Chapter 3.1

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Diluc snarled, annoyed at his stepbrother for forcing him to do this. He had lost a bet against Kaeya over who can do the most push-ups, resulting in the two fightings when Diluc refused to admit loss and then event accepting he lost.  But ever since he lost, Kaeya has revealed what he has in plan for Diluc which made him nervous.

The two’s relationship has been a tapestry of competition, arguing and backstabbing, starting when Kaeya tried to attack Diluc with a bat during a piñata game. Diluc knew it wasn’t an accident and that Kaeya could clearly see. The memory sets his blood on fire and leads to the two rehashings the issue over again. The two were very petty nonetheless.

But now, as Diluc looked up, he felt like Kaeya had brought their rivalry to a new level. Diluc could the cries and cheers, the laughter of children.

“God, why did Kaeya sign me up to volunteer at the elementary school, for an entire semester.” Diluc looking at the friendly brick sign with a rainbow and sun that had a big smile on its face.

“Ugh," Diluc thought, walking forward as he dreaded the thought of being around overactive children that had no sense of hygiene.

It was also especially worse for Diluc as he had already completed his required volunteer hours to graduate by volunteering to be a servant for another rich family’s staff. It was exhausting and he was glad to be done with volunteer teeth work but Kaeya had ruined it.

“as always, Kaeya decided to ruin things for me" Diluc thought, arriving at the front counter.

“Um hello, I am here to volunteer,” Diluc said, aiming to be as polite as possible to the lanky female with glasses.

“Oh, yea Diluc Ragnvindr! We were quite surprised to see someone of” the lady said, then hesitating on her words,
“such esteem and status would volunteer here," she said, placing an awkward smile on her face.

Diluc internally rolled his eyes, not in the mood to be reminded of his family’s fortune and being the heir to an alcohol empire primarily in Mondstadt. It was already hard enough when the occasional stranger will walk up to him and act like his friend to which Diluc would push away, disturbed.

“Yes, I thought it would be a good experience," Diluc said with a thin smile. The lanky lady grinned.

“Call me Soraya, I’ll lead you to your assigned classroom," Soraya said, leaving the front counter and going down a hallway compromised of beige wallpaper. Diluc felt the wallpaper to be lacking, preferring red but alas he was only a mere volunteer.

He followed the lady to the classroom, feeling an uneasy sense of dread rising in his abdomen.

Immediately Diluc heard chatter and loud noises coming from all of the classrooms, causing him to feel nauseous. He’s never one for loud noises or being around others, he preferred staying in with a good book or maybe hanging out with one good companion but never all of them at once.

“You’ll be helping class 1-B which is notorious for having a variety of personalities so be aware of that” Soraya said. Diluc wasn’t entirely sure how that information was relevant or could mean but he decided to keep it in mind.

They've arrived at a door that read
“1-B" and had a large rainbow on the front like the school’s brick sign. Inside, Diluc could hear loud noises, specifically bomb noises and hissing which confused Diluc to a great degree.

“Here you go, report to the teacher and she’ll give you instructions or directions," Soraya said, then promptly leaving. Diluc stood in front of the door, wondering if he should abandon and go home.

“No, if I do that I’ll get in trouble and damage the family name," Diluc thought, taking into consideration of his family’s reputation in the town and beyond. He let out a big sigh and gripped the door know, determined.

He opened the door and finds the classroom to be a confusing mess of chaos. Children were running around the classroom shouting. A few children were painting sloppily, causing the paint to spill. Some were playing with toys violently, clashing them together and breaking them. One little girl was creating a paper Mache volcano while whispering “bombs away hehe". Diluc felt fear for he could sense the child’s lack of hesitation for chaos. In a small corner, he saw a child seems to be reading, surprising Diluc as he would fi d it hard to read in such chaos.
He gulped and took a step forward, looking at the ground to avoid getting his shoes ruined with paint or other messy substances.

He noticed the only adult in the room, who was dealing with eh girl and her volcano.

“Klee doesn’t use all of the baking soda and vinegar-oh hey! You must be the new volunteer!” The teacher having directed her attention away from the girl who was supposedly named Klee.

“Yes, I am Diluc Ragnvindr, um what should I do?” Diluc said, introducing himself to the teacher. The teacher simply smiled, seeming grateful.

“I’ll have you introduce yourself to the kids momentarily and you’ll just prevent the kids from making bad decisions, etc.," the teacher said, seeming to ignore Klee who was smirking. Diluc eyes widened as he noticed Klee take the baking soda bag, and pour it all in, half a gallon of baking soda plopped inside a paper Mache volcano.

Diluc could see Klee grab the vinegar bottle to which Diluc interrupted the teacher and grabbed it first, preventing a mess.

“Like that" Diluc said. It took the teacher a moment to inspect the scene and realize the potential mess that could’ve to happen.

“Yes! Nice job, you’ll do well" the teacher said, letting out a sigh of relief. Diluc only lightly smiled, still feeling nervous and sensing dread for something worse to come.

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