Chapter 3: Meeting

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"You and only you are ultimately responsible for who you become and how happy you are." -Rachel Hollis

It was 10:20 when James and I pulled up to Exchange. We stepped out of my car, and I handed the keys to the valet. Since I don't drink alcohol, just because I don't like the taste, I know that I'll be driving home. Depending on how my brother's night will go, he might end up coming with me. James told me he'd be driving back home with me. I was always the designated driver, but I didn't mind it because it was something that I decided on my own they did not force it upon me.

As soon as I made it near the front door, we were greeted by loud, thumping music. Once we stepped inside after showing the bouncer our IDs and allowing the server to guide us towards our table, James instinctively placed his hand on my lower back, guiding me through the crowd as we followed the server. Soon enough I saw Sebastian with a drink in hand sitting at our table. He turned around as if he sensed us approaching and gave me his smile that I have missed.

"Well, if it isn't my favorite sister." He greeted me, smiling, and I rolled my eyes.

"You say that to both of your sisters," I replied, causing James to smile.

"But in all honesty, you're my favorite." He confessed to which I smiled, and he opened his arms, beckoning me to give him a hug. I shook my head, smiling at him as I wrapped my arms around his torso. He hugged me back and gave me a kiss on the top of my head. He then went and gave James a brotherly hug.

"What do you guys want to drink? Malia obviously something virgin, James?" Sebastian asked us.

"I'll have a virgin Piña Colada please," I answered.

"I'll have a bourbon over ice, thanks," James told him and Sebastian nodded as he called the waiter over. Once the waiter took our orders and left, Sebastian turned back to look at me.

"So my dear little sister, how's life been since the last we spoke?"

"The last we spoke was three days ago, Seb." He chuckled.

"I know that Mal, but nothing interesting has happened in the past three days?" I shook my head.

"Nothing to write home about." He nodded.

"Who knows maybe something will happen tonight." The thing about my brother is that he is protective of me, but he doesn't stand in my way of having a good time or getting in relationships. He knows that I am a strong and independent woman and he respects that, but he'll always be by my side whenever I need him no matter how far apart we are or what he's doing. That's what I love about him and I appreciate him.

Our drinks were soon in front of us on the table and we continued to catch up with one another with a little banter here and there. Then my favorite song came on and I got excited. James automatically gave me a look knowing that I wanted to dance. I love dancing and I always have loved it ever since I was a little girl. People who knew me used to think that I was going to grow up and be a dancer, but that's never what I wanted. Dancing was a hobby of mine and I wasn't going to make my hobby my job.

James held out his hand in order to lead me to the dance floor. I looked over at Sebastian and he told me that he'll follow us after he's had another drink. He was never one to get drunk, he'd always know his limit and never pushed it. He hates not being in control of his mind, so anything that would affect that is something he'd avoid or control and he's not a lightweight when it comes to alcohol. I took his hand and he led me to the dance floor. I started to sway my hips as he danced in front of me.

I began singing along with the song or in other words yelling the lyrics because one thing I can't do is sing and the fact that it's really loud so it only seems right to yell lyrics instead. James soon started to "sing" along with me. This is what I enjoyed the most, spending time with my favorite people on the planet and being able to let loose while doing the thing that I loved the most. The song merged into another song, one I know my brother loved, which caused him to dance over to where James and I were dancing. He began to belt out the lyrics and soon enough all three of us were dancing, belting out lyrics, and laughing.

A couple of songs later, we decided to take a break because we were all exhausted. We sat on the chairs that were at our table. We ordered a large bottle of water for the table and I touched my phone in order to check what time it was.

11:40 PM

Honestly what they say is true, that when you're in good company and having fun makes time move much quicker. We drank our water and ordered some finger foods as we were getting hungry. I looked around the club, viewing the decor and how everything was organized. It took me an hour and ten minutes in order to just decide that I should take a look around.

The waiter came back with our food. We began to eat, I reached for the dynamite shrimp, one of my favorite appetizers. I let out a quiet moan of satisfaction after swallowing the shrimp. We talked some more as we ate and then decided that we wanted to go back out to the dance floor.

That's when it happened. I felt a pair of eyes on me and I turned around to see that there was a handsome man across the dance floor, in fact looking at me. Our eyes met and for some reason, the whole world faded away like we were in some kind of movie and I didn't seem to mind it at all. 

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