Chapter 3.10

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Razor looked around the forest, his eyes darting in a hurry. It wasn’t ideal for his hiking program to only have one child, but to get lost with a child would ruin his plan for volunteer hours.

Razor kept looking around his surroundings for a sign, a landmark, basically anything that would lead the group back to the parking lot. Sweat beaded on his forehead and his eyes darted around like a maniac.

Razor could see Bennett trying not to panic and instead focused on keeping Klee distracted and not antsy. He’d sketched out a hopscotch path in the dirt with a stick and the two were playing hopscotch, hoping with one leg.

Razor mildly wanted to join them and forget his worries but he knew he couldn’t, being the adult in this situation and needing to get them, group, not lost.

Yet his fear and doubt began to overwhelm him, his breathing shortcutting and his sight going blurry. He falls to one knee, looking around and hoping to look like he wasn’t about to have a breakdown.

Suddenly he remembers first moving and the sense of unfamiliarity and homesickness overwhelm him in the same forest. The same feeling that drove him to run away.


Razor regained focus and looked up to see Bennett hovering over him, seeming slightly nervous. He was whispering to him while glancing back to make sure Klee doesn’t runoff.

Razor decided to keep the focus on Klee while listening to Bennett, knowing g that it would be especially worse if they lost the child.

“Razor, you good? I know it’s a bit of an intense situation but I know you can prevail, after all, you’re basically a wolf" Bennett whispered, smiling softly.

Razor felt his stomach rumble with butterflies, seeing the same smile that prevented him from running away.
Razor took a deep breath, regaining calm. Then his eyes noticed something while watching Klee. He saw a familiar marking. He gets up swiftly and dashes over to a nearby tree and inspects the marking.

“What’s wrong, Razor?” Bennett asked, grabbing Klee's hand.

“Remember, head bump crash," Razor said briefly. Bennett’s eyes go wide as he realizes what he meant.

“Oh the time I uh bumped my head into the tree after climbing and needed to get stitches hehe,” Bennett said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. Razor nodded.

“River is nearby," Razor said and then led the way. Bennett followed along, still holding onto Klee’s hand who had been in her own world the whole time.
The trio all walked through the forest, passing trees and such till they found a clearing with a familiar rock structure.

“Oh, it's where we met," Bennett said. Razor nodded, not wanting to blush in front of Bennett by remaining silent. It worked for Razor for the most part.

The trio continued to walk onto a nearby path from the rock structure, following the same path Razor and Bennett took that brought them to the parking lot. Klee happily skipped and hummed, seeming to be enjoying her time.

Razor eventually heard the river, hearing the roar of the rushing g body of water and the trio sped up, trying to beat the sunset. They passed the trees, becoming blurs as the sound of a roaring river gets louder and louder.

Bennett gasps, seeing it alongside Razor and they became to travel north alongside the river Bank, knowing that it would lead them to the parking lot.

In his mind, Razor felt the tinge of nostalgia, remember g the memories of Bennett and him playing in the forest, having adventures. He also remembered all the times his heart raced in the presence of Bennett and trying to not seem obvious about having a crush.

As the sun lowers behind the tree horizon, the trio arrived at the parking lot, all huffing a bit after sprinting the last 100 meters. Upon reaching the parking lot, they see Jean's car pull into the parking lot.

Razor let out a breath of relief, grateful they made it on time by some miracle. Razor and Bennett both walked calmly as Klee ran ahead to Jean.

“JEAN!!!” Klee yelled out, excited to see her. Jean parked hastily and walked out.

“Klee, don’t run around me, especially when I’m driving a car” Jean lectured.

Klee rolled her eyes, which Bennett had to stifle a laugh to avoid disrespecting his principal. Jean redirected her attention to Razor, saying “anyway thanks for doing this, I hope Klee had fun" to which Klee explodes.

“I HAD AN AMAZING TIME!” Klee yell, surprising everyone. Razor would’ve thought it is bland since they got lost and didn’t do much other than walk.

“I can’t wait to tell everyone in my class about this, that way they can join as well!” Klee added, jumping up and down in excitement. Razor smiled, grateful to hear that, also knowing that it would make his program look better.

“Oh wow, well I guess Klee will continue to keep going here, and I’ll probably dropping and picking her up likely" Jean said. Bennett popped into the conversation, speaking for Razor.

“Glad to hear that miss Jean, ha e a good day!” Bennett said, waving the two off as they depart and drive away.
When Jean and Klee leave the parking lot, Bennett lets out a big dramatic breath.

“WOW! Can’t believe that went well!” Bennett exclaimed. Razor nodded, smiling. The sun begins to set, making things dark. Suddenly Razor felt worried that Bennett would get lost in the forest if he goes off alone to go home. So, he decides to be ambitious.

“U-uh since it’s dark, want to sleepover?” Razor says, stumbling on his own words. Bennett smiles, seeming unfazed by the request.

“I would love that" Bennett says, and then in a surprising turn of events, grabs Razor’s hand and drags him out of the parking lot.

Razor gasps in ternary, his mind going into overdrive for a bit. Bennett’s warm hands, full of calluses and scars from years of and luck and yet still warm and joyful to hold. It felt so Bennett to say the least. Razor then quickly tried to not let his mind go wild with distracting fantasies and memories as he realizes they would get lost again it doesn’t focus.

In the end, Razor took the lead, firmly holding onto Bennett’s hand while leading the way to his house, while the sky darkness and Bennett’s word fill Razor’s ears.

End of chapter 3

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