Chapter 1.7

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“Wow I sure feel productive and knowledgeable, I think that was a good study period” Amber exclaimed, stars letting up her eyes. The twins both weakly smiled, knowing full well they both barely studied or learned anything new during the entire period. The only thing memorable for them was either the beginning when meeting the librarian or when they each met two other people.
“Alright gang, let's head to 6th period, Home EC!” Amber exclaimed out loud, dragging the twins down the vast hallways of Genshin High once again.

In what felt like 20 seconds but was probably a minute, the twins had arrived in front of a door that said,

“Home ECs, Ms. Sara”. Aether was puzzled by the topics, tilting his head a bit in confusion.

“Um isn’t Home EC considered to be barely a class, not going over smart things or whatnot” Aether commented? Amber gasped, seeming offended. She was, in fact, offended.

“Home EC is an important class! Basic life skills like cooking and cleaning are important for human survival, if anything it teaches a lot more than other classes!” Amber defended, her face going red from speaking so much she almost forgot to breathe. Lumine giggled, finding Amber’s passion cute.

“Amber does have a point after all,” a commanding female voice said. The twins looked around and they found a tall blonde lady with beautiful blue eyes, staring at them. The two gasped, feeling mildly intimidated by the tall hot blonde.

“Hi, I am Jean, your school principal,” Jean said, letting out a hand for the twins to shake. The twins shook hands with Jean, feeling the strong grip but smoothness of her pale hands. Amber gasped, surprised to see Jean.

“Principal Jean! What are you doing here?” Amber exclaimed, being very excited to see her.

“Oh Ms. Sara was feeling sick for the day and I am here to substitute in her place, nothing too big of a concern” Jean said coolly, helping waver down Amber’s excitement. “Now let’s have a good class!” Jean exclaimed, then rushing into the classroom to set up for the period.

“This will be fun, such a treat to have Jean teach a class,” Amber said, grabbing a hand from each of the twins and dragging them into the Home EC class.

The twins entered the classroom, suddenly feeling tension. They didn’t know where it came from for a moment till they found two students giving dirty looks at one another. One student was a tall dark blue hair jock with tan skin while the other one was a tall red hair jock with pale skin. The two males seemed as if they were on the edge of exploding and causing a scene.

The twins looked at Amber, hoping she would explain the odd tension in the air, but she kept on humming, seeming distracted in her world while looking at her bunny phone case. Lumine decided to cut to the chase and straight up ask Amber.

“Amber, um can you explain…” Lumine lowered her voice to avoid being heard, “those two” she whispered, pointing at the two jocks. Amber face formed an
“oh” and she nodded, whispering back.

“So that is Kaeya” Amber whispered, pointing to the blue hair jock, “and that is Diluc” she added on, pointing to the red hair jock. “They both are siblings and have some severe issues with one another, it just means they tend to be rather tense when in class together” Amber concluded. Lumine suddenly remembered something.

“Oh they were the same two jocks who kept aiming for each other in PE today during dodgeball” Lumine whispered. Aether's eyes went wide, remembering the two.

“yea they get competitive as well, which isn’t ideal since they’re both on the football team and you can’t be a team if you’re competing with your teammates,” Amber said.

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