More Threats 18+ Pt. 2

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Once they had all left, we walked up the stairs and as soon as we got in the room, I started to get undressed, but I stopped when I heard Riddick say, 

R--"Baby girl don't get naked until we go through the room, once more" I undressed anyways, 

R--"Luna" he said in his Dom voice, and I look down and seen that he already has a boner, I then took off my shirt and then my pants and walk over to the bed, 

L--"I don't want to rest until dinner, I want you to ravish my body, that belongs to you, I want you to spank me, and if they are watching I want you to show them that I am yours and only yours" it's like something changed in him,

R--"Get on the bed with your butt in the air, and your face flat on the bed.... Now" he said "now" when I didn't go fast enough, once I am in position I didn't hear or feel anything then all of the sudden I heard right beside my ear,

R--"Flogger, belt, or hand" I knew what he was asking for, but I didn't know what i wanted because I have never done this before, well a pleasure spanking, 

L--"All of the above" I heard him inhale, 

R--"Are you sure?" 

L--"Yes, I want to feel all three I have never done this before, well in any kind of pleasure way" he then lifted up and walked behind me, I felt him press his naked self-up against me, I moaned and pushed against him, 

R--"Put your hands above your head and don't move" I moaned and did what I was supposed to, it was uncomfortable, but I didn't move, I then hear a slap before I felt s sting, I gasp and the moaned, who knew a spanking would be this much of a turn on, he then did it again, and again, and again, at this point I am soaking yet, 

R--"That was with my hand, now I am going to do it with the flogger, I am going to pass on my belt for tonight" 

L--"Yes daddy" I was kind of disappointed that I wasn't getting all three, but I didn't tell him that, he then grabbed me and pulled me against his chest, I hissed a little when my butt touched his dick, even though I hissed I felt the most pleasure I have ever before, 

R--"Would you like me to stop?" 

L--"No please, I am sore but in a good way" he bit in my shoulder then said, 

R--"Lay on your back, hands back above your head" I did just as he asked of me, arching my back because of the soreness on my back side, he then picked up the flogger and start to spank me in different areas, I looked down when he was finally done, I seen little red marks, but they didn't hurt which was weird. I looked up at Riddick and said, 

L--"Daddy please?" he didn't waste any time he pushed in me and fucked me hard and fast, all I could do was moan and listen to his groans, all of the sudden I felt the need to cum and the need to ask him permission, 

L--"Do I have p-permission to c-cum daddy, pleeeaasse " he didn't answer me he just kept ramming into me, he then pressed against my butt hole and then I felt something slip in it and I hissed,

R--"Now" I felt myself let go and I felt him pulsating in me while releasing himself in me, which made me moan again, after catching our breath and him cleaning me and him up he said, 

R--"We are going out to date by ourselves tonight I had told them while saying goodbye to them, and you are to keep the plug in all night, if not you will be receiving a punishment spanking, not a pleasure one got it?"

L--"Yes sir, should I get ready now?"

R--"yes baby that lasted longer than I thought, I was just going to spank you, but it led to something else, please wear the black knee length dress, and the red tall heels" he said while walking to his walk-in closet. I got up from the bed and walked very slowly to my closet, halfway there Riddick came out already fully ready to go,

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