Chapter 13.4

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Sitting in the lounge room, enjoying the warm musky embrace of her boyfriend always made her day. Lumine nuzzled into Childe’s shoulder, whimpering a bit as Childe wrapped his arm around her petite frame, chuckling in a way that made her knees feel weak. The blonde-haired girl desperately required cuddles after a long day spent getting poor grades from previous homework and tests.

“Mm, it’s okay darling, you’ll be fine,” Childe murmured in Lumine’s ears while caressing her back. Lumine hummed and lifted her head a bit, leaning it against his shoulder now.

“Thanks, baby,” Lumine whispered, pulling out her phone to scroll around as Childe did the same, both of them enjoying their small free time before they had to return to school, etc work.

Her phone chimed and she saw a notification for an email from the school. She scanned the subject line, reading “Council returns now and more news: Genshin High Newsletter”. She rolls her eyes, remembering the sudden stress that everyone underwent a few days after the football game.

Since she was new and arrived at the school more in the middle of fall rather than the beginning of the school year, she wasn’t aware of the annual visit of officials from other nations, called the Council. She was very confused when one day everyone kept mentioning how they needed to look and seemingly excel for a week for the Council.

She had to ask Amber who the Council was, finally getting the full story of how a few officials from other nations who have yet to partake in the Genshin High multination project visit and observe, acting interested only for nothing to happen. Amber claimed it was a week of false promises and pretenses, needing to look amazing and avoid any possibility of offending other nations.

As the week got closer, Lumine felt a lot of stress as teachers kept giving out cue cards and different kinds of homework to make the students seem smarter.

In Lumine’s eyes, it felt like a giant play was being orchestrated for a measly four people who looked with a fake keen eye and a plastic smile. It irritated her, especially when the weird homework was graded, and she was given another bad grade last week for it.

Now she had numerous bad grades in her grade book, making her stomach feel queasy. Opening the P.A.I.M.O.N app, she was able to check her grades, and right now she was at a C in a few classes, which in Genshin High, was considered an offense.

She groaned, the thought of bad grades bringing her to remember she needed to go to a good college or risk getting sued for “failure to uphold contract”, something she wished she was informed about before moving.

Lumine cast her eyes over to Childe, immediately feeling better as the ginger was playing a game on his phone, his tongue sticking out cutely in determination. His eyes seemed so focused and into the moment that she didn’t want to break it. Luckily Childe did it for himself as he whined, apparently having lost his game.

“Ahh I was so close!” he exclaimed, prompting Lumine to giggle. She tugged at his cheeks but then she saw her phone, seeing her grades still displayed. She gulped, wondering about Childe and his future.

“Oh baby, do you know what college you plan to go to or want to go to?” Lumine asked, hoping it was a fairly easy one for her to also get into as well.

She knew she wasn’t at Yanfei and Xingqiu’s level, not being the smartest person but she was confident she could reach a mid-tier ranking college at least.

“Oh, uh you know,” Childe said, his eyes glancing around, looking everywhere but at her. Lumine could also feel his heart rate spike a bit, now confused on what was the problem. Yet he never finishes his sentence as Childe’s phone pings and he jumps to his feet, immediately dashing out the dorm building door.

Lumine falls to the gross carpeted ground, startled at the action, even pausing for a moment before she snaps to her sense and chases after the ginger.

“W-wait Childe, where are you going?” Lumine calls after, dashing out the dorm building and down to the sandy shores, her footsteps sinking into the sand and slowing her down. She gulped, her body tense as she couldn’t find her boyfriend. Spinning around, she looks in every direction, her heart calling out for familiar ginger.

“Childe! Where are you?” she yells out, feeling suddenly uneasy.

“What was that ping? What was so important for him?” Lumine asked herself, unsure and doubt seeping into her.

“Scar! Where are you?” a familiar voice cries out, surprising her. Lumine turns around and sees Mona, bearing a blue oversized shirt that said “Got Horoscope?” plus black shorts.

“Mona, are you missing your boyfriend too?” Lumine asked, catching Mona’s attention. Mona nodded rapidly.

“Yes! He was with me one second but then he got a text or something and he was out the door the next,” Mona explained.

“That’s literally what happened to Childe, what is going on?” Lumine asked.

“Maybe it’s no big deal, oh maybe they’re planning a party or something?” Mona theorized. Lumine nodded her head, hoping that was why.

“Yeah, maybe the ice cream cake was melting or-” Lumine said before an explosion occurred on Pudding Isle, seen from her dorm building, a loud sonic wave-piercing the air towards them, as debris shot out a bit and spread into the ocean.

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