Chapter 1.4

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WAA” Lumine yells out, feeling sore from the workout she had gained from dodgeball. Amber giggles in response to Lumine’s cries.

“I know, dodgeball here is pretty intense but nonetheless it is still fun,” Amber said. Then she adds, “next period for us is history! Let’s go!” Amber grabs the twins and drags them through the many hallways to reach their next class.

Eventually, the twins found themselves in front of a large door. On it was a sign that said, “Vengeance shall be mine!” The twins found it rather peculiar for a history teacher to have such a sign, but it didn’t faze them too much.

“Eula, our history teacher, is very passionate about history, especially when it comes to dealing with those who don’t take responsibility or in her words, take vengeance for any ancestral misdeeds,” Amber said. Then she adds, “She used to come from an old tyrannical family in Mondstadt, but she had worked to undo and get vengeance for her ancestors’ actions, she’s very inspiring.”

The twin gave each a glance, each holding different messages. Lumine found it impressive for Eula to admit and work hard to undo her family’s dark actions. Aether was just realizing they don’t know much about their background. It concerned him since he didn’t want to have to dedicate his life to undoing or getting vengeance for past actions. Amber smiled at the two and opened the door, letting the twins enter the classroom.

“Alright students get out your projects and let’s begin the presentations,” Eula said kindly to the students. The twins couldn’t help but feel a sense of annoyance coming their way, whether it be the teacher or other students.

“Now since we have two new students, they won’t have to do the projects since that wouldn’t be very fair,” Eula said, her lips forming a thin line. Lumine suddenly noticed the goth-looking girl that was in her chemistry class eyeing her down. Her pale skin fitting her cold demeanor whilst she bore a glare at Lumine. The girl looked away, later on, placing her focus on the peppy blonde girl who was wearing a cheerleader uniform. Lumine didn’t know what to do with this information, feeling as if she was stepping into someone’s else story.

“Alright, Barbra you go first,” Eula said, now sitting on her desk and opening a PowerPoint of the peppy blonde girl whose name is Barbra.

“Hi everyone, I’m Barbra!” Barbra said, her voice like honey, and she sounded as if she was singing. Aether noticed some of the boys in the class paying very close attention to Barbra and seeming excited by her appearance. The goth girl was giving a glare to each of the boys, scaring them down.

“The project was about our family history, so I did my research!” Barbra exclaimed, seeming excited. Aether could feel his heart racing a bit, seeing Barbra be so excited and jump up and down in the sweetest way possible. He could see why the other boys in his class were so smitten by her.

Before long Aether was looking longingly at Barbra, feeling like his heart could burst at every cute gesture Barbra did or every little sound that came out of her mouth. He then felt a cold presence hitting him, he turned around and realized that the goth girl was glaring at him. She gave Aether a stern warning, by dragging her finger around her neck, indicating that she would cut off Aether’s neck if he didn’t stop. Aether got scared, deciding to stare at the ground and stop looking at Barbra, per the scary girl’s request.

“And that is my family history!” Barbra exclaimed, looking proud. She walked back to her seat, sitting next to a boy with green highlights in his dark hair. Aether noticed that amongst all the boys in his class, the boy with green highlights was the only one who didn’t get glared at or threaten by the goth girl. He felt confused.

“Okay Rosaria it’s your turn,” Eula said, opening another PowerPoint on the giant screen. The goth girl got up and went to the front of the classroom, her eyes darting at the students, sending a scary presence down towards everyone.

“Hello, I am Rosaria, here is my presentation on my family’s history of being nuns,” Rosaria said bluntly. Everyone in the classroom was taken aback by the revelation. Aether and Lumine look up and down at Rosaria, very confused at her. She very much didn’t seem to have a history in Christianity, with her spikes, fishnets, and leather articles of clothing.

“I guess the apple does fall far from the tree sometimes” Aether whispered to his sister. Lumine giggled quietly amused.

“HEY!” Rosaria shouted out, startling Aether and Lumine. “Don’t interrupt!” Rosaria added, giving a cold look at the twins.

“S-sorry” Lumine stuttered out, intimidated by Rosaria. Rosaria grunted and continued her presentation.

The next couple of presentations went by fairly quickly, being mildly uninteresting to the twins.

Then Eula had called out the next student to come on up, “Xiangling! It's your turn!”. The twins immediately smelled food, and a girl in a hoodie with short shorts, wearing a cute little animal charm around her necklace, with her hair tied up into two braided circles got up.

“Hello, I’m Xiangling! My family history consists of chefs, so here I have is some foods from my family’s restaurant! Grab a plate!” Xiangling said, pulling a cart of food into the classroom from the nearby door. The twins gasped, seeing a buffet of delicacies, all available for them to eat. They rushed forward to the front of the line.

“Oh, you’re the new students, right?” Xiangling asked, noticing the twins while handing out food. The twins nodded and Xiangling continued, “Well if your ever hungry, stop by Wanmin restaurant, my family owns it and we have good food that has been made with hard work and creativity.

“Oh, it’s very good, I can attest to that” Amber said, having been behind the twins the whole time. The twins looked at each other, telepathically communicating on what should be their response. Lumine spoke first.

“We’ll try to make it, and I’m sure you guys have good food,” Lumine said. Aether nodded. The twins weren’t very keen on keeping their promise seeing as how they tend to move very quickly before having a chance to get to know the local restaurants. Xiangling smiled and handed a paper plate consisting of Fried Squirrel, Almond Tofu, and Universal Fried Rice. The twins could feel their stomachs go hungry and growl like crazy. They took their seats and begin to dig in.

“Oh, that’s really good!” Aether exclaimed, consuming the Friend Squirrel ravenously, enjoying the crispy meaty flavors of it.
“Mm!” Lumine groaned out, her mouth full of Universal Fried Rice, she loved the savory flavors of it.

“FYI, that barley anything, there lots more of good stuff at the Wanmin restaurant” Amber whispered behind the two, smirking at their reactions. After everyone was served, Xiangling began her presentation about her family’s history. The class ended and the twins were dragged by Amber (as per usual) to their 4th period, algebra with Ms. Ningguang.

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