Chapter 3.6

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Razor could feel his heartbeat rise, filling with love as he cast his eyes onto Bennett who excitedly chatted with Klee, able to keep her entertain and be a wonderful parent-life figure. In his head, Razor could only hear his mental pen write down a new reason why he loves Bennett.

“Great with children,” Razor thought, a benefit he wasn’t aiming for but most certainly a perk. Walking on the dirt path, surrounded by a lush forest, Razor couldn’t help but remember how he met Bennett.

Razor sat alone on a rock in the middle of the forest, feeling antsy and homesick. He had arrived in Stone Gate a week ago from Wolvendom and he regretted ever leaving. He had a bag of his materials alongside him, deciding to run away back to Wolvendom.

In Stone Gate they weren’t surrounded by a forest, rather there was only like one and it wasn’t even that great in Razor’s eyes. He also missed the sound of wolf howls in the distance, due to the area’s abundant wolf population. All he heard was busy cars and dumb human noises.

Razor looked around in the forest, feeling iffy from the unfamiliar trees that didn’t compare to the Wolvendom trees. The dirt felt fake, as if someone just placed it there rather than it, existing for a long time. Everyone just felt off and different and he didn’t like it.

So, he decided to run away, hopefully, he can be taken in by the local orphanage or something, he didn’t have a plan in mind, but he believed he could figure it out. He gulped, looking back, seeing the footprints he placed on his journey of running. With a heavy sigh, he looked forward and began to head to Wolvendom.

Except he didn’t, because in the forest, he heard loud chatters and rustles. Razor froze, seeing the bushes shake. He grabbed a stick he found and got into a defending stance. He learned how to defend himself after years of living in an area with an abundant wolf population.

“Waa!” a boy the same age as Razor, cried out, falling out of the bush with cuts and bruises on himself. Razor gasped, surprised to see the variety of cuts. His maternal instincts kicked in and he grabbed the bottle of rubbing alcohol and cloth he brought out of his bag.

“A-are you okay?” Razor said, dowsing some of the rubbing alcohol onto the cloth as the boy laid on the dirt, not responding too much. He laced the cloth onto a cut, in which the boy hissed.

“ahh, that stings,” the boy said, his face turning so his eyes could glance at Razor.

“not if you move,” Razor said, placing the cloth onto another cut. The boy hissed again. He pouted then, seeing grumpy.

“mmm, thank you though,” the boy said, transforming his grumpiness into a beaming smile. A smile that made Razor freeze for a moment, feeling his heart do a flip.

“n-no problem” Razor whispered, his voice going quiet. The boy nodded and then he tried to stand all of a sudden, only to fall back down.

“ahh, can you help me?” the boy asked, reaching his arms out. Razor grabbed the boy’s arms and lifted him a bit, supporting his shoulder. “thank you” the boy said. The boy limped while supported by Razor. Razor quickly grabbed his bag and the two began to walk in one direction.

“my name is Bennett, what’s your name?” Bennett asked, introducing himself with a soft smile. Razor coughed a bit, surprised by the effect of the smile it had on him.

“Razor,” Razor said briefly. Bennett smiled wider, seeming intrigued.

“So, what were you doing in the forest?” Bennett asked, a curious expression rising on his face. Razor’s face paled a bit, remembering his previous plans, which he decided to abandon to help Bennett.

“I was taking a walk” Razor lied, not wanting to make Bennett concerned over him.

“Oh cool,” Bennett said. The two began to walk, as Bennett engaged in a one-sided conversation with Razor as Razor would nod and glance around the unfamiliar forest to figure out how to leave it.

Bennett told Razor that he was new to the town, having moved after the school district invited him, and his parents telling him he must go to the Genshin Middle school. Bennett admitted that he was a bit hesitant because he would be leaving Mondstadt, but he ended going, curious for new experiences. He also said that his parents had to make some sacrifices for Bennett to go to school, his dad needing to get a new job in the town.

To Razor, hearing all of this, he felt reminded of his own story and also feeling guilty at the fact he was about to run away. He had a feeling it wasn’t easy for his parents either, uprooting their lives so their child can go to a nice school.

During their conversation, Razor’s ears heard something familiar, a useful landmark to help him navigate his way out of the forest.

“river” he whispered. He then grabbed Bennett’s legs and carried him with two legs bridal style.

“Whoa!” Bennett cried out, surprised at the sudden move. Razor dashed forward, desperate to get to the river before sundown. Eventually, he reached the river, seeing a glorious long river stretching out into the horizon.

“Oh, a river! With this we can find our way to the parking lot since it's right next to it” Bennett said, basically saying Razor’s plan out loud. “Razor your so good at this” Bennett said sweetly. Razor felt his palms sweat a bit at the compliment, not used to them.

Thanks,” he said dryly, and then he let Bennett down to his feet, getting tired of running while carrying him.

“I can probably walk now,” Bennett said, limping a bit as he walked in the direction of the river. Razor felt a bit concerned but Bennett seemed determined, so he decided to let him be.

The two walked down the river, engaging in conversation and more.
Razor secretly wished the moment lasted forever, but eventually the two reached the parking lot where they found their parents, both worried out of their minds.
Bennett took the lead, having explained the situation with his sweet charm to the parents. Razor’s parents pat Razor’s back, seeming proud at their child’s survival skills, unaware that he was planning to run away in reality.

The sun began to set, and the two friends planned to stay in contact, along with the parents have become friends during the crisis. In the next few years, the two boys begin to hang out every day, being in a majority of the same classes together by chance and living close enough to visit one another.

“Razor!” Bennett cried out, a worried look cast onto his face. Razor took a moment, having flashbacked so hard he lost track of his surroundings.

“Where’s the river,” Bennett asked, while Klee played with a stick, hitting it with a tree. Razor’s face paled, realizing they were lost.

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