Getting Ready

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I woke up and went to turn over in the bed but I was stopped by an arm and all of the events came back to me from what happened yesterday and I instantly blushed and stopped myself from turning around and closed my eyes letting out a breath and then I was brought out of my thoughts by being pulled back into Riddick so now I am laying with my back up against his front, my mouth was open in shock not knowing what to do about this situation, I then had the sudden urge to pee and I sighed in frustration because I don't know what to do in this situation, I decided on trying to pry his arms from around me, but then I was stopped by him, 

R--"Luna go back to sleep" 

L--"U-umm I have to p-pee"

R--"On a scale of one to ten how bad" 

L--"Right now a 9" I heard him sigh and him lifting his hands off of me, I quickly went to the bathroom, when I was done with all of my business I went back out, I instantly stop in my tracks when I saw a girl on my side of the bed next to a sleeping Riddick well I hope he is sleep, I decided to say something right before she could lean in and kiss where ever she was about to kiss him at, 

L--"Hello, can I help you?" she looked back at me in shock then looked at my appearance with disgusts and said while walking over to me handing me money, 

B--"Well I am Riddick's girlfriend, Brittney, I am not sure if you are just a one night stand or the maid but either way here is the money that he owes you, now get lost he doesn't need you anymore I am here" I know how to handle girls like her, you just have to shut up and ignore them, so I said back to her before walking out, 

L--"Yes ma'am" 

B--"Oh and don't come back" I didn't say anything because I don't know what to say, I walked down to the kitchen and started to cook, when I was about done with the food I heard people walking into the house and I saw everybody there smiling at me, I smiled back and turned back to my cooking, right as I was coming back with the orange juice and sitting down to eat with everybody I saw the girl take my seat which is fine I will just eat after everybody is done, I place the juice on the table and walk back towards the counter where I see some left over food thankful I cooked enough for left overs, I grabbed a plate and stood at the counter but just as I start to eat I heard from the table that was acrossed room, 

R--"Luna why aren't you joining us?" I couldn't help but look over at her and saw her smiling to herself, I then look back at him and saw that he was also looking at her, 

L--"I am fine right here" I heard him say,

R--"Brittney what are you still doing here? You took Kane's sister Luna's chair" she looked shocked and then said with a small giggle to Kane, I know what she is thinking, how could such a tone and well put together guy be a brother to a fat not together person, 

B--"She is your sister?" 

K--"Yeah, you got a problem, because if you do, as Vice President of this gang I will kick you out as fast as you could even blink" I looked at him shocked and then I see her stand up angry and then stormed out of the house, 

R--"Now come and eat with us, oh and by the way we are going to the club I own tonight so you and the girls need to be ready here and a little bit" I looked down and lost my appetite, I hate clubs I only went one time, and I was bullied the whole time, I was pulled out of my thoughts,

S--"Come on girl, eat up we need to start getting ready for tonight" I sighed and stood up, 

L--"I'm not very hungry anymore, you guys go ahead and have a good morning" when I was about to pass by Kane, he grabbed my arm and stopped me and said to me, 

K--"Are you okay going to the club I know right before you umm..." he didn't know what to say so I answered for him,

L--"Sold, and yes I am fine I need to get ready" I then walked up the stairs slowly thinking this is going to be the worst night ever. After about an hour-long shower, the girls had come to Riddick's room and helped me and got themselves ready, now it was time to go and I was wearing a black slip dress with black sparkly heels and my natural curly hair,

Luna's outfit, shoes, and hair:

Luna's outfit, shoes, and hair:

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(That's how I imagined her hair being)

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(That's how I imagined her hair being)

I walked down the stairs with the girls and when we got down them we walked to the living room and we see all of the guys dressed up in suits and talking about their company which I didn't know Riddick had, we walked up to them and by now I was behind the girls because I was a tad bit nervous to say the least they all stopped talking, and when I looked up the girls had parted and I was in the spotlight and now I felt like I was going to have a panic attack but I kept calm and stood tall, 

K--"You look beautiful sis" he said with a smile which I smiled back to him and then Riddick came up to me and grabbed my hand a dragged me to his car outside, well I guess he didn't like my outfit very well, he opened the door for me and then got in his self and took off, it was silent for half the way until he said while putting his hand on my thigh,

R--"You look beautiful pretty girl; I don't want you to think I didn't" I kept my gaze out the window not saying anything because deep down I know he was just saying that because he felt sorry for me.

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