Chapter 9.6

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Amber felt stuck, not literally, metaphorically. She paced around in the library, staring at her computer the whole time. On her computer, was an email draft, waiting to be sent. She gulped, having written it out, aiming to send it to Ningguang the Student Council advisor in an attempt to withdraw from the race.

It happened in a moment of ambition, feeling so stressed out she wanted to work on anything but the campaign. So she had decided to work on a way to get out of it, preparing to send an email to Ningguang. But then right after finishing writing, she felt a cord of fear spark in her, ringing a familiar sound inside of her.

Reflecting, she remembered that she joined because she liked to help people and it was good for her college resume, making her shine more. Then she felt another side of her head speak up, telling her that helping people has made her burnt out and unhappy and she needed a break for once in her life.

Now, she leaned over her computer, unsure and confused. Scratching her head, she reread her email, checking to make sure it was looking alright at least.

Dear Ningguang,

I am emailing you regarding the Student Council elections. While I have spent the last five years, running, and winning for every single election, I have decided for once I will be taking a break and not running. Thanks for your understanding and I hope the elections go smoothly and all is well.


“It looks alright I guess,” Amber mutters, rereading it, agitating over little detail. She tapped her fingers against the table, nervous gut feeling storming inside of her.

She reaches her and places her hand on the mousepad, dragging the cursor over to the send button, only to freeze up and move the cursor away. She groans, sitting down and laying her hand on the table, lightly banging her forehand against in agony.

Then in the distance, she hears a burst of familiar laughter, so soft and cute, it gives her stomach butterflies. She could feel her face go scarlet, blushing at the impact such a cute laugh could have.

It was like if the cuteness of a bunny mixed with the innocence of an angel together, and their laugh sounded exactly like the one Amber heard.

She lifts her head looking to the side and seeing who the preparator was.

Her heart flutters, speeding up as she sees Lumine, wearing a cute white blouse with highlight-waisted, giving a very pure and simplistic look to her.

The gorgeous girl was laughing with some friends, walking out of the library with books in her hands.

“Oh, she’s leaving the library,” Amber thinks, then it dawns on her. “She WAS in the library!” Amber mentally exclaims. She looks back at her computer, blaming it. If she wasn’t so distracted, she could’ve noticed Lumine earlier and maybe tried talking to her, getting a chance to feel out the new feelings Amber has been feeling.

Amber believed it was love, a feeling she wasn’t used to or had felt often before she met Lumine. She couldn’t help but wonder why, why is she now feeling the love?

“Have I ever felt such intense feelings for someone before?” She asks herself. Reflecting on how she spent her school life over the years, she senses a pattern of Student Council and a strong desire to go to a good college seemingly perpetuating that, making it hard to notice people romantically and finding herself stuck in meetings rather than at the mall or whatever her classmates do.

Upon this realization, she looks back at the computer, seeing Student Council in a new light. Years have been spent in the club, with not that much payoff other than promises. At the moment, Amber was tired of promises, wanting something more. So, gulping down, she reached over and moved the cursor over to the send button, clicking on it.

The email sends, and she lets out a big sigh of relief, grateful to be done with such an arduous group. She takes out her phone, clearing out her schedule with previous campaign tasks she was going to do.

With each task removed, she felt her soul get lighter, everything becoming a bit easier for her.

She grabs her computer and puts it away in her bag, then heads out of the library, bag in tow. She follows the sound of Lumine’s laugh, hoping to talk to her.

End of Chapter 9

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