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A few months after the war that was started between our towns two local biker gangs, we can finally feel like we can breathe again. Me and Riddick have been going to doctors every two weeks for checkup, which was Riddick's idea.

Ally, Kane, Derek, and Sallie all wanted to do a gender reveal for us, which was torture to what on. When the day came of the gender reveal I was so nervous, the four of them didn't even want to tell us whether we are having one baby, twins, triplets, they wouldn't tell is the slightest detail. The daily argument was, what do you think it is? Well, my answer was always, I think I have only one precious little one, and I think it is a boy.

Once me and Riddick popped the balloon we were confused, there was pink, blue, and green. I looked over at the four and asked them,

L--"What is it?"

A--"You are having triplets...surprise" I jumped up and down, the said in horror,

L--"Oh my gosh, you're never going to want to have sex with me, it's going to look like a bomb went off" that made everybody laugh.

K--"We are going to take turns to say what you are having, and also finally you can see a picture of the ultrasound, I have baby one, which is a boy!!!" everybody cheered,

S--"Baby two, is a boy!!!"

D--"Baby three, is a girl!!!" We all cried and hugged each other; I am so excited for the new adventure this will lead to.

Once the babies came, which they were earlier the usually had my precious little ones came at 35 weeks, baby boy number ones which is the oldest, his name is, Cane Lee Black, Baby boy number two which is the middle child, his name is Ethan Samuel Black, and lastly my darling girl, her name is Rain Elizabeth Black.

Everybody is happy now; Kane and Ally are pregnant and married. Sally is engaged to a guy from our club, his name is Troy Smith, and lastly Derek he is still the man whore he always was, hopefully he settles down soon.

As for me and Riddick we are happy with our beautiful babies, no matter how much less sleep I get now I love them to pieces. Riddick also proposed to me on a date to this restaurant we went to a long time ago and I loved it, we are getting married next year in the summer. I am so glad Riddick saved me from the horrid place I was sold to, I am so glad he came back for me.

R--"Pretty girl what's wrong, you keep zoning in and out?"

L--"Nothing I just love you that's all" I said with a smile on my face,

R--"I love you too pretty girl." 

Authors Note:

Hello, I am just letting all of my followers know, so in case you would like to read another one of my books, I am about to start a new book, it is going to be called, "The Mafia's Innocent Possession." Thanks again to the people that are willing to give my books a shot, and I really hope you liked my book!

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