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K--"Get your ass back to work Luna" I just sighed and got back to work, you must be really confused right now, let me start off by introducing myself, my name is Luna Carter I am 19 years old almost 20 years old my birthday is in 2 weeks, I am what people call a curvy girl, plus size, or even somebody call my body type fat, that is the one I hear the most out of the three, anyways back to the topic, I am on the shorter side 5'4 to be exact, I am 320 pounds, my hair is naturally black and curly. 

Now to the topic of the person that just yelled at me to get back to work, his name is Kent Adam's he is the president of the gang I was sold to a year ago, I was sold by my dad to them to get money for him and my mom's drug and alcohol addiction, I am also not sure what they call themselves they don't tell me anything, they just use and abuse me for whatever they don't want to do, anyways that is some facts about me now back to what I am doing. 

I am currently serving some of the bikers and there whores that are attached to their hips, I look at them in disgust and don't get me wrong I may not be skinny and beautiful but at least I don't have STD's from sleeping with half of the men in this freaking place, I placed my last beer down in front of the guys, I sighed and then walked over to the other bartender and her name is Sal not sure if it is her real name or not, all I know is she is in the same boat I am in, she was sold by here last boyfriend to get money, when I walked over to here I said, 

L--"I am going to run to the back I ran out of beer at my station" she nodded and said okay in a low tone, when I walked to the back, I see Kent and a few men playing poker and when I went past, I saw him look at me with a smirk then said, 

K--"Get me a beer on you way back through" I nodded then he yelled when I started to walk away, 

K--"Answer when I talk to you" I turned and looked at him and said, 

L--"Yes sir" I walked to the back and went to the cooler and when I walked in I saw the beer so I walked over to them and lifted two cases knowing I will be back for more because it is only 9pm sighing and walking back out after closing the door to the freezer I carried both cases to the room where they were playing poker and gave him a beer, and then I asked around the table to see if they want one and they all agreed and took one from me and only one of them said thank you to me which is unusual but I didn't stay for him to start being mean to me, I have had about enough of that for one night, I walked back out to the bar part of the gang house and saw Sal struggling to keep up die to it doubling in size of people and I sighed and walked up to her and said, 

L--"Sorry Sal Kent stopped me, and I need you to go back and get 4 more cases of beer, they took one whole case themselves" she nodded but then looked around and asked, 

S--"Are you okay to be alone, there is a lot of them?" 

L--"Yeah I'll be okay don't worry about me" I said with a smile even though I was panicking because they started to get really crazy, so I started to hand out beer to everybody while she went to the back of the house, I was about ten minutes in and she finally came back and started to help me and I am thankful she did because I was starting to fall behind, I then heard Kent from behind me, 

K--"Damn I thought you would be quicker, I told you we had a lot of people coming tonight, pick up the pace" I sighed and got back to work, not looking forward to the punishment later, we finally got caught up and then when I sat my last beer down they all started to leave, so I started to clean up a little when it was almost completely empty, all the people that was left was the people that were with Kent's biker gang, next thing I know I was grabbed by the back of my neck and walked around the bar and threw me to the ground started to kick, punch, slap, anything he could do he did it to me and by the time he was done I was hurting so bad that I couldn't even move my arms from around my stomach, I felt blood fall from my mouth thankfully he had only punched me twice on the face but everywhere else hurt so bad, I was trying to keep my crying to a minimum because it would be worse if he heard I then heard a voice boom through the gangs house, 

R--"Kent what the hell is going on?"

K--"She didn't listen to me, so I thought her not to mess with me" I heard hushed voices and I tensed when I heard the door slam, I then was yanked up from the ground and he said to me spitting in my face, 

K--"If you made me miss this deal with the Vipers you will know longer be living, you hear me?" I nodded while saying, 

L--"Yes sir" he let me go and I fell to the ground" 

K--"Take her to her room and lock the door so she won't be coming out for a couple of days" I sighed while I feel myself being picked up and thrown in my bedroom like I was a sack of potatoes, and where they threw me is where I stayed and slept that night because I couldn't get up due to the pain that he caused me. 

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