More Threats 18+

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It was a week later since my embarrassing moment with Riddick, I know he said it was okay and I had to take care of myself, and I know that, but I felt bad because he didn't get the pleasure, I wanted to give him that night, so I just put a little bit of a distance between us until I can face him maybe even help him out if you know what I mean. On a good note, I have finally stopped my period, but since we haven't talked that much, he doesn't know that. Anyways I was just waking up and I was looking out the window at the beautiful sunny morning when I heard Riddick say to me since he was also still in bed with me, 

R--"Baby girl?" I ignored him, still afraid that I would make a fool of myself, 

R--"Baby girl are you up?" I sighed and turned to where I was on my other side looking at him and when I finally settle, I briefly look up at him and I then look right back down. I felt a hand under my chin lifting it up for me to look him in the face, 

R--"Are you okay? I know I have been working a lot the last week, we are just trying to get all the information about this Timothy Adam's guy that threatened you" I nodded and closed my eyes again and said,

L--"I am so sorry for what happened, now that I am not in my submissive headspace, I can't believe that I was that stupid acting, I know I am usually in sub headspace during sex, but I couldn't get out of it, I am sorry for doing that" I looked down from his face afraid that it would have disappointment written all over it, 

R--"Pretty girl please look at me" I shook my head no, I heard him sigh and when he said it again to me, he had his Dom voice on, which made me shiver and finally look up at him,

R--"You need to quite do that, you are allowed to hurt, you are allowed to say no and call it quiet, a Dom and Sub relationships are equal, you give and receive, as it does the same to me" I nod and said, 

L--"Can I still make it up to you?" he looked confused I quickly pulled the comforter down and he seen that I was naked, and I quickly sat up and straddled his waist, I leaned down and gave him a kiss on the mouth and then I continued down his jaw and slowly made my way down to his neck, I heard him groan and I sat up straight to look at him, when I did I seen that his eyes were closed, as well as his jaw is clenched, he then looked up at me and I smiled, 

L--"What if I had been on my period?"

R--"By now I am so turned on and have waited for a whole 6 days to take what is rightfully mine, I would have taken you either way, as disgusting " he groaned towards the end when I grinded myself against his lower region, I pressed harder which made me throw my head back we both moaned and groaned in pleasure, then there was a knock on the door, 

R--"Keep going they will just go away" I laughed then grinded against him hard and fast, I was about to cum by just dry humping him, it was quite funny, 

K--"Sir can you quite trying to fuck my sister, and come out here we have business, Derek was beat up and handed a letter for you" we both got up quick as ever and got dressed and quickly made our way down, once in the living room Riddick went straight to Derek and I went to Kane and grabbed the letter from him and opened it and started to read it

Dear My beautiful Sugar Plum, 

You have caused me some hurtful images that keep playing in my mind, why don't you ditch the man whore of a boyfriend or whatever you call yourself to him. I think you should call yourself a slut, do you remember when I called you a slut all those times back in the day, you loved it, and thank you for the show in the beginning of the week, it was very amusing, it's weird that I always tried to make you submit like the little whore you are, oh and there will be more to come, far worse than your dear friend Derek. Also, this will all stop if you just give yourself back to me and Kent, so we don't have to watch from afar and we can be a part of the action. 


Timothy (Master)

I feel like I can't breathe, and I felt tears roll down my face, I am so glad I turned around from them so they couldn't see me, I was pulled out of my head by Riddick talking to me I could tell he was still standing beside Derek, 

R--"What's in the letter" I straightened my back, wiped my cheeks clear of the tears that was once on my face, and sighed. I turned around and looked all of them and a tear decided to drop down my face, 

L--"T-they w-want me back, that is the only reason they did t-that" I said pointing to Derek, Derek tried to move towards me, so did Riddick but I held up my hand to stop them and they did, 

L--"There are cameras in the house, we have to find them, can the ones that aren't hurt please help me find the cameras, that are in the living room, kitchen, and Riddick please help me search our room please, Kane stay with Derek and help him get patched up please" everybody started right away nodding to me, me and Riddick walked up to our room and I handed him the letter and while he was reading I was search the room, I was thinking back to the videos that were sent to me and I know that it was recorded in the left side of the room where his dressier was and the tv was hanging, I got the step stool from the closet and brought it out to the living room and got on it and searched around and then I found a small thing hooked to the side of the tv, and ripped it out, I then found 3 more on the tv and ripped each of them out, I was then startled, 

R--"Son of a bitch, he made you call him master, and tried to force you into submission?" he punches the wall that left a hole in the wall I walked up to him and grabbed the letter out of his grasp and said,

L--"Daddy look at me please" I slipped in submission with no bother, he looked down at me and I see his eyes lighten and his face dropped, 

R--"I am so sorry baby girl; daddy is sorry for scaring you" I smiled then leaned down against his chest, and said, 

L--"Daddy can I stay in submission state, I think it is helping a little"

R--"Of course, what do you have there?" he was talking about the cameras, 

L--"I found three cameras, but I haven't found the ones that are on the other corner yet" he nodded then said while saying, 

R--"Alright let's go see if we can find anymore" I nod my head and grabbed ahold of arm walking really close to him, by the time we get back downstairs and Riddick immediately sat down on the last available seat, so I was about to sit on the floor, but he stopped me saying, 

R--"Baby girl please sit up here on daddy's lap" I blush and looked around and seen that everybody had warm smiles on and looking at us well except my brother he had a disgust face on, and I quickly sit down and cuddle up to him and sigh in continent, 

R--"how any did you find?"

A--"10 camera, 5 mics, in both kitchen and living room, how many did you find?" Riddick sighed and said with a clenched jaw,

R--"20 camera's, 10 mics, there was a lot around our bed, so they could hear her and listen to her when we are having sex" they all shook their head and then stand, 

S--"How about you guys get some rest, then tonight we will go get something to eat" we all agreed, then they left. 

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