The Threat 18+

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We all walk out of Riddick's house and instead of walking to the car like we usually do, we walked to the right, where I see beautiful motorcycles, well I guess I have to call the bikes since they do. Me and Riddick made it to the one right in front and I see that it was shiny black with a bit of red going down the side,

R--"Have you ever rode on one before?"

L--"Umm no, my mom and dad said it was never lady like, and then then when they shipped me off the Kent's place they tortured me when I ever even looked at one" I shrugged really not seeing the big deal, yes I would like to have my own so I can ride alongside him, I like the bikes the girls have, they have the newer models and there reasons are that they look cooler, but I think I would like one of my own, I quickly got on it and held on tight because he said I had to.

We reached the gang house and I felt free, I loved the feeling of being on the back of the motorcycle, I really would rather be on the front and controlling it but I know my place, I am technically his old lady and most of the time they stay at home, I mean that is what Kent's does, anyways back to present, I walk beside Riddick all the way in there and sit beside him in a tech room, and I see Derek sitting in the computer chair, I don't ask,

D--"I need the number" I read off the number to him and his fingers got busy. We have been at it for 3 hours until Derek just said,

D--"I found who did it!" It was silent and Allie said,

A--"Are you going to tell us?"

D--"Oh yeah sorry, it was someone in Kent's place, I don't know if they were just trying to joke or send a threat" I decide to speak up,

L--"It's not a joke at all, they want me back to be some kind of freaking biker slut or pass me around without asking" my voice went into sub mindset, and I let it, I feel myself being cuddled in Riddick's side and I sigh feeling better,

L--"Can we take a break?"

R--"Yeah let's go to my office for a few" we walked to his office which was secluded in the back corner, I sat down on the couch that was in there, then laid down on my back and put my legs on the couch, my legs were raised off the couch and placed on Riddick's lap, we stayed laying there until I felt Riddick junior getting excited when I accidentally rubbed my heel against him and I slipped in my submissive, I sit up and ask him,

L--"Daddy can I please help you"

R--"No baby daddy is fine" I try again,

L--"Please daddy, please?"

R--"Go lock the door" I hurriedly walked to the door and locked it, I then hurriedly walked back to him and drop to my knees and rub up his thighs, I then make my way up to his zipper and I unzip his pants and ask him,

L--"Sir do you mind if I pull down your pants" he nodded with a soft smile, he lifted his hips so I could pull down his pants, I hurriedly got back in position, I then grabbed his cock in my hand and started to pump him a few times, he groans and I quickly put my mouth around him, and start with my up and down motion he groans louder and that makes me moan and go faster, he then grabs my hair and start to thrust a little but not hard at all, I think he is afraid of hurting me I quickly took my mouth from around him and stood up taking my leggings off,

R--"What are you doing?" I didn't answer him and climbed up on his lap and grabbed his dick and put the tip at my entrance and pushed down slightly, I winced still a little sore from last night, so I decide to just push all the way down, ignoring the little bit of soreness, I moan and let my head drop back,

L--"Please take control daddy" I then felt him thrust in me and I moan, from me being sore and the mixture of pleasure has me wanting to cum already,

L--"D-daddy, can I cum?"

R--"Can you wait for just a second"

L--"Yessss, oh my gosh, right their daddy" he groans and goes faster which makes me moan as well,

R--"Cum for daddy" and just like that we both cum, I let my body lean on him and catch my breath,

R--"Why did you do that?"

L--"Did you not want to, I am sorry, you should have stopped me"

R--"No sweet girl, I loved every minute of it, just why do you still want to have sex with me, after last night?"

L--"I love you" this is the actual first real time I said it to him, he pulled me in close to him again asking his dick that was still in me move turning me on once again,

R--"I love you too pretty girl" he pulls out of me, I was turned on again but I was sore so I allow him too, he then lays me down beside him so I can cuddle his side, but he gets up and grabs a blanket and my phone out of my pants and hands it to me and he throws the blanket over our bottom half, I then cuddle right back into his side, I then scroll through a bike dealership and find the bike I really, really want, it is beautiful, it is whit with red accents on it with black lettering, it is one sexy thing,

R--"I love you too pretty girl" he pulls out of me, I was turned on again but I was sore so I allow him too, he then lays me down beside him so I can cuddle his side, but he gets up and grabs a blanket and my phone out of my pants and hands it to ...

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R--"Why are you looking at bikes?" I look up and seen that he was looking at my phone,

L--"Nothing just seen it pop up on my phone"

K--"Hey guys...why is the door freaking locked, guys?"

R--"Yes what do you need?"

K--"A guy named Timothy Adam's is the one that sent the text" I felt like I can't breathe, I started to panic, come on Luna breath, in out in out all of the sudden everything went black.

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