Different Training

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I woke up so sore, then flashes of what we did made me blush, Riddick's voice brought me out of my thoughts,

R--"Are you hurting to bad?"

L--"I'll be fine" I looked up smiling at him then I thought about what I wanted from him,

L--"I'm sorry for asking you to do something crazy with me like that"

R--"Baby girl that's not crazy it's natural to want things differently than others sex lives, we aren't all the same" I blush but nodded anyways,

L--"Man I really wanted to train a little bit today, but I don't think my body can handle it after what you just did to my body" he chuckled beneath and said,

R--"I can train you in a different way" I looked at him with an eyebrow raised thinking it's something sexual,

R--"Not like that, Luna, I mean a really different way of protecting yourself" I shrugged and said

L--"Okay let me just go shower and then get dressed" I said while sitting up, I swung my legs over the desk and got of slowly, with my legs still being sore and weak I almost fell but Riddick caught me before I tell,

L--"Ummm I might need some help" I heard him chuckle yet again and he quickly got off the desk and he lifted me up like a child on his hip and carried me to our room, yes I called it our room because I am basically living in it now, when we reached the room we walked straight to the bathroom, he sat me on the counter and he turned on the water and once it was the right temperature he lifted me on his hip once again and stepped into the shower, once totally in the shower he sat me down on the floor and I stood there trying to gain my balance,

R--"Are you okay to stand?"

L--"Yeah, I'm just a little sore"

R--"Alright" he sounded unconvinced with my answer I just shook my head and reached for my body wash and a rag, and I was about to start washing myself off when Riddick asked me,

R--"Pretty girl can I wash you?" I didn't answer him verbally I just nodded my head yes, he took the rag out of my hand and started washing me, again seeing that side of him from that day I was beat up, I asked in an unsure tone since I don't know if he wanted me to ask him about it or not,

L--"Have you found those guys?" The guys that beat me up suddenly disappeared in thin air, I heard him clear his throat and lifted my chin up so that we were looking at each other, he then answered my question,

R--"No I am sorry baby, and I promise that I will try my hardest to get them" I smiled at him no matter if it doesn't reach my eyes, I know that I might seem tough, but that day really scared me, I guess I got to used to not being beat up every five seconds,

R--"What are you thinking about?"

L--"That I have weakened in my toughness" I smiled then walked under the water and rinsed out my hair, once I was done I walked out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me, and went into the closet to dry off and to get dressed, I put on some skinny jeans, white tank top, and a white leather jacket, I paired this outfit with a pair of black heels.

L--"That I have weakened in my toughness" I smiled then walked under the water and rinsed out my hair, once I was done I walked out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me, and went into the closet to dry off and to get dressed, I put on some ...

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R--"Damn pretty girl" I felt myself blush and then I seen him in a similar outfit, he had black on though and black combat boots on, I smiled and said,

L--"Thank you, now where are we going to train at?" You might think that's a dumb question, but he has two different locations,

R--"The main house" I feel my body tense, but I didn't say anything and nodded my head while walking over and grabbing my phone and said while turning to look at him,

L--"Are you ready?"

R--"Yeah let's go" we then walked down the stairs and he grabbed his keys and we walked out and got into his car, it was silent until we get there we both got out and I stood there looking at the spot that I got beat up at, it still had my blood on the ground, I felt a finger under my chin to lift my head up, when I looked up I seen Riddick looking at me with a worried face on and I slowly smile and said,

L--"I'm fine, it just took me a second, are you ready?" He nodded and grabbed my hand and walked us in the building, when we walked in, I was shocked that everybody once again stood up and looked at me with their hands behind their backs

L--"Why are they still doing that?"

R--"Because they respect you"

L--"Well how do you turn it off?"

R--"Stand easy men, she will be coming in here a lot so you won't be needing to do that anymore" I relaxed when they did, Riddick then walked us to the back of the building and down this really long hallway that never seemed to end, he dropped my hand and dug through his pants pocket and he pulled out a key once he had opened the door he walked in first and I walked in second, I looked around shocked at all the weapons are in the very large warehouse room, he walked over to the wall that had all of the hand guns and picked up one and handed it to me,

R--"How does it feel?"

L--"It's really heavy" he took it from me and put it back up, once he was done putting it back up, he walked down the wall a little further and grabbed a different one and handed it to me and he looked at me with a questionable face on, I smiled and said,

L--"This one feels better than the other one" It was a black and gold gun, he picked up and different gun and then started to walk further down the warehouse until we got to another door, this one wasn't locked so we just walked right in, once we were in there I looked sound and seen that we were in a gun range, he led me up to one of the both and he told me to put on ear muffs and to go ahead and start, I did as told, I remember how they used to stand when shooting so I stood like they did and gave it my best shot, but I didn't stop until I emptied the clip, I then slowly took off my earmuffs and the loaded the gun again, put the safety and then I sat it down on the small table beside us and I walked off so he could walked up and he pushed a button and brought the target closer to get it, when he got it, I had got 2 off the target and the rest all in the center I smiled at Riddick when he turned around with with smirk, he then said,

R--"I think we got our new assassin" him saying that made me feel like an actually have a purpose now, he put up another target and took a turn, then he went and got a different gun, and we continued to do this for the rest of the day.

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