Chapter 4.11

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(A/n: a small one-shot epilogue for the chapter)

Kokomi elegantly sat on the grass clearing she quickly found inside the park. It helped when she made the plans for the park, taking a big part in the creation of the Inazuma park alongside the Student Council. She smirked, remembering the weeks she spent, planning, and prepping the park, only to now see it come to life, beautifully done. As she had expected of herself.

The fireworks boomed in the sky; now purple colors similar to the Inazuma national flag brightening the dark unfamiliar sky. Kokomi touched the grass, twirling it in her fingers. She didn’t dare rip it out of the ground, not wanting to damage her hard work. Behind her she hears footsteps, then a stick-breaking under afoot, and a familiar yelp. She giggles, knowing who it was like day.

“Hi Gorou, you can join me,” Kokomi says, glad to see her former bodyguard and now fellow teacher join her. Gorou mutters, blushing a bit. “You’re not very subtle, you know,” Kokomi says teasingly.

“I am a trained soldier, one that was made to protect you, your Excellency. So, excuse me if the ground is loud,” Gorou says, his deep voice ringing in her ears. She lazily rolls her eyes, amused at Gorou's attempts to be sneaky and strong.

“Don’t call me, your Excellency. We’re not in Inazuma and you’re not my bodyguard anymore, we’re just colleagues,” Kokomi says, annoyed at the title that everyone would refer to her in Inazuma. Now she was in Genshin District, a new place where she can start new, fresh and clean.

“Sorry Kokomi, old habits die hard,” Gorou says, drawling out her name, then coughing. Kokomi giggles, her eyes still locked onto the fireworks. She continues to watch, examining Yoimiya’s hard work, really appreciating it.

In the corner of her eye, she saw the park that she helped make. A fact that she didn’t want to have been released for reasons to avoid looking more and more like a High Priestess and philanthropist, titles she wanted to leave behind.

“I’m still surprised you didn’t let the school or students tells everyone what you did for this park,” Gorou chirped. Kokomi giggles, remembering it all. She had to leave Inazuma a month earlier than everyone else to ensure the plan went well. She founded eighty-five percent of the project and while she did let the Student Council make some decisions on the landscape, she made a majority, knowing that Kazuha was prone to forget details and the rest have never been to Inazuma. She had to hire the construction company and gardening company to plant and form the park, while Kazuha and the Student council mostly worked on greeting the new Inazuma faculty and students.

Ahe could tell that the Student Council and Kazuha did feel a bit off about accepting the credit, but she instilled a sense of confidence in them to prevent loose lips. The last thing she needed was more publicity and constant paparazzi following her, wanting answers to their ridiculous questions. She wished for peace and quiet in the Genshin District.

“All I just wanted was to make it easier to move in here and get an Inazuman to feel, I will always miss Inazuma as long as I am away, but this makes it easier,” Kokomi says, her eyes still locked onto the night sky.

Then the firework display stops, small remnants of light remained for a mere second before disappearing into the night sky. Kokomi sighed, blinking a bit to rest her eyes, tired from staring at bright lights for a while. She then turned her head to glance at Gorou, realizing that he was gazing longingly at her. She jumped a bit, startled to see Gorou looking at her so passionately.

“Gorou, how long have you been staring at me?” Kokomi asks, curious.  Gorou starts to stammer and mutter, his face going red. He lost concertation and revoke back to his somewhat tough but somewhat awkward nature. She giggles, deciding to leave the question unanswered as she got up. She lifted her hands above her head and stretched. She turns and looks down at Gorou, extending a hand to him. He smiles cutely and accepts it, standing as well. The two walk back, slightly tired but still talking.

End of Chapter 4

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