Chapter 31: Welcome to the World

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You are doing great.

I was walking around the house looking for my sketchbook. Something that I started to do in my fifth month of pregnancy was to sketch. I am officially in my ninth month of pregnancy and I feel like my belly's going to pop. This little girl has been moving a lot. Mateo claims that she gets it from me because I don't know how to sit and do nothing. He also told me if that she ends up being anything like me, we're going to be in trouble.

Once I got to month eight of pregnancy, Mateo decided to work from home, in case I suddenly went into labor and he wasn't home. He also didn't go to the packhouse, instead if someone needed him urgently, they would hold a meeting with him in the conference room that was located in our house. I told him that I would be fine on my own, he just insisted that he feels better knowing that he'd be around to take me to the hospital. Elizabeth and her husband bought a house in Los Angeles, in order to be close to me when I'm supposed to go into labor.

Sebastian as well, decided to become housemates with James until I go into labor and give birth. He told me that he would never want to miss the birth of his first niece for anything. Speaking of nieces, Elizabeth is pregnant they finally got pregnant. She and her husband have been waiting forever for this to happen. We are both over the moon about that fact. Although, she is only two months pregnant, we can't wait.

I soon found my sketchbook on the bottom shelf of the TV stand. I knelt down to reach it and soon as my knees touched the floor, I felt a contraction. It was a mild one, but it managed to make my breath hitch.

"Whoa, okay baby girl, Mama's getting back up." I told my unborn daughter as I grabbed the book and placed a hand underneath my belly.

"You okay babe?" I looked back to see Mateo walking over to me.

"Yeah, just had a contraction. Your child didn't appreciate the fact that I was on the floor." I answered as he placed his arm around my waist.

"She's a feisty girl, just like her Mama." I rolled my eyes at him as we walked over towards the couch. He helped me sit down and then sat by my side. I put the book on the coffee table and then put a hand over my bump.

"If I have another contraction, I have to start timing them." I explained to Mateo, who nodded and placed his head on my shoulder.

"I have another video conference in a bit, but if anything happens you tell me okay?" He told me.

"I'll be fine Teo." I breathed as another contraction that was slightly less painful than the first came.

"Dolcezza, please." He pleaded with me.

"Okay, I promise to tell you if anything happens." He placed a kiss on the side of my temple and got up to his office. I took the sketchbook and started to sketch.

A couple minutes went by without another contraction, so I guessed that I wasn't going into labor yet. Then, when I was in the kitchen grabbing a bar of 3 Musketeers, I got another contraction that was really painful I accidentally dropped the chocolate on the counter. I looked at my phone and realized that the contractions were coming in close time intervals.

"Come on princess, just a little bit longer until your Dad-" Another contraction hit me, leaving me breathless. I winced in pain. I had hoped that I wouldn't need to interrupt Mateo's meeting, but our baby clearly had other plans. I got another contraction and I looked to the ground. My water broke and I began to breathe faster.

I managed to walk over to Mateo's office, which thank God, wasn't far from the kitchen. I knocked on the door and peeked my head through the opening he had left in order to hear me. He looked up at me and without either of saying a word, he knew something was up.

"I'm sorry everyone, I have to end this meeting now because my wife is going into labor." He spoke into the headset. He closed the laptop and rushed over to me.

"Teo my water broke." I told him as another contraction hit me. He nodded and rushed upstairs to get our hospital bag.

"Do you need anything from here?" He yelled down to me.

"Get me please a small towel, my dress that I left on top of the bag, and the underwear that's with it please!" He soon was downstairs, handing me the things I asked for previously. I wobbled to the bathroom that was near the office. I dried myself off after I rinsed my bottom half. I changed my clothes and stepped out.

"For someone who is going through labor, you're calm." Mateo told me. I just shook my head as we made our way out to the car.

We were soon on our way to the hospital. I texted my siblings, James, and he called his mom, brother and his sisters. I sent a text to Antonio telling him that we were on our way to the hospital. As soon as we made it there, I was seated on a wheelchair. My contractions were coming at a closer rate than before. They set me up in the delivery room and we waited for the doctor to come.

As I was going through labor, I was yelling in pain.

"God, I fucking hate you Mateo De Luca!" I yelled at him, gripping his hand tight.

It's not like he's going to feel this shit.

I don't fucking care!

"I love you too amore mio, you're almost there." He ignored the fact that I told him that I hated him. There was a small part of me that beamed at him right now, but that all got lost as the pain kept going as I kept pushing.

Soon enough, I had given birth to our little girl. They handed me our daughter and both Mateo and I were in tears.

"Welcome to the world Kiana Hazel De Luca." I said as I held our daughter for the very first time.

"Hi mia principessa." Mateo greeted her as he leaned in and placed a kiss on my lips.

"This is your Dad, my love." I told our little child. He took her small hand in his and kissed her hand.

"I promise to love you both, protect you, and always be there whenever you need me." He promised us. I smiled at him and he smiled back. There was a sparkle in his eyes that was different than before.

"Promise?" I asked.

"Always." He answered.

"I love you." I told him.

"I love you, you're so strong mia dolcezza." He took Kiana in his arms after the nurse weighed her and measured her. She was a healthy and strong baby.

Of course we were in a hospital of werewolves. We were soon in our hospital suite. Our families and friends came, saw Kiana and checked up on me, and then they left us to be alone with our baby girl. Mateo held Kiana to his bare chest as he sat on the couch by my bed. They both were asleep, and it was the cutest thing I ever seen.

It was truly a rare sight to see the alpha like this and I know that he'd only be like this to me and now his daughter. I reached for my phone that was on the table next to my hospital bed. Once it was in my hand, I opened up the camera and snapped a couple of pictures of the sight that was in front of me.

This was better than I had ever imagined.

This was what I had always dreamed of.

It may be a little bit different due to the fact that Mateo's a werewolf and now our daughter is half werewolf.

But I wouldn't trade this for the world.

I wouldn't even want to have a "normal" life because that would mean I would want to change Mateo and I never could.

I would never want to give him up.

I would never want to give her up either.

This is what joy is.

This is what happiness is.

This is what love is.

This is our life.

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