Chapter 1.8

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“A-Amber stop!” Lumine shouted, pulling apart from Amber’s iron grasp.

“We didn’t get to eat the pancakes completely!” Lumine cried out in protest to Amber’s force.

“It's too late, we’re already here!” Amber exclaimed, pointing to a door that said: “Baizhu, English”. Lumine’s face slacked into a dumbfounded look while Aether shed silent and nonexistent tears for the fallen pancakes they never managed to finish eating.

To the twins, they were so far the best thing about the school. “Alright let’s have fun, Baizhu’s class tends to be very educational and you get to learn a lot!” Amber commented, opening the door.

The twins entered the classroom glumly, not wanting to hear a teacher rant for an hour or so about some dumb old book. They sat down, ignoring their surroundings, remembering their amazing pancakes in which they lost.

The twins spaced out, unaware of the fact the teacher still hasn’t arrived, and yet the bell has rung.

“hehe, you know they say that if the teacher hasn’t arrived in the first 15 minutes, we get to leave,” a ginger hair jock-looking boy said, having a peculiar accent that differed from the Mondstadt and Liyue students. The twins rolled their eyes in annoyance, having heard the line before and finding it annoying.

“who the hell is that ginger-headed pest?” Lumine asked Amber.

“Oh, that’s the special Snezhnayan exchange kid we got, he not a permanent student but it what we got to show national diversity” Amber answered. Lumine realized that was why his accent was so thick, it was Snezhnayan.

“well he’s annoying” Lumine grumbled, annoyed at the surprisingly attractive boy but she pushed it to the back of her head, focusing on her lost pancakes.

Eventually, the teacher came into the room, finally ready to teach but yet he was still in a hurried movement, constantly moving around, picking stuff up, and putting stuff down. The twins stood up, no longer moping and they found the teacher to be peculiar. Their eyes dart to the teacher’s every movement, wondering what Baizhu would do next.

“Hello students, I apologize for being… late. No need to worry and it’s not like you would’ve been able to leave if I was 15 minutes late, looking at you Childe” Baizhu said, eyes darting back to the ginger head jock. Baizhu said his words with ease and cunningness, a Cheshire peculiarity swooping around the twins with his every word.

“Anyway, students we shall be reading some lovely poetry and analyzing them today, so be prepared to speak out loud” Baizhu continued, standing still for once and facing his classroom.

Baizhu handed out pieces of poetry in which the twins gave a small glance and then spaced out, not really planning on engaging with the class for the period. Baizhu heads to the front of the classroom, his eyes slither around the classroom, choosing someone to read aloud the poetry. He tilts his head when he found his target, eyes sharpening onto a student.

“Kazuha, please read the first paragraph,” Baizhu said with great decorum. The twins broke their spacing out and both looked towards the Kazuha that was mentioned. Aether leaned into Amber, curious about the student.

“Didn’t you mention something about Kazuha before?” Aether asked, feeling as if the name was familiar.

“Yes, he is an Inazuman born student, but he had migrated to Liyue, living under the care of Coach Beidou currently. It is how he can attend this school in the first place.” Amber answered.

“He looks like you Aether,” Lumine said, pointing to the blonde hair and similar facial shape.

“No, he doesn’t!” Aether exclaimed, feeling attacked by his sister's sarcastic comment.

“Students! Do not interrupt!” Baizhu said, his eyes landing on the twins with vigor and resentment. The twins looked down in embarrassment, their faces shedding a light shade of red. “Kazuha, continue please”

Kazuha nodded, continuing his reading of the poem. The twins couldn’t help but feel the emotion being portrayed from the poem and out of Kazuha’s lips, he had a nice gentle soul to it. When Kazuha had finished, Baizhu gave a light applaud, saying, “very good, nice job. Now, who’s next?” Baizhu arched an eyebrow, scanning the room once more. Then he chose a target.

“Xiao, why don’t you recite the next paragraph please?” Baizhu said. Xiao nodded and began to recite the poem.

The boy seemed shy and introverted while having the body of a toned jock. His hair flowed lusciously in its varying shades of green locks. His eyes were sharp and hard, seeming to be made of a dangerous rock but yet the rock was made to be cracked to find something far deeper behind it.

“Okay, who is he?” Lumine asked, feeling a slight blush creeping up her neck as she watched the boy recite the poem beautifully and elegantly.

“Xiao, he is a jock though he is known to be rather introverted and alone, he is very passionate and sweet if you're nice to him” Amber replied.

“I’m going to be so fucking sweet to him” Lumine whispered, wanting to get to know the boy more.

“damn sis, your crush is showing” Aether whispered. Lumine threatened a punch at Aether, pausing her punch right before she could hit Aether. Aether jerked back in reflex causing Lumine to giggle at him. Aether groans slightly.

“Okay students, one last reader and we shall begin analyzing the poem” Baizhu announced, once again finding a target amongst the many students. He then found one, announcing it with passion and dramatics, “Our FINAL READER shall be…”  he paused for dramatic effect, “XINYAN!” He said, pointing to a girl who had a lot of spikey accessories, her hair was in two buns and she seemed to be zoning out the window, being seated by the window after all.

“O-oh! alright, teach let’s do this I guess” Xinyan said, startled a bit but regaining confidence.

“If it not a problem, can I recite this in my style?” Xinyan asked, her eyes filled with a sense of curiosity.

Baizhu laughed and nodded, saying “of course, it is poetry, after all, interpretation is one of the greater aspects of it”. Xinyan smiled, grateful for the teacher.

Then Xinyan began to rap out the poem, hitting the rhyme schemes and creating a beat and flow with the dainty words. The class watched in awe as Xinyan put a whole performance, rapping the poem out with her soothing voice.

“who is she?” Aether asked, bopping along to Xinyan’s rap.

“Our school’s musician, Xinyan. Infamously known to want to become the next big rock star in all of Tevyat” Amber answered. The twins nodded, finding Xinyan to be fairly interesting.
Eventually, Xinyan had finished her rap and Baizhu took control of the classroom, teaching on the analysis aspect of the poem. The twins had spaced out once again, not interested in that.

The period ended, the bell ringing in the great hallways of the school. Amber took the twins to where they had entered the school from, saying goodbye. “I really hope you guys had a good first day here! It has been a pleasure guiding you through the many halls and classes and people as well of Genshin High. I can’t wait to see you guys more as well, since we do have every class period together!” Amber exclaimed.

“yes, it has been fun here, um bye I guess. See you tomorrow” Aether said. Lumine nodded, tired and not wanting to speak.

“Okay bye, I would talk longer but I actually have to go or else I’ll be late for my student council meeting, bye!” Amber said, dashing away from the twins and heading up the multiple stairs leading back inside the large school. 

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