrew: Perfect, see you at 10:30 in Exchange.

After getting the time and name of the nightclub we'd be going to, I opened the group chat between my siblings and me.

Me: Andrew & Ramon have extended invites for tonight at Exchange at 10:30, I'm going anyone else?

Leonardo: I'm down

Sofia: I can't. It's date night with Tom.

Andrea: I'll go.

Me: Alright. I'll see you there. Enjoy your night Sofia.

Sofia: Thanks, big brother.

Andrea: See you xx

Leonardo: We going to have fun

I rolled my eyes at my brother's last message and set my phone back on the desk. I continued with the rest of my workday and then headed to the packhouse to check on how things were going. The packhouse was meant to be a safe house for any member of the pack who needed a safe place to be and a home for anyone who didn't have a home for whatever reason.

After making sure that all was well at the packhouse, I headed to my house. Upon arriving, I headed up to my room and plugged my phone into the charger. I stripped off my clothes and stepped into the shower, letting the cold drops of water hit my skin. I always loved showering in cold water no matter the weather.

Once I dried off, I stepped into my walk-in closet to see what to wear. I decided to wear a pair of black jeans that were ripped at the knees. I paired it with a plain light grey t-shirt. I wore a silver watch; a cross necklace and military tag necklace; two beaded bracelets that were brown and light brown, and finally white sneakers. I styled my ebony-colored hair, grabbed my phone, and headed back downstairs where I grabbed my car keys. I went into the garage and got into my black Lamborghini. There was a message on my phone from Andrew saying they were on their way. I put my phone in the cup holder in the middle and drove off.

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