Kicked Out

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When we were done, we walked back to the front of the gang's house and seen everybody looking at me so I decide to say to everybody, 

L--"I know that everybody seen me at sort of my worst but please quit looking at me when I walk into the building like I am going to break down in front of you"

Random--"What do you mean 'sort' of your worst" I chuckled dryly, 

L--"Well sir you haven't seen the worst or even imagined what I went through, through my lifetime" I turned around and seen that my mother and father were standing behind Riddick I chuckled once again and walked to the bar and asked the bar tender, 

L--"Can I have a beer please?" he nodded and walked to get me one and I then heard my mother say behind me, 

M--"You shouldn't be drinking; do you see anybody else drinking this early?" he sat in front of me with a slight smile on his face and he said quietly 

Bartender--"Everybody has had one beer already" that made me give him a slight smile and a quick nod of my head and took a drink of it before placing it back down on the counter and then my mother once again spoke up, 

M--"You look trashy" I clinch my hand around my beer and looked up at the bartender again and when he seen my face he had a slight bit of a scared face on but right now I don't give a shit, I took a big long drink before getting up slowly while Riddick leans against the bar looking at me with a smirk, I slowly made my way over to my mother and punch her as hard as I can and did it again, I seen my father coming towards me from the side, I grabbed my mother's hair on my hand and quickly grabbed my gun from under my leather jacket and pointed it at his face, 

L--"Make another step and I will blow your fucking head off" my dad smirks at me and walks closer and once his head was about to touch the barrel of my gun he said, 

F--"You don't have the guts to" I smirked and cocked my gun back and I said

L--"You want to say that again" I then heard movement around the club and when I looked around, I seen a lot of guns pointed at me I sighed and looked at Riddick with a eyebrow raised, he said 

R--"They're backing you up" I nod and said, 

L--"You guys must be wondering why you were instructed to back me up, Father would you like to explain" I said while still looking at the guys around me, and when I said father their eyes went wide, I smirked when my father didn't say anything, I let go of my mother's hair and lowered my gun and walked up to Riddick and kissed him on the lips and said in his ear

L--"I'm going to show them" he nodded at me and said to his men, 

R--"Don't look at her any way other than a sister and if you do, it won't be pretty" I took my jacket off and then my shirt and I turned around and let the look at my back,

L--"This is what years and years of torcher looks like" I then turned so my so-called parents could see my back and I heard them gasp, I spoke to the people that are in here,

L--"My parents sold me to this biker gang not too far from here the leaders name is Kent, and I have possibly been through more shit than any of you"

Random--"Boss may I make a suggestion?" I looked at Riddick and I could feel myself losing my confidence as I look at him looking at me, he walks over to me and he picked up my shirt and helped me put it back on and then held up my jacket for me to slide my arms in it and he then finally looked at the guy that asked him the question earlier,

R--"What is the suggestion"

Random--"Kick them both out, because if they could do that to their own daughter what will they do for us in the time of need" I stood there thinking and I actually agree, I looked up and I see everybody standing in front of me looking for the answers, so I looked over to Riddick who was now once again leaning on the bar with his hands in his pockets looking at me and I raised a brow in question,

R--"Luna, pretty girl you have to make the call"

L--"But I am nothing in the gang, why do I have to pick" he looked at me with the stern bedroom face and I blush, but I cleared my throat before turning around and said,

L--"I did love you once and I don't know what I did to be sold to Kent, but I will never forgive you for what you made me go through"

M--"Hardly a few strikes with what a belt would be bad I could do it" when she said that it sent me over the edge,

L--"At first it was treating me like a slave, then people tried to rape me because I guess they couldn't find any other pussy so they didn't care about my weight and looks they tried but the other bar tender took the beating for me, then it started going to knife play and just then I thought it would be the worst, no it wasn't, they would make me work with certain rules like I could look them in the eye, I had to sit on the floor while drinking and eating, well when they let me drink and eat, and if they wanted to be nice with their punishment they would just send me up to my room for three days which was a broom closet, with no food or water, as for all the new scar that cover my old ones, they are from a whip and you wouldn't know the pain I felt when they wiped me for just spilling beer" I paused and took a deep breath and looked at everybody and I looked at the one that spoke up with the suggestion and said,

L--"Escort them off the premises, and don't leave their side till they are gone, I don't care what you do but just make sure I don't see them again"

M--"Wait can we at least please get a bag of our stuff"

L--"You didn't let me get a bag, you didn't let me say goodbye to my brother or anybody" I walked over to Riddick and he is looking at the ground he didn't look at me at all which caused me to sigh and turn around and I walked to the door and then once out of the building I debated waiting for him or just walking, I started walking through the big parking lot when I heard,

R--"Get in the car Luna" I was sad that he had said my name and not pretty girl or baby girl, I sigh yet again and turned around and opened the door for myself and got in and waited for him, once he was done doing whatever he has to on his phone he got in and started to drive, while he was driving clinching the steering wheel tight as he can, I leaned against the window and took a power nap until we get home.

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