Timothy Adams

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T--"Get your ass in here right now, I need some food, and I need clean clothes" I scurried into Timothy's room with the food tray only to trip on the board right by his bed and I fall and drop all of his food on the floor,

L--"I'm so, so, so sorry, I will make you some fresh right now" he got up off the bed and stalked towards me slowly,

T--"No you will take your punishment right now" he walks to me his speed picking up and I scoot back till my back hits the wall and I started to scream,

L--"NO, NO, NO PLEASE DON'T, I WON'T BE BAD ANYMORE" right as he was about to punch me.

Nightmare over:

I woke up to Riddick shaking me and saying my name, while I was trying to catch my breath he got up and grabbed a bottle of water, I tried to take the bottle, but my hands were really shaky and I couldn't hold it,

R--"Here pretty girl let me help you" I nodded still trying to catch my breath, he then helped me take a drink of the water, and when he pulled away, I was better,

L--"T-thank you" I said with a small smile,

R--"Your welcome, would you like to talk about it?" I sigh and nod my head yes,

L--"Yes but I am going to need everybody because I guess you can say this is important piece of information to the investigation, he nodded with a worried face then helped me stand from the bed and helping me walk to the door, when we got to the stairs, he stopped me and said,

R--"I know you're not in your submissive headspace right now but it would help me feel so much better to hold you right now, so can I carry you the rest of the way?" I nod, too tired to fight be abuse he will just win anyway, he picked me up like I was a child, I had my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, when we made it down the stairs, I heard talking from the living room,

A--"Do you think she is okay?"

S--"Do you think she is awake yet?" We walked in and everybody went quiet, while Riddick sits down on the couch, he helped me sit so I can see everybody but still on his lap,

L--"I am fine, I just had an anxiety attack, and a nightmare or well a memory I guess you can call it, would you guess like to know the reason why I had an episode?" They all nodded including Riddick, I sigh and look down at my hands,

L--"Okay well when I got sold, I was heartbroken about it and everybody seemed like they all hated life except the bartender that was already there" I smiled at the memory of an old friend that I hope is still alive,

L--"I then meet this guy, he was charming, tall, dark, and handsome, I thought he was different from all the others that I had met, we got along so well until I denied sex because I just never felt that comfortable with him, it started off as yelling and he demanded to have the title boyfriend whether I liked it or not, after yelling came the first punch, then the kicking, then to make it worse I was already a slave for the club so I was getting beatings onto of beatings, when the club found out they made him in charge of my beatings and Kent moved him up to second in command and that is pretty much it... oh wait, he also made me get a birth control thing implanted in my arm so when he decided to take me with or without his consent he wouldn't have a kid to watch out for in the future." With that I looked up and seen either crying or pissed off faces,

L--"I am fine now, amazing people found me and made me a part of their family, but the bad thing is, is Timothy is the one that sent the text, also we all know Kent is behind this, he must want his slave back" I was pulled into back-to-back hugs Riddick being the longest, it then turned into cuddling, but I don't give two shits if they see,

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