Chapter 4: The Urge

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Nothing meant for you will run away from you.

I arrived at the club at 10:45 and I parked my car at the valet parking and got out. I handed my keys to the valet, then headed over to the entrance of the club. The bouncer already knew who I was, after all. He was a member of my pack. He gave me a respectful nod and allowed me into the club without checking my ID or making me wait in line. This club was also mine because our company owns it. Many people knew who I was, so no one would complain about me skipping the line.

Humans and werewolves come to this club mostly every night, unless there's a full moon because then this becomes a werewolf-only club. People with invites are the only ones who can enter this club during those nights. Full moons occur roughly every 29.5 days each year. Werewolves from other packs are mainly the ones who come to this club because those other packs don't care about humans or they like humans. Unlike most of my pack, who only come here during full moons to avoid the humans.

During the nights where there's a full moon, our powers and strength double. Our control over our desires and overturning into wolves decrease. Alphas have the most control, but even during the full moon we lose control and it's also hard for us to stop ourselves from turning. Betas and third-in-commands have better control than all other werewolves, but less than Alphas. When werewolves reach the age of three, they discover their ability to shift, but until they reach puberty (around the age of 11-14) is when they reach full wolf maturity. During that age group is when full moons make them lose all control and they automatically shift into werewolves, so they are never allowed to leave pack lands.

As soon as I set foot into the club, I got this strange sensation. I felt it all throughout my body. My mate was in here and I needed to find her, but it's not like I could just follow her scent and randomly go up to her, tell her she's my mate, and expect everything to work out. If she was a werewolf too, she would also sense my scent and know that her mate was here as well. It would make it easier for us, where we would just meet in the middle so to speak and we would conversate with one another, knowing that we were each other's mates. Things would just flow together, I'd mark her and she'd mark me.

If she was a human, it would be twice as hard. She wouldn't know who I was, she wouldn't be able to sense me. I would have to find a way to get to know her, interact with her more, see if she knows anything about werewolves in an indirect way and if not I'd have to find a good way to tell her who I am and everything about werewolves. Who knows how she'd react to that news. It was a complicated matter, to say the least, but I needed to find her. When Alphas find their mates and mate, it makes them stronger, and then their mate if they are a female become the Luna.

I decided that now was not a good time to follow her scent, so I made my way to my private booth that was in a secluded area. It was away from the rest of the tables and far from the dance floor, but I was able to see the whole club from where the table was located on a ledge. I instantly saw my brother, Leo, and Andrew with his husband sitting with drinks in their hands. I walked up the four steps that led to the booth, but there was this continuous feeling inside of me. A feeling that coursed throughout my body, a feeling that was unexplainable and now I'm fighting the urge.

The guys sensed my presence and stopped their conversation, looking up at me. Andrew giving me a warm smile, while Leo gave me the goofy brotherly smile that I have grown to find less irritable over the years and maybe even love without him ever knowing. After greeting them, I took a seat on the couch where I normally sit and Roy, the waiter who always is the one in charge of our table, came up to me.

"What will you be having Mr. De Luca?" He questioned.

"I'll have a single malt whiskey and plate of popcorn chicken please," I replied to which he nodded and made his way over to the bar.

"Anything new happened today that neither one knows about?" Leonardo asked looking at me and I shook my head.

"Nothing that you don't know about," I answered, he gave me a nod and decided to start talking about what happened with his wife. A story that I didn't pay attention to because there was something else that was taking up my mind and that was my mate. Sensing her presence had gotten me affected in such a way that I don't know what is happening to me. I was distracted to the point where I didn't even notice Roy placing the glass of whiskey and plate of food in front of me. My eyes were scanning the club trying to find the woman who has occupied my mind without even getting to know her or even knowing what she looks like.

"Mateo?" Someone said making me refocus my attention on the men that I was with. I looked over to Andrew who was giving me a confused expression.

"What is it?"

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing's wrong with me."

"You've been distracted since the moment you sat here, you didn't even see Roy place your order in front of you." He explained. I looked down at the table and took the glass into my hand, taking a sip of the whiskey allowing the liquid to burn my throat as I swallowed. It tasted amazing, but that didn't stop the three men from looking at me with worried looks plastered on their faces.

"My... my mate she's here," I confessed and they exchanged glances between one another, neither one saying something. After a minute they looked back at me and each one of them was smiling.

"That's incredible Alpha." Ramon was the first one to speak up and I just gave him a small nod.

"Where is she?" Leonardo questioned and just as I was about to tell him truthfully that I had no idea where she was, our eyes locked. There she was, across the dance floor and even in the lights of the club I could tell she was beautiful. My mate. I have found my mate and she was standing across from me. 

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