Chalter 4.10

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Yoimiya gasped at the pretty scenery that was the Inazuma Park. She heard of the Student council and Kazuha working hard on a special project and was even offered to include her fireworks for the special project. But she never would’ve expected the Student council and Kazuha to produce such an incredible feat. Being able to recreate a small beautiful slice of Inazuma that sends chills down her back. Every detail was perfect and fitting, forming the image of her homeland. She then felt a hand grab her elbow. Quickly, she turned around and saw that it was only Kazari.

Kazari looked around in awe, or at least what she thought was awe. Due to her mask, it was a bit hard to tell Kazari’s emotions but Yoimiya was confident that Kazari was speechless in a good way. Yoimiya looked around too, just simply standing in awe, she then glanced and saw tears spilling from under Kazari's mask.

“Kazari! Don’t cry!” Yoimiya said, chuckling a bit. She could hear Kazari stifle a sob, causing Yoimiya to burst a bit. Her heart clench, the familiar scenery that she thought she would be forced to forget was just hitting her hard.

“I-its hard not to Yoimiya,” Kazari said, wiping the tears that cling to her jawline. “I-I was just really scared that I would forget Inazuma, the shrines and-

“Kazari said, pausing for a moment as a hiccup interrupted her, “my mom as well”. Yoimiya gasped, stifling a sob, and sympathizing with Kazari.

“Kazari…” Yoimiya whined, pulling her into a hug. The two hugged, Yoimiya grasping firmly to Kazari, refusing to let her go. She could hear Kazari’s hiccups, feeling her tears smear onto her shoulder. Kazari, a precious person to Yoimiya, being one of her first few friends she made and someone she wishes happiness for, tons of happiness, and good health for her.

Kazari eventually cooled down, and the two looked around the park. Even if she couldn’t see it, Yoimiya could tell that Kazari was smiling underneath her mask, joyful.

“You good?” Yoimiya asked, to make sure.

“Yes, a hell of a lot better now,” Kazari said, giggling, hiccupping a bit still. Yoimiya smiled, Kazari’s happy energy rubbing off on her.

“I’m glad,” Yoimiya said. The two continue to walk together, admiring the park. The trees, the flowers, and even the grass all reminded them of Inazuma, not a single speck inside of the park reminded them of something else. It made Yoimiya’s heart warm, appreciative that she doesn’t have to lose or forget everything about her old home. Eventually away from the center of the park where the party was being held, Kazari and Yoimiya found a shrine.

“Do you want to do your own thing, former Grand Narukami Shrine maiden?” Yoimiya jokingly teased. Kazari giggled and walked up to the shrine, inspecting the shrine to make sure it was clean. Once she deemed it clean, Kazari gave a small prayer to it. Yoimiya clasped her hands, watching in awe as Kazari performed something that Yoimiya knew she was trained to do for many years.

Kazari finished her prayer and bowed to the shrine before leaving. Then in the distance, they heard footsteps and someone yelling.

“YOIMIYA!” a familiar voice cried out. Yoimiya turned and realized it was Amber.

“Amber!” Yoimiya exclaimed. Yoimiya raised a high five, waiting for Amber to accept but Amber instead tripped and when getting up, forgot the high five and was just huffing, out of breath. Yoimiya felt a slight crack in her heart but she silently put the high five down as Kazari snickers behind her.
Amber gasps for a bit, then says,

“Yoimiya, we need you, for your art project/speech thing,” Amber said. Yoimiya jumped, remembering her contribution to the special project.

“Yoimiya, your family and yourself, are notoriously known for making fireworks, and if I remember correctly, your art project was just going to be fireworks” Kokomi, the art teacher says. Yoimiya nods, unsure of where Kokomi was going with this.

“Yeah, it was going to be like a special firework show that I’ll either record or you could just visit me and grade,” Yoimiya says, remembering her plan. Amber stands between the two, simply witnessing.

“How about instead, you use those fireworks for the special project that the Student council and Kazuha are pulling off. Simply give me the fireworks a day before the special project’s debut and I’ll handle it from there, okay?” Kokomi says, tilting her head and chirping out the “okay".

Yoimiya nods, interested and glad that people will be able to watch her fireworks and appreciate them other than just herself and Kokomi.

“Okay,” Yoimiya says. Amber quickly interrupts, stuttering.

“O-oh and before we set them off, can you give a quick speech?” Amber says. Yoimiya nods, accepting that as well.
“Good then,” Kokomi says

“OH, shoot my speech!” Yoimiya says, having completely forgotten about it. Amber nods and drags Yoimiya with a strong force that she felt like she was about to just be dragged like a rag doll. Kazari jogs behind the two, catching up later.

Amber takes Yoimiya to the small stage in the center of the party. Yoimiya was left alone on the stage, with a microphone and a crowd of people watching her. She felt a slightly nervous feeling creeping up on her but she persisted, focusing on the positive.

“I love to talk so goddamnit I’ll talk”

She grabs the microphone, a slight feedback rings and there was silence.


“Hi everyone, I am Yoimiya, the creator of the fireworks you will soon see,” Yoimiya starts, smiling awkwardly. She hears some light claps, but she decides to continue.

“My family has done fireworks for a long time, it’s a family tradition if not more for us. So, when moving here, I had a slight fear that my family might start to forget or lose the chance to be able to showcase fireworks as there are festivals all the time in Inazuma, and I wasn’t so sure here. But then the Student Council approached me and allowed me to showcase my fireworks, making me grateful. I am also grateful for these amazing parks, truly TOP NOTCH! Let’s give quick applause to the student council and Kazuha for setting this up!” Yoimiya exclaims, hearing roaring applause from the crowd. She could see some blushing faces in the crowd, likely being the Student Council.

“I do truly hope that you all will enjoy the fireworks, because to me fireworks may be fleeting beauties, but the memories are always eternal, so please, make eternal memories underneath the pretty-“ Yoimiya says before being quickly interrupted by loud booms and crackles. She goes quiet, an instinct to the sound of fireworks. Turning around, she sees the night sky brightening up with beautiful shades of red, yellow, and orange. Colors that she always loves and used as part of her art project.

She knew that she was done with talking so she left the stage, still looking at the night sky. In the corner of her eye, she saw Kazari, also looking up and
she went by her, standing side by side.

The two looked up, now purple fireworks, the shade of the Inazuma national color. She could hear the crowd ohhh and aww, all intrigued and mystified by the bright fiery colors.

While staring at the display she had made, she felt Kazari’s head lean onto Yoimiya’s shoulder, her hair tickling Yoimiya’s neck. Yoimiya gladly accepted it, leaning her head onto Kazari’s head, the two linked arms as they watch the show. The night sky roared with crackles and booms, burning the colors into everyone’s retinas. Yoimiya knew that the fireworks she made had succeeded at creating a new memory she’ll eternally cherish.

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