The Plan

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Once we were done eating, we all walked into the living room and sat down together, I was brought out of my sleepy thoughts by Riddick saying,

R--"Mom, dad we need a little help from you guys, as soon as the rest of the gang gets here, for now take a nap baby girl" I snuggled into his side, with my head on his chest and said incoherently,

L--"Yes daddy" I barley heard somebody say awe before I fell asleep.

I was waking up from hearing talking around me, I snuggled into wherever I was laying, I then turned around and pressed myself further into the couch, that was until I heard a groan and I quickly sat up and looked around and seen that everybody was here, and I was now sitting on Riddick's lap, Riddick whispered in my ear,

R--"Sweet girl I know you just woke up but please quite moving around on my lap please" I nodded then asked,

L--"Have you talked about anything yet?"

R--"No they just got here"

L--"Okay, also is it normal to be this tired, this early in the pregnancy?" My question was directed to mom.

M--"Yes some people stay tired all the way through their pregnancy, I was also one of those, I was also one that had really weird cravings" me and her laughed,

D--"Okay girls we have something to discuss, don't we?" I looked at him and calmed down, I said while looking down,


D--"It's okay, it just sounded important" I nodded then leaned back against Riddick's chest, I know he is going to get pissed off again,

R--" So everybody knows that Luna was sold to Kent Adam's by her and Kanes parents" they all nodded,

R--"While she was there, this guy's named Timothy Adam's was there and somehow they started dating, she thought he was good, and she thought he was be ticket out of there, but only days after he started to be abusive, well he made her do things she didn't want to, and then if she didn't that is what he would punish her for" his jaw clenched as well as his fist, when he took a break from telling the story, I sighed and kissed his neck and that seemed to calm him down a little,

R--"Fast forward to now, he wants her back and has been sending threats, such as me and Luna having sex, beating Derek almost to death, and setting fire to the place we were eating at last night. We found around 50 something cameras and mics in our house too" I looked up at dad and seen him have a pissed look on his face, but I couldn't stop think about how he called "our" house, that made me smile.

D--"Let's get to work on a plan, shall we?" everybody yelled in excitement, all of the men walked into the office, and I asked if me and mom can go to the gun range, they agreed, so me and mom were in our way to the gun range, once there, mom started to talk to me.

M--"I used to be the assassin in the gang, when I was pregnant that is, and I can tell that you would like to be in on the action, right?"

L--"Yes I would but Riddick would never allow it"

M--"You let me deal with him now go pick out a rifle underneath my name, pick one that is light to you and feels right" I nodded my head and walked over to the wall, I started picking them up and holding them to me and there was only really one that felt right, and it is the Savage Axis II Precision it was painted American flag style,

M--"You let me deal with him now go pick out a rifle underneath my name, pick one that is light to you and feels right" I nodded my head and walked over to the wall, I started picking them up and holding them to me and there was only really one th...

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M--"Good choice, it was the one I killed my past abuser"

L--"You were in the same position I was?"

M--"Yeah but I wasn't sold to a different club, instead they killed my parents and stole me and held me captive for a long time" I started to cry,

L--"That is terrible"

M--"Yes but I am braver for it now, now let's get to work, shall we?"

L--"We shall" I said in a joking matter. After we practiced, I found out I am very good at it, we then walked up the stairs and seen that everybody was looking at us, Riddick wasn't looking at my face though, he was looking at the gun in my hand,

R--"No that is not happening"

L--"Yes, it is"

R--"Luna" he said in his Dom voice,

L--"For one that is not fair because I want to submit to you every second of everyday, and two I am going, and I am going to help. I will be safe, mom will be up at a high point with me, I got fitted for a bullet proof vest, and I am a good sniper, I will be far from danger" I paused the continued when he was about to say something,

L--"I want to hurt them like they did to me all of them years, okay? I don't want them to get the satisfaction if the hurt one of you, any of you. You guys are my family and I protect my family, got it?" Everybody nodded and smiled, Riddick still had a blank face on, I walked up to him and sat on his lap,

L--"Please let me go with you?" He didn't say anything so I was about to get up, but he finally spoke, and I could be anymore happy,

R--"Fine but any sign of danger you bail out, you got me?"

L--"Yes daddy" I snuggled into him, when I was about to fall asleep when we all jumped up and the bullet sounds going off outside.

R--"Mom gets you, Ally, and Luna up to the rooftop with vest on and you sniper rifles. Derek, dad tale the outback. Kane and I are going out-front, I will send a code red to the rest." We all got busy doing what we were told, we quickly got our stuff and got to our destination, when we got there, I seen that they brought the whole club,

L--"Well shit they brought everyone" I then gasped, my mom and dad are working for them,

L--"Damn them"

A--"What is wrong"

L--"My freaking parents are with them" I then set up my gun and shoot my parents dead where they stood, that is what they get for selling their own daughter to a club,

M--"Well that was quicker than expected" I chuckled and started shoot people that didn't belong to our gang, so did mom and Ally. About 15 minutes into the war, the rest of our guys showed up thankfully, Ally had moved to the back to help out Derek and dad, I then seen Thomas in my scope, and I pointed it at his gun and shot his hand, then his shoulders then I shot him in his legs,

M--"Damn your ruthless"

L--"Well they messed with the wrong girl" I said with a smirk and then got back to business and seen that he was on his knees crying, I then shot him in the chest killing him instantly, I looked around and seen all of our guys looking to the left, thank the lord everybody was dead from there club, that is until I see Riddick and Kent fist fighting it looks like Riddick is winning, I hurriedly ask we them,

L--"Are we all clear?"


A--"Yes we are"

L--"Okay let's go" by the time I got there I pulled out my hand gun to make sure I didn't run into any trouble on the way to getting my man, the girls also had their pistols out, when we walked put everybody looked at us and smirked, I walked up to the men that were fighting and I let it go for a few minutes so Riddick could get all of his frustration out on Kent and when Kent slammed Riddick on the ground and straddled him and was about to punch him, I raised my gun and pointed it to Kent's head, he looked at me when he heard the cock of a gun, and when we met eyes, I said,

L--"Have fun in hell" then I shot him right in the head. Riddick quickly got up and ran to me, thankfully he didn't have many wounds or bruises,

L--"I didn't do too bad, did I?"

R--"You are absolutely perfect; I love you Luna Carter"

L--"And I love you too Riddick Black" I smiled and said after the kiss we shared,

L--"After we clean up here, can we have McDonald's and watermelon on the side?" He chuckled and said,

R--"You can have anything you want pretty girl." I smiled and we walked hand in hand to the door and walked into the house where our family was sitting.

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