Chapter 30: Cravings and Bonding

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You have grown from your past. You will grow from your present.

Throughout Malia's pregnancy, her cravings have been going haywire. She craves the craziest shit and at the wrong times. It's been four months since we found out that we are having a little girl, so Malia's officially in her eighth month of pregnancy.

Just the other day, she got a craving for mozzarella cheese slices and not the fresh one, the processed one. On top of that, she put honey mustard sauce on it and ate it, like a sandwich minus the bread. It was a disgrace to the Italian in me, but I don't dare to judge her or say anything about it, after all she's eating for two and she gets really fiesty. I'll just keep that craving to myself, so none of my family says anything and get crucified.

We were sleeping in bed, when I felt someone shake me awake. I opened my eyes tiredly, to find Malia looking at me with her hand on my arm.

"What's wrong dolcezza? Is the baby okay?" I asked sitting up. She nodded.

"The baby's fine, but your baby is hungry." She explained. I gave her a smile as I turned on the lamp that was on the nightstand next to me.

"My baby's hungry huh?" I wondered and she nodded.

"Yeah, our baby is craving." She told me and I laughed.

"What does our baby want?" I questioned. She thought about it, placing her hand on her bump that is now swollen.

"Hmm. An Oreo milkshake and... oh, peanut butter. Oh and some curly fries. Plus some honey mustard and mozzarella cheese." She listed her cravings to me. I looked at her with one eyebrow raised and she shrugged. I checked my phone for the time.

4:30 AM

"Where do you expect me to get you curly fries at 4:30 in the morning?" I asked.

"I don't care Mateo De Luca, your child wants curly fries. Oh and she also wants strawberries dipped in Nutella." She answered. Luckily for me we had everything except the strawberries and curly fries. Unluckily for me, we don't have the strawberries and curly fries.

"My child?" I questioned.

"Yes, your child De Luca, it's your fault I'm pregnant." She told me.

"You do realize it takes two of us to have sex in order to have a child." I reminded her.

"No shit Sherlock, but it's your sperm that went to my egg and fertilized it, hence the baby." She explained and I laughed.

"Okay, okay, you win. I'll go see where I can find some curly fries and strawberries." I put my hands up in surrender. She gave me a grin and I kissed her lips. I got off the bed and found my sweatpants on the floor. I headed to the closet and threw on a t-shirt. I wore my socks and sneakers as well.

I grabbed the car keys and house keys. I gave Malia a kiss on the forehead, she smiled at me as she looked up from her phone. I smiled back and headed downstairs.

One of my bodyguards headed with me. We drove around to see anywhere were I can get curly fries and strawberries at this time of night. A bit later I found a 24 hour CVS and parked my car in front of it in the parking lot. Miguel, my bodyguard, followed me into the CVS.

I went over to the freezer where they kept the frozen food and grabbed four bags of frozen curly fries. I placed them in the small trolly and headed over to where they kept the fruits and vegetables. I grabbed two big boxes of strawberries placing them into the trolly with the fries. After that I grabbed a couple of snacks and drinks, like juice and almond milk, then I got some medicine that we needed and headed over to the cash register.

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