Text Messages? 18+

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We got out of the pool, and we are all very tired, so we all decide to go to our rooms while we wait until the food was done for dinner. Me and Riddick made it to our room that we are staying in for the time being and we start to dry off and I quickly strip from the bathing suit and put it in the hamper, not caring if Riddick walks out of the bathroom right now and sees me, he has seen and felt every part of me.

R--"Damn my baby girl is sexy, I want you to go to the bed and lay down on you stomach with your ass in the air and I am going to need you to hold on to the pillow above your head" I nodded and did as I was told, once on the bed and in the position I waited for him to take the next step, I heard movement all around the room,

R--"Are you okay?" I nodded but that wasn't good enough because Riddick said,

R--"Words sweet girl"

L--" Yes daddy I am fine" he groaned from behind me, and I smiled a little, glad that he is affected by me like I am the best thing in the world

R--"Good girl" now it is my turn to moan, I felt the bed dip behind me, and I tense a little but then I felt a hand on my back rubbing up and down,

R--"Why so tense baby girl?"

L--"I have never been in this position or not being able to see what is happening to me"

R--"Do you trust me"

L--"Yes I trust you daddy, I'm just scared"

R--"Baby would you like to lay on your back?" I thought for a second but then I said,

L--"No I trust you" he then leaned over me and trail kisses down my back and I moan when he got to my tailbone for some reason, I have a spot right there I didn't know that was a good spot, he then started to suck on that spot which caused me to moan even more,

R--"Mmm baby girl, you taste wonderful" I moan again, he moved down and licked my clit and sucked on it,

L--"Ohhhh Riddick" he stopped all movements and said

R--"I don't think that's my name in here, do you?"

L--"I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again"

R--"Your damn right it won't" he growled then said

L--"Baby girl, I am going to be really rough tonight, I am going to push you to your limits, okay?"

L--"Yes daddy"

R--"And I can't wait anymore" he pushed himself in me in one thrust and immediately started to thrust and I moan and groan in pleasure and a little in pain, but I won't stop him from pleasuring himself, if he likes it rough he is allowed to take me rough, I moan again and again until it started to hurt when he kept going after my second orgasm, it started to hurt so bad that I felt a couple of tears run down my face, I started to freak out a little because the submissive in me is saying please him but my body is saying stop him so this time I say let my body when no matter the consequences are,

L--"R-R-Riddick please s-stop" he instantly stopped, and I was breathing hard, he pulled out of me, and I groaned, I fall to my side,

R--"S-shit, Luna please look at me" I tried to sit up and look at him, but I was sore,

R--"Baby girl please talk to me" He starts freaking out and I yawn,

L--"Can you please take me to the shower?" He picked me up and carried me to the bathroom and he was headed to the bathtub, but I wouldn't be able to get out,

L--"The shower please" he didn't say anything to me he just walked to the shower, and he turned on the shower while still holding me, he got the water the right temperature and then stood me up and steadied me for a second, he still hasn't talked to me yet and I sigh not liking making him mad. After washing my body, I stand in the shower not sure what to do then a thought pops up in my head, no matter how sore I am and thank the lord for hot showers that helped my body a lot, but anyways I start to try and get on my knees with my hand face up,

R--"Luna what are you doing?"

L--"I-I made you m-mad so I am fixing it" I said without looking up,

R--"Luna stand up right now"

L--"Yes daddy" with that I get up holding in a small wince,

R--"Luna I am not mad at you, I am mad at myself" he sighs, and I ask confused and not in my submissive side,

L--"Why are you mad at yourself?" He rubs his face and pauses his hand keeping them on his face when he pulls them away his face made me gasp in shock, he was crying then he shocks me once again with his next action, he gets on his hands and knees like I was and he started to speak,

R--"This is my way of apologizing, I am so sorry for doing that to you, I hadn't meant for that to hurt it was for pleasure, but then my own well-being took over and the harder and the faster I went, I don't know it did something to me"

L--"Riddick stand up this instant, I am fine, yes I am beyond sore, but I let you do it to me, I was just getting worn out after the second orgasm"

R--"I am so sorry, and I am going to make it up to you I swear, and Luna you had 5 orgasms"

L--"That can't be possible" he looked down again, and I went to pull him in for a hug, but he backed away, great now he isn't going to touch me, now I did screw everything up, ugh.

Riddick gave me a towel and I dried off and he picked me up and walked me back to our room and sat me down and tucked me in then he slipped into his side of the bed and just as he was about to turn off the lamp on the side table my phone goes off and I sigh picking up my phone and opened it and seen that there was a text message from a number I have never seen before and I open it and what I seen scared me, it was a text message saying,

Random number--" We have been watching you darling and we will get you back, also who knew you liked it so rough" my breathing started to pick up and I drop the phone once I seen what popped up next, it was videos of me and Riddick having sex, I feel like I'm going to throw up,

R--"Luna what's wrong"

L--"Here" I said handing him my phone, I then seen him throw my phone on the bed he gets up and starts pacing,

L--"Riddick I know your beyond pissed but can you please come lay down I need you to be in here right now and I'm beyond tired I feel like I am going to pass out, and before you ask I am beyond worried but we can't do anything at this moment, so please come to bed" I finished my voice getting louder as I talked, I just want to go to bed with my man after our little moment in the shower and go to sleep but no shit heads have to go and screw it up for me, he finally settled a little then finally came and laid down beside me, still not touching me but at least he is sleeping with me tonight after what happened.

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