Chapter 2.5

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Lumine sat again uneasily in Mona’s car. She was able to hitch a ride with her again to Keqing’s house which was far up the hills of the town. The two didn’t talk very much so Lumine used it as an opportunity to either read her notes about the book before they discuss it or to go on her phone.

The two continue in silence, waiting to see the other, richer members of their group. As the giant luxurious mansion came into sight, Lumine couldn’t help but feel the familiar intimidation she felt the last time she visited the mansion. Looking to her side, she could see the demoralizing look in Mona’s eyes, feeling unfamiliar in such a place.

Lumine felt bad, seeing as she had been friends with such a person for so long and yet has to deal with this aspect of their life. She felt like reaching out, but she was interrupted as Mona was yelling into the intercom.

“Yo! Let us in!” Mona yells, pressing the red button to shout into the intercom.

“Yeah okay,” Keqing replies statically through the intercom. The gates beep and begin to open, bringing the girls back into the large spacious courtyard, full of bush sculptures, perfectly cut grass, and clean roadways.

Lumine eyed the frozen battle the grass sculptures are in, seeing the gods once again be uninvolved and unaware while dragon battles with mere warriors. Lumine looked back to the large mansion than to the grass sculptures shaped like gods, feeling off.

“Okay let’s knock on the door,” Mona said, parking the car and taking out the key. Lumine nodded, stopping her thought process, and unbuckling her seatbelt. The two girls made their way up the marble steps to the large oak door. There, they knocked on the door with their hands, ignoring the ridiculous lion door knockers. The butler opened the door, his face remaining neutral despite holding an aura of superiority.

“Miss Keqing is with her friend at the fire outdoor lounge area, please feel free to use the outdoor path to reach them,” the butler said, hesitating at the word “friend”.

Lumine’s ears perked up at this, finding it particularly odd but she didn’t have time to make connections as Mona had grabbed Lumine’s wrist and dragged her down the opposite gravel path before the last one they took from their previous visit.

Lumine eventually regained control of her wrist, then takes the time to appreciate the scenery.

Besides the mansion were two lush forests, home to large trees and rocks formations. There a sense of awe and beauty too is jaggedness. Lumine felt a mild respite in it, always able to appreciate good scenery.

“Hey, guys!” Keqing shouted out, roasting a marshmallow over the bonfire. Lumine blinked, seeing as how it was the only dinner right now, but at the same time, she can’t help but appreciate a good marshmallow.

“There is plenty of marshmallows to consume,” Ganyu said, holding a bag of fluffy and big marshmallows, white as a page on Word. Lumine smiled, excited to consume.

She dashed forward, passing Mona. and grabbing a marshmallow from Ganyu. She found a stick next to an empty chair, sat in the chair, and impaled the marshmallow. Finally, she was able to begin roasting.

“It seems someone is excited for marshmallows” Ganyu commented, noticing Lumine’s high energy to marshmallows. Lumine giggled.

“It just because I haven’t eaten one in a while so I’m a bit excited to revive the memory” Lumine responded, having finished her marshmallow, and converted it into a s’more.

Stars grew in her eyes as she opened her mouth wide and bite downs hard on the s’more. Gooey sugar and melty chocolate all mix with the crumbliness of the graham crackers. She lets out a little moan, pleased with the s’more.

After a few moments of enjoying the s’more, she noticed the other three girls watching her with confusion, perplexed by her enjoyment. Lumine rolls her eyes.

“oh, please I’m sure y’all would do the same if you didn’t eat s’mores like every week,” Lumine said, crossing her arms. Ganyu laughs, with Keqing giggling a bit. Mona smiles as well, nodding her head.

“To be fair, we do have bonfires a lot of times,” Ganyu says, confirming Lumine’s thought.

“Yes, I can’t help but appreciate the beautiful- OH MY GOD!” Keqing shrieks. Ganyu lurches to Keqing’s side, her eyes brimming with worry. Mona and Lumine jump a bit, surprised at her shrieking.

“What’s wrong!” Ganyu asks, her eyes scanning Keqing furiously, looking for any problems.

“God, my pants are now ruined by the melted chocolate, these are special yoga pants I bought from Tevlemon!”

Keqing says, furiously trying to wipe the chocolate stain off her yoga pants. Lumine couldn’t help but feel bad, knowing how expensive Lululemon is. Mona whistles a bit, doing her best to empathize.

“Oh baby, I’m sorry,” Ganyu says, placing her hand on Keqing’s cheek for comfort. Keqing huffs then take a deep breath. She pulls out her phone next.

“Oh well, I guess I’ll just buy the same pants, but I’ll buy two pairs, so this doesn’t happen again,” she says, cooling down and scrolling the website. Mona’s eyes go wide for a bit, Lumine couldn’t help but feel a bit annoyed at Keqing.

Making a big deal over something normal then fixes it by flexing her wealth. Ganyu seemed unbothered, only nodding, and returning to her seat.

Lumine took notice of Mona’s hands, seeing her holding them so tight her knuckles were going white. She gulped a bit, worried about Mona. But then suddenly Mona seemed to have to return her cool as her hands became a normal color and her face didn’t seem like it was about to explode.

“Alright let’s talk about the book,” Keqing says, picking up her copy of Moonlit Bamboo Forest. Lumine nodded, picking her copy up as well.

The girls began their discussion.
After some time and discussion, it began to get late and the night was dark like a broken heart. The bonfire was starting to die out and the girls were finishing their comments and discussion so Mona and Lumine said their goodbyes, walking past the scenery once again.

Lumine noticed the forest, seeing its large trunks and rock formations. She couldn’t see much as it was dark, but she did hear mild grunts from Mona. She seemed to be muttering about something but Lumine couldn’t pick up on it.

She wanted to ask but the two had already reached Mona’s raggedy car, and Lumine was feeling tired, crashing from the sugar and the night light tempting her to fall asleep. The autumn weather made the days short and the night long, making her feel the need for sleep.

The two girls began their descent down the hills and towards their own homes, Lumine took notice of the cityscape, seeing the towers as Mona drove them down the hill.

Lumine looked back a bit and saw the lights illuminating the hills from Keqing’s mansion, she felt a sense of drowsiness from it all but she persisted, wanting to stay awake and see the stars alongside the lovely night view.

“You know it is a rather beautiful night” Lumine commented. Mona smirked, her eyes drifting a bit to the sky.
“yes, the stars are rather beautiful, capable of telling one’s written destiny,” Mona said. Lumine then flashbacked to the times she saw Mona looking at horoscope apps and astrology websites. She had forgotten that Mona was into that kind of stuff.

“But of course, it sucks when your written destiny isn’t ideal” Mona added, looking back at the road. Lumine felt a pang of guilt and worry wash over her. Lumine decided to let the drowsiness win for once, so she could figure out how to help Mona another day, closing her eyes and leaning against the window.

Eventually, Lumine felt shaking. Then she heard voices.

“Lumine!” Mona shouted, shaking her shoulders to wake her up. Lumine opened her eyes and noticed she was

“Oh sorry, thanks for the ride, goodbye,” Lumine said, immediately jumping out of the car with her supplies and book. Mona gave a quick wave before backing out of the driveway and driving herself home.

Lumine watched as Mona’s car disappeared down the block, the darkness swirling around her. She nodded and then headed inside, welcomed to a warm home with food, water, and more.

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