Getting Real Close 18+

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The next morning, I woke up and I felt something heavy on my waist and I looked to my right over my shoulder and saw that it belonged to Riddick, and I smiled to myself and then looked back towards him and smiled when I saw him sleeping... well I guess he wasn't because he said,

R--"Starring is rude"

L--"How long have you been awake?"

R--"For about two hours" I looked at the time and the clock said 11 AM,

L--"Why didn't you wake me up?"

R--"You looked peaceful" I turned and laid back down and said,

L--"What are your plans today?"

R--"Going to the main house, what are you doing?"

L--"Probably just clean and have dinner ready when you and the rest come back home" I heard and felt him start to move so I looked back at him and he was now resting on his hand to look at me clearer, he looked like he was thinking hard about something, he then said,

R--"Why do you feel obligated to do all of that stuff" I thought about it then answered his question,

L--"I kind of do it because that is all I have ever known, and also you saved my life, taking me away from them awful men" I finished with a forced smile I heard him sigh and lay back down and then all of the sudden he sat up and I blushed when I noticed that he had only boxers on, he started to talk to me so I looked up listening to him,

R--"What do you think about learning how to defend yourself and possibly get put in the gang?"

L--"I would love that, but I don't think that that would work out very good"

R--"And why not?" He said with an emotionless face on

L--"Have you seen me?"

R--"Yea a lot actually don't you remember last night?" He said with a smirk and all I could do is blush and look away, I then felt a hand touch my chin and he pulled my face to where he can see it, so I couldn't hide the blush from him,

R--"Don't look away do you understand me?" I nodded my head slightly confused as to why he said that, but I soon learned what he was saying to me when he gripped the sheet that I had tucked under my arms, I didn't let him have it I held it firmer to me,

R--"Lift your arms willingly or I will tie them up" I slowly let my release go and he smirked while saying,

R--"Good girl" I blushed when he pulled the sheet off of me and I blushed remembering that I never put anything back on after last night and I instantly tried to cover up my body from his beautiful dark blue eyes and he looked up from my body and said,

R--"Remember pretty girl, I have a tie for those arms" I quickly lifted my arms above my head, and he smirked while looking back down at the sheet and slowly grabbed it from my body and slowly dragged it down my body, I didn't want to see the dislike on his face, so I looked up at the ceiling, I kept looking up until I heard him say,

R--"Look at me" I could hear the command in his voice so I looked down at him and blushed when I saw where he was, he had my thighs parted his mouth was so close I could feel the breath on me he then started to lower his head down and he opened my folds with his fingers and then the next thing I know, I feel his tongue on me lacking relentlessly on my clit, it surprised me at first but then all of the sudden I got this overwhelming feeling in my stomach, I arched my back and gripped ahold of the bed sheets and tossed my head back and moaned out Riddick's name, then what caused me to moan louder than ever he pushed a finger in me and started pumping it in and out of me,

L--"RIDDICK, ohhh, please don't stop"

R--"Gosh baby girl you're so tight" I didn't bother to tell him I'm a virgin, I then felt him add another finger and I felt like I couldn't hold back anymore, and he knew that,

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