Oink Oink Pt. 2

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I felt every kick, punch and slap that was coming my way, all I could do was lay there in a fetal position once they were done, they said

Random--"That is for humiliating me in front of the president" I groaned when I heard their footsteps finally run away I start to slowly get up from the ground and try to take one step but fall, I felt a couple of tears start to fall from the pain I was feeling, I tried once more and I finally got enough strength to get up from the ground and I couldn't stand straight once I tried I felt pain in my mid stomach area probably broke a rib or two, I started to walk towards the opening and I opened up the door and walked in, nobody was paying attention to me because I was being so quiet, even with the pain I was feeling.

I walked up to the table where all of my friends are sitting, none of my friends looked away from the conversation they were in the middle, when I finally got to the table I leaned against the table and said,

L--"I need a doctor, I have at least 2 broken ribs, a broken nose and I think I have a few cuts too" that got everybody's attention,

R--"Shit Luna who did this to you? I need names" he said while rushing to me, I just shook my head and said,

L--"That doesn't matter right now, I think I need to go to the doctor's" he nodded then took me back to this room, it looked like an office he helped me sit down on the couch that was in here he called somebody, I am guessing it was a doctor, he then came and sat down beside me, and I said in a joking matter,

L--"Well so much for it being a good day today" I giggled but winced and clutched my stomach,

L--"Damn I got to use to not feeling pain, now I just look like a baby"

R--"Baby girl look at me please" I slowly look up and he asked in a voice that was so soft I almost gave up in trying to hide my tears, but I wouldn't let him see me weak,

R--"Pretty girl, who did this to you?" I gave in and said,

L--"Then guys from before" he looked away real calm and he stood up then what he did next surprised me, he punched a hole in the wall, I gasped and jumped slightly clenching my stomach, I said quietly,

L--"R-Riddick please come back and sit down please" he turned and looked at me then walked to me sighing,

R--"I'm sorry pretty girl, I didn't mean to scare you" 

L--"Your fine, just can you please come sit by me?" He nodded his head and came to sit by me, once he did there was a guy with a medical bag that came,

R--"Sorry Mason I didn't mean to interrupt your day at home"

M--"Don't worry about it, I was just laying Nick down to sleep when you called, and my girl was already asleep no matter how early it is"

L--"I'm so sorry to interrupt but I am in some serious pain" both the men looked at me and then got into action after seeing me clutch my side, Riddick came and sat beside me, I watch the Mason guy get out some gloves and put them on, he then came towards me and asked me,

M--"Do you mind lifting your shirt?" I hesitated but then lifted up my shirt for him to see it I just leaned back on the couch and closed my eyes, then I felt him push on my side and keep doing it and I had to tell him to stop,

M--"Well your ribs aren't broken, but I can tell you, you have a lot of swelling, if the person who did this to you did stop when they did you would have some broken ribs for sure and your nose doesn't feel broken, your just banged up pretty bad, your very tough"

L--"There were 3 or 4 of them, and no I am not as tough as I used to be" I sat up and let my shirt drop, I tried to get up on my own but I couldn't use my stomach muscles, I looked up and tried again and I felt a tear fall down my face so I closed my eyes and then I felt somebody pick me up, I winced,

R--"Sorry pretty girl, let's get you home" I just nodded then leaned my body against him, once he had Mason open the door we walked out and I heard everybody grow quiet, I open my eyes and seen my brother, Derek, Sally, and Ally all standing by the table we were sitting at, then I looked around and seen everybody standing up and by the door with their hands behind there back and I was confused, so once we walked out I asked Riddick,

L--"Why were they standing like that?"

R--"They know your my Ol' Lady so they respect you, especially what you just went through" he looked at me finally and I see that he was still mad. Riddick suddenly stopped,

R--"Is this were it happened"

L--"Let's just go, please Riddick" He just nodded his head and finished his way to the car, he opened up the door and gently sat me down in the car, once I was safely in the car he closed the door, he talked to whoever was outside of the car I just looked over at the wooded area that surrounded us and then I heard the door open and close, I looked to my left and seen that Riddick was in the driver's side clenching the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles were white, I sighed and tried to sit up but winced and sat back against my seat,

R--"I'm going to take you through some where to get something to eat, you probably don't want anything, but Mason have me some pain medicine, and told me you have to eat something with it or it will make you sick, do you have anywhere you what to go?"

L--"Ummm, McDonald's please" he nodded his head and started his car and off we went, once we pulled up to the drive through, he ordered 2 number ones, which consist of a Big Mac, Medium Fry, and a large Sweet Tea. On our way back to the house I had eaten my fries and drank half of my Sweet Tea, and took my medication, I broke the silence by saying,

L--"T-thank you so much for helping me"

R--"You don't need to thank me, it was my pleasure helping you" he smiled at me with a honest and sincere smile, I smiled back.

Once we pulled up to the house he shut off the car, grabbed our food, and then opened up the car door, not wanting him to carry me all the way up the front steps, into the living room, and wall they up the stairs to his bedroom, I opened up the door and since I took the medication I felt better but trust me I can still feel the pain but I wanted to help myself, once out of the car and I was standing I heard footsteps coming from the house,

R--"Luna you should have waited on me"

L--"I'm fine, the medicine is helping a lot" I said with a smile, I walked all the way from the alley up to the porch and I am starting to feel tired which I think he noticed because he suddenly picked me up bridal style and walked me all the way up the stairs, Once in the bedroom he was about to sit me on the bed and I shook my head while telling him,

L--"I'm dirty and bloody, can I take a quick shower" he nodded and took me to the bathroom, he sat me on the countertop, and he started to undress me, once I was fully naked, he helped me get in the shower and I asked him,

L--"I hate to ask you this, but can you please help me wash up?" He nodded his head and stripped from his clothes and got into the shower with me and did as I asked him, he washed me and didn't try anything sexual, which showed me a different side of him, the loving and nurturing side and I loved it.

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