After Training 18+

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After walking up the stairs I was about to close the door but it was stopped by a hand, knowing it was Riddick, I sighed and let go of the door and walked to the bathroom closing the door and stripping out of my clothes and turning on the water to hot and waited for it to be fully hot and I step into the water, I felt my body relax and I put my head on the wall and let the sob rack through me.

After a few seconds of sobbing about the day, I felt a hand on my shoulder, I stood up straight, I wiped my tears away and I turned and I instantly hugged Riddick, finally feeling him put his arms around me pushing me closer by hugging me tight after a few seconds he asked,

R--"Please tell what is wrong?" I hesitated and deciding to not tell him about the group of guys, I brought up what he said this morning,

L--"Did you enjoy yourself last night? I know I'm not experienced like some of the girls you have had, and if you don't want to anymore it's fine, I-" he stopped my ranting and said

R--"What makes you think I didn't enjoy myself?"

L--"Your comment that you said this morning" I pulled back to look at his face, is face was confused for a second then recognition came over his face and said in a serious tone,

R--"Pretty girl, I was just kidding with you, and I did enjoy myself, very much so" he leaned down and kissed me, it was innocent at first but then it got more passionate, next thing I knew I was pushed up against the wall under the water and he started to kiss me harder and then he said in my ear,

R--"Jump" I moaned getting turned on even more because I love that he can carry my weight, I didn't as he said after he smacked my ass because I wasn't listening to him,

R--"Good girl" I moaned yet again, not knowing why it turned me on when he praised me,

R--"Does my pretty girl like getting praised?" He said while kissing my neck, I moaned, and I felt him smack my ass yet again and I moaned again

R--"I think my pretty girl has a kink" I blushed, and he looked at me and chuckled, I didn't care right now, I just really need him in me,

L--"Please R-Riddick"

R--"What pretty girl?"

L--"I need you"

R--"Tell me what you want from me" I shook my head knowing what he wanted me to say, and I couldn't, he smacked my ass and I moaned, and he said,

R--"Tell me what you want pretty girl, right now" I moaned liking him taking control like he is, and I felt like I needed to tell him what I wanted,

L--I want you to fuck me please Riddick I need you so bad" I then felt him thrust in me with all of his power, I moaned, so loud I bet the neighbors could hear us and they live 3 miles from us, I was still sore from our activities from last night, he all of the sudden pulls out of me and said,

R--"Turn around and put your hands on the glass, and push your ass out" I did as he said, and he said,

R--"Good girl, I think my pretty girl needs an incentive for listening, don't you think so pretty girl" I nodded, and he smacked me, and I gasped getting turned on,

R--"Words pretty girl"

L--"Yes sir" I was shocked that I just called him that, I heard him groan and I heard him say,

R--"Mmm, baby girl says that during sex from now on, okay?" I nodded and said,

L--"Yes sir" I then heard movement behind me and I felt him push in me and I gasped, in this position it was like I could feel every part of him and I clenched when I felt his balls hit my butt, he then started to thrust in and out, occasionally rolling his hips which added to the pleasure I was feeling, I was about to moaned when I felt pressure on my other hole and I gasped when it was taken off and then replaced with a wet finger and I felt him slowly push his finger in and I said instantly,

L--"Riddick please another night, I'm already so s-sore" I finished while moaning out the word sore,

L--"Ohhh please sir, I'm about to cum" I felt him start to go faster and and faster almost at inhuman speed and I gasped when I was about to cum,

R--"Cum for me pretty girl"

L--"OHHHHH, SIRRRR" I finally reached my orgasm and so did Riddick, he pulled out and I had to steady myself,

R--"Shit" I stood up and I turned to him and looked at him confused,

R--"I came twice in you" he started to pace in the shower, I walked calmly under the water and said,

L--"I'm on birth control, and I'll explain why later, now you can please help me wash I am really tired" he nodded, and I see the tense emotion leave his face and he started to wash me, it was quiet until right when he was about done, he asked me,

R--"Did you know you were a submissive?" I was confused so I asked him,

L--"What does that mean"

R--"It means you like being dominated by a Dom in the bedroom and sometimes people like it outside the bedroom which you clearly don't, it means that you liked being spanked when doing something bad, and getting praised when you do something good" I thought about what he said, and nodded,

L--" I never realized it because I had never had sex before you, as you know, but I guess it does fit me"

R--"I like it, I have always been a dominant in the bedroom" with that we both got out of the shower, and got dressed, once we were done we walked down the stairs and I blushed when we walked into the kitchen and seen the girls sitting there with my brother he had a face on like he was about to puke, I laugh and I see that there was a table full of food and Riddick sat down in a chair and pulled me down on his lap, I tried to get up but he just gripped my hip to keep me sitting on him and then I hear the girls say something about me and him being goals or something, I grabbed a plate full of food and started eating as everybody else did, we were half way done with our food and I heard Sally ask me,

S--"What did those boys say for you to storm out of the gym like you did" I tensed when J felt Riddick grip my hip hard nor hard enough to hurt me but hard anyways,

R--"What is she talking about?"

L--"Nothing it is fine" I grabbed my stuff and walked to the sink,

R--"What is she talking about?" He used the voice he used in the bedroom, I instantly want to listen to him, so I answered in a small voice,

L--"They were talking about me that is all"

R--"Speak up Luna, what did they say?" He said in the same voice,

L--"They said why would two sexy women want to be friends with a pig and kept saying oink oink at me, and when I walked out I they seen my scars on my back which nobody has ever seen them other than you, not even the girl, I had them stay in front of me when we were practicing, so I started crying and I tried to tell them off but they laughed at me some more when I walked out" I felt a tear slip from my eyes and then I felt him wipe them away with his hands,

R--"Come on guys you are my back up, pretty girl, I need you to point them out for me, can you do that for me?" I nodded nodded said quiet, so nobody heard me,

L--"Yes sir" he looked at me shocked then a soft face came to him face and he walked up at me and wrapped his arms around me, and he said in my ear that he was sorry he used that tone of voice outside of the bedroom,

L--"It's fine sir, I liked it" I heard a soft groan in my ear, so I pulled back and looked down at him seeing him so hard it looked painful, I whisper to him,


R--"Don't baby girl, I love it when you say stuff like that" I heard a gagging sound behind us, I looked at him in the eyes and blush, he chuckles and said,

R--"Come on pretty girl, let's go kick those idiots' asses" I giggled still in my submissive side, we all walked out, and he said to go ahead of us, while they pulled out if the driveway, I looked at him confused,

R--"Baby girl I need your help before we get there" I just nodded, while he started his car, then I heard and felt a smack on my thigh and I moaned,

R--"Words baby girl"

L--"Yes sir" he looked at me and smirk

Author's note:
Sorry if you guys don't like kinky stuff but I had to make it more interesting!

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