Chapter 2.3

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Elsewhere in the world of Tevyat, Chongyun strolls alongside Xingqiu, Hu Tao, and Xiangling, on their way to Wanmin Restaurant.

The location was fairly nearby the school, attracting tons of students after school. Chongyun noticed the falling sun, seeing darkness illuminate the skies above them.

He felt at ease seeing such weather, feeling comforted by the relaxing aesthetic it brought. He then brought his gaze over Xingqiu, who happily chattering alongside Hu Tao and Xiangling.

“No way they did that!” Xingqiu exclaimed, reacting to a story that Hu Tao was talking about.

“I know, now the Funeral Parlor has made it so no customers can watch the cremating process anymore to prevent such an incident from happening,” Hu Tao said, laughing alongside Xingqiu.

Xiangling was a bit busy on her phone, which had a cute red panda creature as the phone case, muttering and such.

“Xiangling what’s wrong?” Chongyun asked, curiously concerned.

“Oh, it not much, I’m just trying to figure out what I might have to do when we reach the restaurant since I’ll be working while you guys figure things out. I’ll do my best to help but I won’t be very active in the discussions” Xiangling admitted, her eyes holding a sense of worry for her fellow friends.

“It's no big deal, we all understand how important your job is and everything. It is okay if you’re not as active in every part of our discussions” Chongyun said with a reaffirming smile.

Xiangling lit up, worry decreasing from her eyes. “which reminds, what about your job Hu Tao?” Chongyun added on.

“It’ll be fine, I have rather flexible hours at the Funeral Parlor now since I am a manager there,” Hu Tao said, giving a snickering smile.

“Okay cool,” Chongyun said, then stopped, realizing the gang had arrived at the Wanmin Restaurant. “all alright groupie let’s get to work,” Chongyun said. Xingqiu smiled and placed a hand on Chongyun’s shoulder. Chongyun felt himself blush a bit at Xingqiu’s touch but he put it aside for fear of triggering his overheating disorder.

Xingqiu giggles slightly and goes inside the lively restaurant. Xiangling had disappeared in the back, tending to something but the other three sat down in a booth nearby.

“oh, what should we eat?” Xingqiu asked, picking up a menu and examining it. Hu Tao did the same, curiously looking despite the three having eaten at the Wanmin Restaurant before numerous times.

“um not something spicy, you know I can’t handle heat well,” Chongyun asked, hoping to not recreate another situation like the one time in the winter of 8th grade.

“LMAO yes, we don’t want another case of Chongyun’s dancing or singing abruptly,” Hu Tao said loudly, bringing up the memories.

“Oh or when he tried to take a dog because he thought it was too cute to not bring home, wholesome moments” Xingqiu recounted, adding to the memories.

“hehe yes, guys, which is why none of you can add Juyeon peppers to my food, never again!” Chongyun exclaimed, wanting to avoid another awkward situation of explaining his overheating disorder to everyone in a restaurant or a dog owner.

“Cool down Chongyun, you might steal a cat,” Xingqiu said, causing Hu Tao and Xingqiu to burst out in laughter, their kidneys hurting while Chongyun just crossed his arms and looked away, his face seeping scarlet color from his neck.

After a minute or so of Xingqiu and Hu Tao laughing while Chongyun gets embarrassed, Xingqiu then lays his hand on Chongyun’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry we won’t do it again. Also, we only tease because your cute when you are embarrassed” Xingqiu said, whispering the last part closely to Chongyun’s ear.

Chongyun blushed a bit, but eventually, he got served water and was able to regain his temperature.

The trio looked at the menu again, deciding on what to order. Then Xiangling appeared out of nowhere, breathing deeply.

“H-hi guys, um what book have you guys decided on?” Xiangling asked, seeming in a rush.

“Oh, we haven’t decided yet, Xingqiu do you have any ideas?” Chongyun asked, then adding “since you are the bookworm amongst us”. Xingqiu paused for a moment to think, causing Xiangling to release a loud sigh in annoyance.

“Okay okay, I think Legend of the Lone Sword would be good. I haven’t read it, and I heard it is action-packed and interesting so you guys might like it” Xingqiu said.  Everyone nodded, not having any doubts.

“Okay cool then, while I am at it, how about I’ll take your guys’ orders,” Xiangling said, holding out a notepad with a pen. Everyone said their orders and the group got to planning on their book project.

“Okay, let's meet up at one another’s place to discuss the book, and we can each get a copy via online, library, or buying it a nearby shop,” Chongyun said. Hu Tao nodded, agreeing with his plan meanwhile Xingqiu seemed off for some reason. Chongyun poked Xingqiu and asked, “are you good?” Xingqiu quickly smiled and said “yes”, agreeing with the plan.

The trio got their food served, told the plan to Xiangling, and ate. They shared some laughs, recounted their days, and then eventually the sun had set and all three had left. Hu Tao went her own separate way, leaving the boys off to their path.

Chongyun watched the skies, seeing flickers of stars though not too much for they lived in a suburban area with lots of light pollution. Looking next to him he saw a noticeably worried Xingqiu, who seemed to be checking his phone for something, but he wasn’t sure of what.

“Xingqiu, are you alright?”  Chongyun asked, worried for his friend. He usually sees him with confidence, never showing any fear or worry so it was odd for Chongyun to see this side of Xingqiu.

“I’m fine, I should probably hurry home though, um bye Chongyun,” Xingqiu said, waving at him while rushing forward into the night sky. Chongyun tilted his head a bit, confused by Xingqiu’s odd behavior but nevertheless, he trusted his friend and had a feeling he was alright.

Chongyun looks back up into the night sky and sees a star, bright and shimmering, bursting with energy and light. Then a cloud passing it and it disappears, a small flickering eventually leading to nothingness, its shine was gone.

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