Chapter 1.3

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The three found themselves in front of a large gym, a school gym. They had quickly changed and were now wearing gym clothing.

“Now a quick warning, the PE teacher is intense at times, so be on your guard and be prepared. Her favorite game is dodgeball and you’ll see why very soon,” Amber warned, giving an ominous vibe with the stern look on her face. The twins were a bit concerned but their pride and lack of care overwhelmed them to not heed Amber’s warning.

The trio enters the large gym, seeing a game has already started. The twins looked around and found a large woman, with an eyepatch hurling rubber balls at students. She was manically laughing almost, seeming to be having fun. Then she threw a ball at one of the students nearby them and the student hit the wall, being thrown by the impact of the dodgeball.

“S-she didn’t just,” Lumine said, in shock, stuttering a bit as she saw the student groan in pain as the ball bounces away unscathed.

“Yeet a student to the wall, yes she did, but thankfully she does this once per class so since it happened already, you’re safe today,” Amber said, finishing Lumine’s sentence and dragging the two to introduce themselves to the PE teacher.

“Hello Coach Beidou, here I have been the two new students today, Lumine and Aether,” Amber said, gesturing to the twins.

“Um hi, I saw you throw a ball so hard it made a student get yeeted into the wall. Gotta say big fan” Aether said. Coach Beidou let out a hearty laugh, amused at Aether’s compliment.

“I appreciate that kid, thanks” Beidou replied and then looked at Lumine with her single eye. Lumine gulped, unsure of what to do with the attention.

“Uh hi, cool skills, I’m Lumine,” Lumine said, nervous. Beidou winked. Lumine immediately got flustered and Beidou let out another hearty laugh.

“Amber please teach them the ways of the GYM!” Beidou said, yelling gout gym loudly and opening her arms wide to the sky, gesturing to the big gym around them.

“Will do Coach Beidou!” Amber said excitedly, inspired by Beidou’s passion.

Amber dragged the twins to the back of the gym. “Okay twins, here the deal, all you do is play dodgeball today. That is good news because other days you might have to run in rain and snow, or you might have to play an intense game of Windtrace in the warm sun. FYI Beidou is one hell of a hunter” Amber said sternly.

“What’s Windtrace?” Lumine asked, holding a confused expression on her face.

“That’s a story for another time,” Amber said quickly, then grabbed the twin’s shoulders and pushed them away from the wall and into the battlefield that was the dodgeball game. “Good luck!” Amber shouted.

The twins were caught off guard, not suspecting they were to be forced into the game so quickly.

Aether looks to his side and finds a rubber ball hurling at him. He gasps, about to react but unable to, for the ball had hit right away. “Agh!” Aether cried out, being hit in the thigh, his bare skin contacting rubber, causing his skin to rug burn.

A whistle cries out. Aether looks to his side and finds a pink hair female student with a whistle in her mouth, she shouts out “You! Out!” pointing at Aether who was still processing what had happened.

Lumine giggles a bit, seeing her brother limply walk to the bench with some other students, one of them having a band-aid on their nose, green hair shy girl with who they had chemistry. Lumine waves goodbye to her brother and then gets her head into the game.

“Okay Lumine, you can do this” Lumine whispers, giving herself some pep talk. She looks over to the side and sees a large red hair jock, aggressively throwing dodgeballs at another blue hair jock who was smirking the whole time.

“Those two have issues and aren’t a threat,” Lumine mumbles, not wanting to get involved in whatever conflict the two have. She looks at the other side and sees a small blue hair boy reading while another stands in front, deflecting balls and throwing. Lumine grins at the sight, deciding to take the two down.

She dashes to the side, being as stealthy as possible whilst the boy looks at the blue-haired boy reading. She grabs a dodgeball and hurries, getting as close as possible without crossing the line. Sweat beads on her forehead, her breathing stays shallow to avoid detection. She hurls the ball, letting it sling through the air. The blue hair boy takes notice, realizing it too late, as the ball hits the boy’s back while he was distracted.

The blue hair boy laughs, amused to see his sullen friend go to the bench, “Don’t worry Chongyun, I’ll avenge you!”

Lumine eyes at the sad expression Chongyun had, learning his name now. The blue hair boy closes his book and stares at Lumine. “Hello, I assume you’re new here. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Xingqiu” Xingqiu says, then giving a polite little bow. Lumine glares, sensing something is up.

“I would wish you luck in defeating me but also not really,” Xingqiu says, smirking.

Then he rushes, hurrying to the side quickly, and grabs a ball. He immediately hurls it at Lumine, who ducks. Lumine couldn’t help but be surprised, she thought that Chongyun was the stronger one, but she must’ve judged wrong, it seemed that Xingqiu was merely holding off his strength.

Lumine hurries off, following and tracking Xingqiu’s movements around the gym, continuing to find balls and aim for him. But he was too agile, able to maneuver and avoid the balls.

“Go Lumine!” Aether shouted, giving support to his sister and her journey to take down some twink she just met.

Lumine grins, noticing the backboard of the hoop above Xingqiu. Xingqiu was busy avoiding the many balls that Lumine kept throwing regardless, aiming more directly at him.

Lumine quickly threw two balls, one aiming for Xingqiu directly and then another at the backboard. Xingqiu moved away ball aimed at him, but right into where Lumine wanted him.

He was caught off guard as the ball hits him on the back, bouncing off the backboard. Lumine jumps, finally able to hit Xingqiu.

A whistle blares and the pink hair girl points at Lumine, saying “You’re out!”. Lumine stares back, confused about what happened. “You can’t try to hit people by using walls, backboards, etc, according to the rules” the pink hair girl adds. Lumine felt defeated, so much hard work now undone because of a rule she didn’t know.

“Yanfei, it's okay,” Coach Beidou said, patting Lumine’s shoulder. “I’ll allow it this one time, the student used determination and skill to aim at a difficultly agile student,” Beidou said, pointing to Xingqiu. Yanfei nodded, then blew her whistle again, pointing at Xingqiu. Xingqiu’s grin faltered, and he sullenly walked to the bench, accompanied by his friend Chongyun.

“Nice job kiddo, Xingqiu is not an easy target, so it was impressive for you to be able to hit him in general” Beidou said, patting Lumine’s back. Lumine grinned, happy from the praise. She continued to play the game till she got hit by a stray ball from one of the red hair jock’s throws.

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